26th Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care

NOTE: This is a template only. We ask that all proposals be submitted via the online system.

Title of Proposal:

Please limit presentation title to 50 characters

Proposal Description:

Please limit description to 75 words or less.

Proposal Type:

Please select at least one option. If you do not wish to choose a proposal type at this time, select "Any".

Any (considered for any type of presentation)

Learning Lab (three hour half-day sessions that offer specific how-to information)

Minicourse (six hour full-day sessions that offer in-depth, hands-on learning)

Workshop (75 minute sessions)

Special Interest Breakfast(free, non-credit, interactive breakfast sessions)


We are actively seeking to diversify the types of learning formats at the National Forum. Your proposal is most likely to be considered if the contentis able to be presented in one of the following formats.

Buzz Session: This type of session is where there is no presentation but rather a facilitated conversation around a topic(s). It relies on audience participation. At the end of the session each group presents their findings to the larger group. This style is used when the group is exploring new territory and the focus is idea generation from the wealth of knowledge amongst the participants in the session. ​

Walk Abouts: A session where participants break into small groups based on a topic of common interest and learn on their feet! Provides an opportunity to walk the grounds and chat with a few colleagues about a provocative topic. For use when participants can learn by engaging with a small groups of peers on a defined topic with which they are already familiar.

Simulation Encounter: A mode of instruction that relies on imitating or estimating how an event, process, skill, or behavior might occur in a real situation. For use when content can be conveyed through a single example which can be replicated on-site.

Flipped Classroom: Participants are provided with access to new content before the National Forum in order to participate in more active learning and discussion of this content during their National Forum session. This allows participants to receive more feedback and coaching from faculty.

NOTE: Requires presenters to prepare pre-work and engage participants prior to the National Forum and a process to ensure that this happens.

Lecture: Highly didactic session with little attendee participation followed by 10-15 minutes of Q&A. For use when a high amount of content needs to be taught with minimal interaction.

Case Study: An intensive analysis of an individual unit or situation. Case studies present participants with realistic, complex, and contextually rich situations. For use when content is best communicated through a dilemma, conflict, or problem that must be negotiated.

Controversy Panel: To stimulate interest and debate, arrange for two or more views on a controversial issue to be presented. A moderator may challenge panelists and sharpen the focus of discussion. For use when a few varied perspectives need to be included in a session.

Rapid-Fire Sessions: Each rapid-fire session has one moderator who is responsible for making sure each presenter gets through a small amount of content in a narrow time frame. For the National Forum, presenters have 10 minutes to get through 10 slides on a topic.


First & Last Name

We request one Lead Presenter. This person will be the primary point of contact. Please note when listing speakers that IHI provides waived General Conference registration for a maximum of two presenters per session.


Please list a minimum of two and a max of three action-oriented objectives. Potential action verbs include: Access, Develop, Identify, Implement, and Use.

Objective 1:

Objective 2:


The National Forum divides all presentations into the following tracks. Please select the track most appropriate for your presentation.

Improvement Capability

Quality, Cost, and Value

Patient Safety

Person- and Family-Centered Care

Triple Aim for Populations
