SMPTE membership reminder

This is a living document see highlights

I see that your SMPTE membership has expired recently

(If you have paid – Many thanks)

We would like you to remain in continuous membership so as you may have lost the letter can I point out that you can always renew via thewebsite (you may need to log in).

It seems that the new pricing has not been applied yet


Can I suggest that you do this as soon as possible …….
(If you have problems Roberta Gorman can help you.)

The UK section has been very successful and we are very close to having 300 members – due to the interest in our meetings and in Motion Imaging Journal as well as through personal contact.

You can read a report on our very successful first year and we are taking a leading role with the BBC Academy and in new initiatives in IBC – all aimed at helping our members and those who are recent graduates find their way in our industries. And last night we had the first UK based Webinar

With the new board of managerselected weare looking to what we can do to serve members across the UK – and confirm our programme of meetings In London, Salford, “the East” and Southampton and perhaps more …. May be the Midlands

As you are renewing are there any of your Colleagues or friends who would benefit
from SMPTE membership – please encourage them to join…
This “flyer” outlines some of the benefits of SMPTE

There are the video shot at IBC 2013 with members talking about the Three Pillars of SMPTE - Membership, Standards and Education -

I hope that we will see you at SMPTE UK section meetings in the future

Many thanks


I always check that I had not sent a previous reminder – If I have done I just resend the email with a note saying – that I was sure that it had slipped their mind!!!

For those student members some Alternative paragraphs

As you are a student member you will have enjoyed the generosity of SMPTE members under Bill Miller’s membership challenge – so it will now only cost you $35 to get all the SMPTE benefit for the next year.

We in the UK are very concerned about encouraging the Younger member of the Section / Society and so we would like you to continue your membership – and we at looking at ways of making the jump to Full membership on graduation more a set of affordable steps.

– While you are at university you have the staff and fellow course member to sustain you – but on Graduation and joining industry – while we hope that you get the support for those around you – SMPTE can provide that breadth and forward looking environment to help to plan and develop your career.

We are looking at more ways of doing this – hence our involvement in Rising Stars at IBC –
But IBC is a once a year event which although it sets the agenda for much in our industries , is not there throughout the year
– But SMPTE is, and its members will be your companions throughout your career.

So please take part – by attending our meetings – and meeting members and others in the industries

I see that you are some way from our normal Physical venues – so can I point out the event we are putting on and Streaming over JANET....

We are trying to make SMPTE accessible to all!