This organization shall be known as the Canon Mac Youth Lacrosse Association, hereinafter also referred to as the CMYLA or League.The CMYLA and the Lacrosse teams supported by it shall be affiliated with a league or leagues which best provide a level of competition commensurate with the team or team’s ability to compete. The league affiliation should reflect the Canon-McMillan Community.
Objectives of the CMYLA shall include the following:
- To foster, support and promote the ideals of good sportsmanship and healthy competition in a safe environment while encouraging positive citizenship and camaraderie among our Lacrosse teams.
- To unite members in the CMYLA desiring to advance the growth of Lacrosse in our Community via organization, development, operation and administration of said League.
- Raising the awareness of Lacrosse via the Canon McMillan Community and the Canon McMillan School District.
- To develop and promote positive working relationships with the Canon McMillan Community and School District in securing the necessary applications and permits for utilization of facilities for lacrosse practices, scrimmages, games, meetings, tournaments, events, etc.
Members in good standing in the CMYLA shall be subject upon the following:
Section I:
Membership in good standing in the CMYLA shall be subject to, and conditioned on, acceptance of and adherence to the CMYLA rules as prescribed in the Constitution and By Laws of said League. There are different categories of Membership. The first category of Membership shall include any adult resident in the Canon McMillan Community, age 18 or older. The second, Membership will include any athlete, male or female actually participating in the playing program.
Section II:
Eachathlete participating in the playing program shall be required to pay annual participation fee/dues to said League as may be prescribed by the organization. Assessment of participation fees/dues will be consistent for all participating members with consideration for reduced assessment in the event of two (2) or more members participating from within the same family in same year or any single member due to financial hardship. Request for reduced participation fees/dues consideration should be made to any Executive Board member wither verbally or in written form. Executive Board membership will immediately convene for the purpose of said request and make a determination. Determination shall be confidential and final.
Section III:
Any adult member who might lose his/her Membership in good standing shall become ineligible to participate in League and team activities. Grounds for loss of membership in good standing may be the result of conduct, language or incident contrary to the Articles as set forth in CMYLA Constitution and By Laws. Additionally, all adult members who are the legal guardians or parents of any participating athlete shall lose their voting status on CMYLA in the event that annual participation fee/dues are not received and paid in full by the established dates of the CMYLA.
Section IV:
Participating athlete may lose his Membership in good standing in the event that annual participation fee/dues are not received and paid in full by the established dates of the CMYLA. Loss of Membership status may result in suspended or terminated participation in practices, scrimmages, games, tournaments and post-season play.
Annual participation fee/dues will be clearly established and set forth by the Executive Board prior to the first game of the season.
Section I:
If a participating athlete terminates for any reason prior to the first game of theestablished season, participation fee/dues paid will be reimbursed at a rate of 100% minus all costs incurred by the CMYLA in reference to the athlete, i.e., equipment costs, insurance, preseason tournament expenses, mandatory fundraiser. Should termination occur at any time after the first game of the established season, partial reimbursement may occur at the sole discretion of the Executive Board dependent upon conditions and circumstances surrounding the request for reimbursement. However, in no case will partial reimbursement exceed 50% of the actual monies collected.
Section II:
A bank account in the name of the CMYLA shall be established and maintained with all received monies being deposited herein in a timely fashion. Additionally, any and all expenditures shall be evidenced by checks drawn thereupon said established account.
Section III:
The CMYLA shall adopt a fiscal year that commences on June 1 and ending upon May 31 unless otherwise unanimously agreed upon by the Board or amendment to said Constitution and By Laws.
Section I:
Officers of the CMYLA shall be comprised of Four (4) adult members and consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer. These individuals shall be known as the Executive Board.
Section II:
The term of the officers shall be Two (2) years. Officers may stand for re-election.
Section III:
The CMYLA will be governed by the Executive Board which shall have the full power to direct the affairs of the League between Membership meetings. Executive board will have voting rights
Section IV:
The Executive Committee shall consist of Four (4) elected officers with the President serving as the Chairperson and four(4) to seven(7) individual/s (non-voting), as determined by the Executive Board from time to time, with titles of but not limited to: Member at large registration, Member at large scheduling/league rep (Boys), Member at large scheduling/league rep (Girls), Member at large fundraising, Member at large operations/Field and equipment (Boys), , Member at large operations/Field and equipment (Girls)
The President shall
- Preside and oversee all regular or special meetings.
- Interpret the meaning of the Constitution and By Laws and such interpretation shall be subject to review by the board of directors
- Appoint all chairpersons of any ad-hoc committees established by the Board or Membership
- Call for organizational meeting of the membership or Board as necessary
- Sign in addition to or in place of the Treasurer all checks issued by the organization
- Provide assistance to Board members as needed in their duties
- Mediate concerns or conflict among Board members, parents or players.
