Dear Dealer and Collector Friends,
The Essex Community Club is proud to sponsor its annual LABOR DAY ANTIQUE & FLEA MARKET on Labor Day Weekend 2008.
The Essex Flea Market has been a favorite of both collectors and dealers since it’s beginning in 1970. Dealers are the continuing success of the Essex Antique & Flea Market andthat is why we added the new twist, to help you be more successful. We look forward to having our old friends join us, and we also look forward to welcoming new dealers.
We have tried to encourage those with antiques and collectibles to attend. We do not permit garage sale, clothes, tires, and other items and reserve the right to limit sales of items of a questionable nature.
This event is well advertised regionally and nationally. All set-up fees are used for related costs of this fun event. We anticipate attendance of well over 10,000 people for this celebration.
We look forward to seeing you in Essex for our Labor Day Celebration!
Any Questions call the committee Chair: Harold Decuir 712-379-3158 /

Where: Essex, Iowa
When: August 29 - Sept. 1, 2008
Continuing this year!
1.)Not in the park, set up on city streets, visible from Hwy 48. Along Burlington Ave, Central Ave, & Denison (see map).
2.)Multiple days if you choose or just on Labor Day.
Time:You can set up anytime after 4:00 pm on Friday August 29, and open for business August 30 -September 1 (8am to 5 pm).
Set up Sunday night or Monday morning and open for business Labor Day (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
Spaces will be assigned on a first reserved basis.
Visit for a complete Labor Day schedule. / Fees:
1 Day $25 (15 X 20 ft.) per space
3 Days $45 (15 x 20 ft.) per space.
Will accommodate pickups and vans. Let us know if you have a larger vehicle.
Electrical: We have a very limited number of Electrical outlets so these will be provided on a 1st come basis. If you require electricity please include an additional $10 per day.
Taxes:All dealers will be responsible for providing us with a current sales tax number for collecting Iowa sales tax (7%). The state of Iowa prohibits us from allowing vendors who have not done this to participate in the flea market again.
Reservations:Complete and return this form with your check by August 24th. Spaces will be marked for early arrivals.
Essex Labor Day Celebration
PO Box 216

Essex, IA51638

Check In: At the Antique Caboose Friday 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm and Monday 7:00 am to 9:00 am. For reference a booth map will be posted in the West Window.

You will need your own tables and when you leave please help keep our town clean by placing litter in containers we provide.

Please Return this form no later than 8/24/2008:
Essex Antique & Flea Market
PO Box 216
Essex, IA51638
Please Reserve ______spaces.
I am enclosing $______
($25 per space for 1 day, $45/space for 3 days, checks payable to Essex Community Club)

I would like to setup by exhibitor ……..

______if available.

Email______ / Essex Community Club
Essex, Iowa 51638
/ Antiques
38th Annual


Labor Day
Antique & Flea

Essex, Iowa

Sponsored by
Essex Community Club