PURSUINGIndependencewith disABILITY
Free Online Newsletter by Jackie Marquette
Author, Educator, Researcher
March 2004
2)INDEPENDENT LIVING SEMINAR- Walking the Path, by Jackie Marquette
3) PUBLICATIONS: See The Journal of TASH (Winter) 2003--A book review
4) ALL ARE INVITED, ARTISTS RECEPTION (Trent Altman and Bobbi Stout), Presented by VSA Arts of KY
My work involves helping students with disabilities transition from high school to adult life. Unfortunately, too many young persons and their families struggle to find employment and other necessary services that help them belong in the community.
As a mother, I spent years searching for ways I could help my son enjoy his life and have the opportunity to earn money from a job.Trentis 27 years old and has autism. He lives in his own home with a roommate who helps Trent live independently. This was designed with creative efforts and with the help of a person-centered-planning team.
Because so many adults with disability are in need of assistance to connect to the community,I have offered this FREE online newsletter, to share with others and explore ideas that others may have. Hopefully, we can raise awareness about the issues we all face and the independent living dream we have for our children.
by Jackie Marquette
(Registration Form Below)
What My Seminar Will Offer:
If you are an advocate, family member, educator, or professional, and want to learn more about how to help an individual with a developmental disability reach increased independence and community involvement, from a parent who has lived it and created independent assisted living for her son,then my seminar is for you. For years, I searched for a book or guide written specifically to a parent aboutthe full process of howlet go and help carve a purposeful independent life for a young adult with autism, but I couldn’t find one.I have learned a lot through this process.
I will offer a guide based upon my experiences and my research on how YOU can help a young adult find his or her purpose in daily living through the process of setting goals, defining values, and creating solutions.In addition, I will share how I created options that connected Trent to the community. My goal is to keep YOU from believing harsh negatives that hold you back and encourage YOU to find solutions to belong and grow as an individual and as a family.
What My Seminar Will Not Offer:
There is not a “one size fits all” solution to help persons with developmental disabilities. So if you’re looking for ONLY a list of agencies or governmental options for yourself or your adult with a disability, this will not be the emphasis in my seminar. Although I will share how I used them.
In addition, I will provide general educational suggestions thatTrent’s community coaches and I found helpful that promoted his acceptance to NEW situationsin his adult life.I will not address other behavioral or medical treatments used with persons who have autism. That is not my expertise.
Four Reasons Families Will Want to Register
Families are the main foundation of support for the young adult in transition. If you have a child with a developmental disability or autism in high school or who has just graduated, the transition phase can be overwhelming and quite confusing for the entire family as well as the student or young adult. Often the individual is dependent on family to act on his behalf as an advocate for services or as a guide in decision making. Because governmental resources are so scarce, the outcome for many young adults leaving high school has becomeone of confinement to the home.It is NOW necessary to think creatively about paving a path to the community.
Family advocates will discover how to:
- create a vision, define goals, and uncover solutions that lead toward independence for the adult and for the family as a whole.
- identify obstacles that often limit the adult and family from reaching the
- assess their own progress and reevaluate along the way.
- network and recruit assistance that can lead to establishing creative solutions to their young adult’s community participation (i.e. employment and leisure).
Four Reasons Educators/Professionals Will Want to Register
Educators/professionals play a significant role in helping students with disabilities (DD and autism) to reach higher levels of independence. Educators/professionals will:
- deepen their understanding of a student’s transition to adult life, the significant impact on the whole family, and the emotional outcome on the young adult with DD.
- discover how to improve collaboration with families in order to help families guide their child through this major life process.
- receive activities to pass onto families to use with their child to promote decision making and the development of their child’s sense of self. These activities are designed to uncover their child’s talents, skills, and interests.
- receive information about creating community options for the adult and the family.
Ultimately, the more that children and adults with disabilities practice developing skills and interests that challenge their growth in school and home, the better equipped students are to find their way in the world outside the home.
(This form will be available on web site soon)
Independent Living Seminars: Walking the Path
When: May 15, 2004
Where: Hurstborne Clarion Hotel, Louisville, KY
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00noon
COST: $50.00 per person, $75.00 (couple, parent or guardian)
Phone Number______
Email address______
Please check below:
__student/adult seeking independent living
__foster parent
YOU CAN REGISTERON MY WEB SITE or Print Out form and pay by check, money order, or credit card.
VISA CARD #______Expiration Date ______
MASTER CARD #______Expiration Date______
Make checks payable:
Independent Living Seminars
Jackie Marquette
7514 Warrenton Hill Ct.
Louisville, KY 40291
The Journal of TASH (Winter) 2003--A book review written by Jackie
Siblings of Children with Autism:A Guide for Families(2nd ed.)
Authors: Sandra L. Harris and Beth A. Glasberg
Publishing Co. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House, 2003.
Autism and Transition toIndependent Living: Exploring Changes in Family Functioning. (Soon available through ERIC Documents)
I have written a study with Stephen K. Miller Ph.D at University of Louisville. This research offers a model for guiding a family who has a young adult with autism through the process of transition into adult life. Current research literature on this topic is virtually nonexistent. To request a copy now, contact me through email
BOOK: Independence Bound. The book is about Jackie’s son Trent, who has autism, and his family’s transition to independent living. Independence does not mean that one is left to pursue life on his/her own; rather appropriate levels of assistance and various individualized supports can bring this dream into reality. Jackie offers her insights and strategies that can provide encouragement to individuals and families who want to achieve the goal of independence but do not know where or how to begin. The book encourages others to believe and dream of living independently in the community.
ARTISTS: Trent Altman and Bobbi Stout.
WHERE: Gallery space at Bandy-Carroll-Hellige Public Relations offices, 307 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd., Louisville, KY.40202 (Corner of 3rdMuhammad Ali Blvd,.
DATE: March 20, 2004
TIME: 4:00 – 6:00 PM
March 30 – April 3, National Association of School Psychologists (NASP 2004 Annual Convention), Dallas, TX.
April 12 – April 14, Choices and Changes: Making the Difference, Galt House, Louisville, KY.
6) About Jackie:
Jackie consults with Hardin County Schools in Kentucky and helps students with disabilities connect to resources, supports, and employment to facilitate independent life after high school. Developing community partnerships and interagency agreements to increase employment opportunities has been Jackie's strength. She has over 15 years of experience as an educator and consultant in special education. Through the KentuckyAutismTrainingCenter, in 1999, Jackie wrote a grant and developed a statewide project, Autism Community Training (ACT). The project used person-centered-planning and connected persons with autism to resources that secured employment.
Jackie offers Independent Living Seminars- to help others achieve community connections. If you are interested in having a seminar in your area please email to .
Jackie’s doctoral dissertation at the University of Louisville investigates strategies for establishing independent living for adults with autism and their families. She has a master's degree from WesternKentuckyUniversity and a bachelor's degree from KentuckyWesleyanCollege. Jackie's goal is to help people with disabilities and their families reach their dreams for independence. Jackie has three adult sons Todd, Trent, and Travis.
You can read previous Newsletters written by Jackie listed on the web site:
Feel free to share this newsletter with your friends, family, and educators. Don’t hesitate to email me with any of your successes with your child or ideas you have for future newsletters. Your needs are important to me. Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this!
**Keep Dreaming Your Dreams
Jackie Marquette
***This is an FREE online newsletter. If you want to be removed from the list, please email Jackie at
Copyright@2004 Jackie Marquette