The Vice President shall
- Preside in the absence of the President at all CMYLA Membership and Board meetings
- In the event the office of President becomes vacant during the elected term, the Vice President shall accede to the Presidency for the remainder of the term.
- Secure local EMS services to ensure that a certified EMT is at the field for all HOME games.for both the youth and HS programs.
- Secure permits for facility use
- Serve as an aide to the President.
The Secretary shall:
- Take an accurate written attendance of all individuals present at CMYLA meetings
- Record the minutes of all CMYLA Membership and Board Meetings in written form
- Be responsible for all communication from the Board or President readings meetings and general information including distribution of correspondence as may be requested by the Board or President
- Distribute minutes of the meetings
- Have charge of and preserve all documentation, minutes, correspondence and transcripts or other important effects surrounding CMYLA Membership and/or Board meetings
- Collect and preserve coach’s clearances and US Lacrosse Memberships
- At the conclusion of the Secretary’s term, originals or copies of all above referenced documents shall be provided to the newly elected Secretary or President.
The Treasurer shall:
- Have custody of all funds of the CMYLA
- Purchase and renew annually US Lacrosse insurance for the youth program
- Collect and keep a full and accurate account of all monies of the CMYLA
- Pay out funds as authorized by the President or Board
- Present to the CMYLA an annual financial report and proposed season budget on or before the October meeting for approval by the Board of Directors
- Present a brief report or statement of finance at each CMYLA meeting, which report may be verbal unless otherwise directed by the President
- If directed by the Board, coordinate and annual review of CMYLA’s books and records that is to be performed by a reviewer, or reviewers selected by the board The results of such review shall be presented to the Board, and if applicable, to the audit/review committee on an annual basis at a meeting determined by the board.
- Other tasks as assigned by the Board.
The Member-At- Large Registration
- Serves as a Non-voting member of the Executive Committee and assists in advancing the goals and objectives of the CMYLA.
- Coordinate registration of the youth boys and girls programs.
- Collect and preserve registration forms for all players.
- Review and document US Lacrosse membership for all players.
The Member -At- Large Schedule/League Representative (1 each for the Boys and girls programs)
- Serves as a non-voting member of the Executive Committee and assists in advancing the goals and objectives of the CMYLA.
- Scheduling games for boys and girls youth programs.
- Scheduling referees for games, verifying referees and notifying them of any changes or cancellations.
The Member-At- Large Fields and Equipment (1 each for the Boys and girls programs)
- Serves as a non-voting member of the Executive Committee and assists in advancing the goals and objectives of the CMYLA.
- Assess equipment needs of the boys and girls programs
- Purchase equipment as required for boys and girls youth programs.
- Ensure all fields are lined and ready for “Game Days.”
- Ensure all equipment required for games is available for use, i.e. tables, scorers, clocks, cones, etc.
- Other tasks or duties as assigned by the Board.
The Member-At- Large Fundraising
- Serves as a non- voting member of the Executive Committee and assists in advancing the goals and objectives of the CMYLA.
- Develop and organize annual fundraising recommendations.
- Develop calendar of fundraising activities and events.
- Oversee the management of each fundraising event.
- Other tasks/duties as assigned by the Board.
Nominations for positions of officers shall be made by any member in good standing including existing officers.
Section I
Any candidate(s) for election to the Board can be nominated prior to or during the May Board meeting. Any member of the CMYLA can be nominated for election to Board. Nomination of candidate must be seconded by another member in good standing.
Section II
The officers of CMYLA shall be elected at the May board meeting after nominations. Elected officers will assume their duties effective immediately.
Section III
All Executive board members shall be elected by a majority vote of members. Each member household will be eligible to cast one vote.
Section IV
Any vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the remainder of the term by any member in Good Standing selected by a majority vote of the members of the Executive Board.
Section V
Removal of any Board Member, Coordinators and/or Coach may be made for cause or may be made for violation of the Code of Conduct agreement
Section I
CMYLA general meetings shall be held at least Six (6) times per fiscal year with the time and place to be determined by the Executive Board. The current and continued anticipated monthly meeting schedule consists of the months of January, February, April, May,Septemberand October.
Section II
Additional monthly general Membership meetings and/or Executive Board meetings may be called by the President.
Section III
Executive Board nomination will be held in May with election at meeting in MayJune.
A quorum shall consist of 20% of the CMYLA members in good standing.
Section IV
President and Executive Board can call special meetings to appoint members at large.
