Understanding that participation in athletics is a privilege, not a right and that each athlete must earn this privilege through dedication, desire and discipline, I make the following commitments:

I will make Softball a priority…

  • Do the right thing all of the time, whether someone is looking or not
  • Understand that being a Yellow Jacket is a privilege & a special honor
  • Accept responsibility for my behavior
  • Fight my own battles don’t let someone else do it for you
  • Discipline myself, so others don’t have to
  • Maintain healthy eating habits, get plenty of rest, eliminate behaviors that contribute to getting sick

I will attend all classes regularly and UPHOLD FHS DRESS CODE…

  • Attend tutoring if necessary to maintain a passing average for all classes
  • Dress only according to FISD dress code while on FISD property

I will be ON TIME to every class!

I will not schedule appointments during softball practice unless it is an emergency!

I will respect the school and the faculty, my coaches, my teammates, and my parents…

  • Will always be respectful to ALL authorities in my speech and actions
  • Follow all FISD and Ferris Athletic Department Code of Conduct Guidelines
  • Be a role model – a Lady Yellow Jacket has to abide by higher standards than the average student at Ferris High School

I will not put myself in any environment or situation that will jeopardize my standing in the Lady Jacket Softball program…

  • Skipping class or athletics
  • Dishonesty
  • Poor conduct/grades
  • Social behavior that is in violation of any State Law or District Policy


As a member of the Lady Jacket Softball Team, I am also expected to adhere to the following policies:


  1. Athletes “themselves” must call-in or text the HEAD COACH prior to practice if they are to be absent. Josh Jones 972-351-0707

Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absent.

  1. Missing three or more practices(due to non-emergencies) will result in removal from the team(this includes Saturday & Spring Break Practices)
  1. Being Late to practice will count as a partial absence
  1. Attending a practice or game for a team outside of FISD is not a valid excuse for missing a game or practice.
  2. An EXCUSED absence will require 4 POLES RUN to make-up running.
  3. An UNEXCUSED absence will require 8 POLES RUN for make up running with the

same time requirements.

  1. Absences MUST be made up as soon as possible or the first day an athlete is physically able.
  1. All poles must be completed before athlete is permitted to participate in a game.

Tardy or late for workouts

  1. If an athlete arrives within the first 15 minutes of practice – 1 Pole
  1. If an athlete arrives at practice after the first 15 minutes – 2 Poles
  1. If an excused tardy – (must be approved by Coach Jones)


  1. Practice: Issued Practice Pants/Practice Shirt: Orange Belt/cleats
  2. Game Day:/Game Day uniform and anything else issued for team to wear

Consequence: 2 Poles for each one missing


Each player will get there folders on Wednesday and Return them on Friday.

  1. They will get each teacher to sign it and put a P (passing) F (Failing) and a S (Satisfactory) and a U (unsatisfactory)
  2. For every F the athlete will run 3 poles and for every U they will run 5 poles
  3. If a athlete reaches 25 poles at a given time during the season they may be removed from the team. (coachsdiscrection)
  4. All poles will will be ran before she can play in next game.


  1. A doctor or trainers note is required indicating injury & anticipated down time. As with the Ferris Lady Jacket Athletic Program Policy, Parent notes will not be accepted for excusing, missing, or sitting out a practice. Modifications can be made at the discretion of Coach Jones and Trainer for the ONE TIME occurrence of a serious/emergency Parent Note.
  2. Athletes will undergo & complete the necessary treatment BEFORE/AFTER PRACTICE or within the designated time issued from the FISD training staff.
  3. Athletes are responsible for following their treatment schedule!
  4. Athletes will still attend practices & games.
  5. Doctor’s or trainer’s clearance is needed before returning to participate.


  1. All athletes will be at the school at least 15 minutes before the bus is to depart for any away games.
  2. Travel togames and tournaments will be as a team. If a athlete has to ride home with only their parent they must sign out and turn in all issued equipment before leaving with parent.

Athlete & Parental Concerns

To ensure that the FHS Athletic policies and procedures are carried out, all concerns or problems will be addressed in the following order:

  1. Athlete/Team Coach/Head Coach
  2. Athlete’s Parents/Team Coach /Head Coach
  3. Athlete’s Parent/Team Coach/Head Coach/Coach West
  4. Athlete’s Parent/Team Coach/Head Coach/Coach West – Girls A.D./Coach Layne – Athletic Director
  • Playing time questions will NOT be addressed nor will strategies or about another player.

As a part of the Lady Jacket Softball program, I am committed to EXCELLENCE on and off the field. As a Lady Jacket, I understand EXCELLENCE to be the continuous, relentless, never-ending commitment to improve.

I have read and agree to this contract set forth by the Lady Jacket Softball Program.