Saturday 20 May 2017


(Held under British Showjumping Rules)


All Classes will be drawn order. Order will be available on on Friday 19th May

Queriesto S. Low-Mitchell 07715 545769

No member shall allow a stallion for which he/she is responsible as owner, lessee, authorised agent or rider to compete or be prepared to compete, in any show jumping competition without taking adequate precautions to ensure other members of the public are not put at risk of injury.


Miss J Pelly, Kennels Cottage, Solsgirth, By Dollar; Mrs J W Paterson, Lea Park, Arbroath Road, Forfar;

Mr B Watson, 45 Carden Avenue, Cardenden

COURSE BUILDER:Mr N Jess, 14 Church Road, Dromara, Dromore, Co Down

Kindlysponsored by Gordon Harley

Secretary: Kirsten Mirrey



Class 700Club Mixed 80cm (Horses & Ponies)

Club (Single Phase). Time Allowed: 2 minutes. Start Height 80cm.DRAWN ORDER

In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes may be withheld. Rule - 76.6

Open to non-registered or British Showjumping Club competitors, horses and ponies. Riders of any age are allowed on ponies. Stallions are not permitted to jump in any Club classes. Qualifying period: 1st July 2016 to 30th June 2017

Numbers to qualify: The Top 20 from each of the four height category league tables, will qualify for the National Club Championships held at the British Showjumping National Championships. Club registered horse(or pony)/rider combinations are eligible to qualify and in more than one height category.

Points 1st = 12, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 8, 4th = 6, 5th = 4, 6th = 3. Double Clear Points = 3.

Points are allocated depending on the number of starters; every one in five starters is eligible for points. If you gain a double clear you will receive three points regardless of starters.

Online entry only at Pre-entry only by 17 May. Limited to 30 entries. Entry Fee - £10.00

Prizes in Kind, kindly sponsored by Cairnie Fruit FarmKelly Connor Baillie, BS Fife Academy Coach.

Class 701Club Mixed 90cm (Horses & Ponies)

Club (Single Phase). Time Allowed: 2 minutes. Start Height 90cm.DRAWN ORDER

In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes may be withheld. Rule - 76.6

Open to non-registered or British Showjumping Club competitors, horses and ponies. Riders of any age are allowed on ponies. Stallions are not permitted to jump in any Club classes.Qualifying period: 1st July 2016 to 30th June 2017

Numbers to qualify: The Top 20 from each of the four height category league tables, will qualify for the National Club Championships held at the British Showjumping National Championships. Club registered horse(or pony)/rider combinations are eligible to qualify and in more than one height category.

Points 1st = 12, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 8, 4th = 6, 5th = 4, 6th = 3. Double Clear Points = 3.

Points are allocated depending on the number of starters; every one in five starters is eligible for points. If you gain a double clear you will receive three points regardless of starters.

Online entry only at Pre-entry only by 17 May. Limited to 30 entries. Entry Fee - £10.00

Prizes in Kind, kindly sponsored by Cairnie Fruit FarmKelly Connor Baillie, BS FifeAcademy Coach.


Leading Rider Class 700/701

Kindly sponsored by Kirsten Mirrey Art

The winner will receive a rug and an Artwork Print & Cards. The combination of horse/rider that accumulates the most points between both classes will win the prize. Points will be allocated to the top 6 in each class as follows:

1st – 10pts; 2nd – 8pts; 3rd – 6pts; 4th – 4pts, 5th – 2pts; 6th – 1pt



Entries in these classes are confined to registered horses ridden by members of British Showjumping in accordance with BS Rule 79. All Classes - in the event of insufficient entries lower prizes may be withheld. Rule - 76.6.If there is space in a Class, late entries MAY be taken on the day. These entries will jump first and there will be a £3 surcharge per entry.

Class 702 Connolly's RED MILLS Senior Newcomers - First Round/1.10m Open Rule 312. Two Phase. Speed 325mpm. Start Height 1.10m.Commencing after Class 701. DRAWN ORDER

First place rosette kindly sponsored by Connolly's RED MILLS. In the event of 30 or more starters the class will be split and two sets of prize money awarded. Horses / ponies may only compete in one section.

Newcomers: (a) For registered horses in Grade C that have not won a total of 375 points. Four double clears will qualify - in accordance with rule 312.6 (b) For all registered horses that are six years or under at the year that the final is going to be held, irrespective of points. Horses will be eligible for double clear qualification to attend second rounds providing they reach the age of six years or under in the same calendar year as the Senior Newcomers Final - in accordance with rule 312.6.

Four double clears will qualify for the Senior Newcomers Second Rounds. Qualifying period 1st June - 31st May inclusive.

The first 6 combinations and all double clears in the Newcomer class will qualify for the 1m10 Championship at The Game Fair29-30 July 2017, Hatfield House, Herts. Qualification letters will be sent direct to the riders from British Showjumping.

1.10m Open: For registered horses ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members. If combined with an open:In the event of 30 or more starters the class will be split with two sets of prize money.