Section I
The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the CMYLA – the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer
Section II
The Executive Board shall:
- Transact the business affairs as may be referred by the CMYLA.
- Act in emergencies between the meetings of the CMYLA.
- Fill vacancies in office.
- Recommend and create standing committees.
- Approve the plans of work of the CMYLA standing committees.
- Create, review and approve the tentative annual budget presented to the CMYLA Membership.
- Report at the monthly meetings.
- Select an auditing committee of three (3) adult members in good standing or contract with an independent certified public accounting firm to audit the financial affairs of the CMYLA in the event of the resignation of the fiscal officer prior to the expiration of his/her term or in the event that fiscal irresponsibility is alleged to exist with substantial evidence of alleged wrongdoing.
- Serve as the Selection Committee and shall select the teams Coaches.
- Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President, or upon the request of a majority of the officers of the Executive Board. A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.
- The Executive Board shall meet as possible after having been duly elected for the purpose of formulating tentative plans and objectives while selecting chairpersons for standing committees.
Section I
The Executive Board may create such Standing Committees as it may deem necessary to promote the objectives of the CMYLA.
Section II
Each Standing Committee shall submit some type of plan to the Executive Board. No committee work should be undertaken without approval of the Executive Board.
The following are Standing Committees and their duties:
- Outreach–Shall build awareness of lacrosse in the schools. Holding information tables at open houses. Engaging with the district on lacrosse curriculum in the schools
- End of year picnic – Committee shall contact all adult Membership and athlete invitees for the purpose of reservation confirmation. Committee shall contact selected or contracted facility for the purpose of food and beverage selection, determine appropriate décor or theme, inclusive of table arrangement and determine layout seating..
- Photography – Contract individual(s) or studio for the purpose of providing individual and/or group pictures for the players and parents.
- Webmaster/Digital communications-Will be responsible for updating communications on Assoc. website as well as be responsible for all digital communications including but not limited to, information on league happenings, sponsored events. Will work with committees as necessary to communicate news associated with the commitees.
- Prior to player participation, player’s parents or legal guardians will be required to provide additional completed forms as established by the Executive Board, CMYLA, or other. These forms will include, but not be limited to, Waiver, Release and Informed Consent, Awareness, Proof of Insurance, Emergency Card, Consent for Medical Treatment, etc. No student athlete will be permitted to participate prior to required forms being completed.
Section I
Selection and approval of the coaching staff is the responsibility of the Board. Coaches will be required to perform the job duties and requirements detailed in the coach’s job description. All coaching positions are for one year. Parents of players may be selected and approved as a head coach.
Section II
All decisions regarding lacrosse play, directing practices, teaching lacrosse skills, coaching games and ensuring proper player and coaching staff conduct are the responsibility of the head coach.
Section III
A member of the coaching staff for each team will be required to be certified in First Aid and CPR. All coaches must be a member of US Lacrosse and submit for a criminal background check/Act 33/34 clearance, which must be obtained in accordance with league and WPYLA guidelines.
Section IV
The coaches have the right and responsibility to discipline the team as a whole and/or individual player in a fair and equitable manner in accordance with the Code of Conduct. The CMYLA recognizes that discipline is a necessary component to running a team and the coaches are the best equipped individuals to exercise it. However, any discipline requiring the suspension of one or more game(s) must be reviewed by the Board
Section V
Head Coach will be expected to attend all WPYLA or other affiliate general assembly meetings in order to be properly informed and understand all League matters, dealings, requirements, etc., as pertaining to WPYLA. Assistant Coaches are strongly encourages to attend all said meetings.
Section VI
Head coaches may be removed by a ¾ majority vote of all board members.
The CMYLA shall purchase a general liability insurance policy providing coverage for participant legal ability, bodily injury and property damage and competed operations, personnel and advertising injury, fire legal liability and medical payments. Limits of liability on a per occurrence basis will be established at a minimum of $1,000,000.
Section I.
All proposed amendments to the By-Laws must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board. Proposed amendments will be taken under consideration by the Board and approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the Executive Board. A copy of the amendment(s) shall be available to the Members at the next annual meeting or upon request.
Section II
A Committee or individual may be appointed to submit a revised set of Constitution By Laws as a substitute to the existing By Laws by a majority vote at a meeting of the CMYLA or by a three-fifths (3/4ths) vote of the Executive Board.
Section I
In case of the dissolution of this League, all assets remaining after payment of all authorized expenditures and liability shall be distributed to local charitable organizations
Section II
This Constitution and By Laws is approved by Canon Mac Youth Lacrosse Association Membership this date and supersedes previous Constitution and By Laws inclusive of all amendments to said Constitution.