Online entry only at Pre-entry only by 17 May. Limited to 40 entrants. Entry Fee - £15.00

Prize money + rug for Newcomers winner kindly sponsored by Lohoar Sport Horses

Prizes (per section if split): 1st: £50.00, 2nd: £40.00, 3rd: £30.00, 4th: £20.00, 5th: £15.00, Total: £155.00

Class 703 The Andrew Hamilton, COACH, R H S Foxhunter Qualifier

Rule 310. Table A7. Speed 350mpm. Start Height 1.20m. Commencing after Class 702. DRAWN ORDER

Final Kindly Sponsored by Andrew Hamilton, Coach. Table A7, Speed 350mpm. Height of fences not to exceed 1.20m in first round.

For registered horses in Grade C not to have won a total of 700 points, to be ridden by Adult Associate or Junior Members. Age rule applies.Qualifiers must jump clear in the first round. First TWO horses will qualify, disregarding those already qualified, for the final at the RHS 2017. Height of fences in final not to exceed 1.30m. Entries will be limited in the final to a maximum of 3 horses per rider.

Any double clears gained in this class will also count towards the four double clears required for the Senior Foxhunter Second Rounds - qualification in accordance with Rule 310.6. Those horses that have qualified for the Senior Foxhunter Championship in 2016 are not eligible for qualification to the 2017 Championship.

The first 6 combinations and all double clears in the Foxhunter class will qualify for the 1m20 Championship at The Game Fair29-30 July 2017, Hatfield House, Herts. Qualification letters will be sent direct to the riders from British Showjumping.

Online entry only at Pre-entry only by 17 May. Entry Fee = £18.00

Prize money kindly sponsored by Eden Veterinary Practice. Rug for winner kindly sponsored by Kilmaron Electrical.

Prizes: 1st: £75.00, 2nd: £50.00, 3rd: £38.00, 4th: £25.00, 5th: £20.00, 6th: £18.00, Total: £226.00

Class 704 The Aurora Hotel Collection RHS Classic Championship Qualifier

Table A7. Speed 350mpm. Start Height 1.20m.Commencing after Class 703. DRAWN ORDER

Final Kindly Sponsored by The Aurora Hotel Collection

Table A7. Speed 350mpm. Height of fences not to exceed 1.20m in first round.

Must include a double and a treble combination and a water tray. For registered horses of any grade to be ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members excluding the riders in the Gold League as at 30th September 2016. Riders who have ever competed as a team member of any Senior International Team (Nations Cup, World, European Championships and Olympic Games are not eligible). Junior Members and Young Riders who have ever competed in Nations Cup/International Team Events and European Championships in the last five years are not eligible (Excluding Veteran and Home Pony Teams). Qualifiers must jump clear in the first round. First TWO horse/rider combinations will qualify, disregarding those already qualified, for the final at the RHS 2017. Final will be run under Table A10 with fences starting at 1.20m.Entries will be limited in the final to a maximum of 2 Horses per rider and to those riders not competing in any open class of 1.40m or above.

Online entries only at Pre-entry only by 17 May. Entry Fee = £18.00 Prize money + rug for winner kindly sponsored by Hutchinson Networks. Prizes: 1st: £75.00, 2nd: £50.00, 3rd: £38.00, 4th: £25.00, 5th: £20.00, 6th: £18.00, Total: £226.00


Table A10. Speed 350mpm. Start Height 1.25m. Commencing after Class 704. DRAWN ORDER.

Final Kindly Sponsored by Allen and Page

Table A10. Speed 350mpm. Height of fences in first round 1.25m.

For registered horses in Grades B & C to be ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members. Qualifiers must jump clear in the first round. First TWO horses will qualify, disregarding those already qualified, for the Final at the RHS 2017. Height of fences in final

not to exceed 1.35m Table A10. Entries will be limited in the final to a maximum of 2 horses per rider.

Online entries only at Pre-entry only by 17 May. Entry Fee = £25.00

Prize money + rug for winner Kindly sponsored by Brownhills Farm Livery, St Andrews and D-MAC Tanks & Construction Ltd.

Prizes: 1st: £100.00, 2nd: £70.00, 3rd: £50.00, 4th: £30.00, 5th: £25.00, 6th: £25.00, Total: £300.00

Class 706Senior 1.30m Open incorporating The Strathallan Events RHS Young Masters Championship Qualifier

Table A7. Speed 350mpm. Start Height 1.30m. Commencing after Class 705. DRAWN ORDER

Final Kindly Sponsored by Strathallan Events, Auchterarder.

For registered horses of any grade to be ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members.

Qualifying riders will be taken from designated 1.30m Open ( Table A7) or 1.30m Championship (Table A10) classes. Speed 350 or 375mpm.To be eligible to qualify, riders must be aged 25 years or under on the day of the final at the RHS 2017. NB – Riders eligible for qualification must declare at time of entry.The TWO highest placed eligible horse/rider combinations will qualify, disregarding those already qualified, for the final at the RHS 2017 Qualifiers must jump clear in the first round.

Height of fences in final approximately 1.40m. Entries will be limited in the final to a maximum of 2 horses per rider.

Online entries only at Pre-entry only by 17 May. Entry Fee = £25.00

Prize money kindly sponsored by Copland Construction, CeresMeldrums, Cupar. Rug for winner kindly sponsored by

Balcormo Stud.

Prizes: 1st: £150.00, 2nd: £100.00, 3rd: £80.00, 4th: £60.00, 5th: £35.00, 6th: £25.00, Total: £450.00