New Student Application
2015-2016 School Year
High School:
This Completed Application Packet
Shot/Immunization Record (copy)
Current Individual Education Plan (IEP) including Transition Goals
High School Transcript/Attendance Record
Current Evaluation Team Report*
Include Most Recent Math and Reading Scores/Grade Levels
School Transcripts from any other formal training
Return Completed Packets to:
Tish Kalla
SW/WC Service Cooperative
1314 North Hiawatha
Pipestone, MN 56164
Application Purpose & Guidelines
The purpose of this application packet is to outline the skill set of the Project SEARCH student candidate. This application enables the Selection Committee to properly assess each student candidate’s skills, abilities and background. Our goal is to select students who will be successful in a Project SEARCH program and reach the outcome of competitive employment.
The Selection Process includes the following guidelines:
- All students should attend the“Open House”and must visit the host business site to observe the culture, possible rotations and meet the instructor and job coaches prior to being selected to participate in Project SEARCH.
- Submit the application by January 16th, 2015.
- If accepted:
The Selection Committee will review the application and match the student skill set and interests with the appropriate Project SEARCH Program.
An IEP will be developed with the IEP team for the 2015-2016 school year.
The student will be required to pass a criminal background check and a drug screening.
Tentative Project SEARCH Program Dates for 2015/16
January 16, 2015All fully completed Application Packets must be received.
February 2015Selection Committee makes decision on candidate’s who will be chosen for interviews
February 2015Students receive notification if they have been selected for an interview and interview dates/times are confirmed.
February 2015Interviews takes place at Avera Marshall Medical Center
March 2015Candidates receive notification of application status
(accepted or declined)
March-May 2015IEP’s updated with affiliated school and team members
July/August 2015Student Orientation
August/Sept. 20152015-2016 Project SEARCH begins!
Project SEARCH Application
A. Personal Data
District of Residence: Current School Attending:
Date of Birth: Gender: Male Female
Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Email:
Parent/Guardian Home Phone: Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
Special Education Disability (according to front page of IEP) ______
B. Parent/Student Information:
- Release: The student records concerning my son/daughter will be transferred from the home school to the SW/WC Service Cooperative.
- Equal Opportunity: Project SEARCH placement will be made without regard to race, color, national original, sex, age, religion or presence of a disability.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
C. Transcripts:(Please attach transcript and most recent report card)
Total Credits to Date: Cumulative GPA:
Does this student have all the necessary credits for graduation? Yes No
List course deficiencies:1. 2.
Days absent: 11th 12th
Comments about attendance:
Counselor/Special Education Administration Comments:
Signature: ______Date: ______
D. Employment Background:
List jobs you do or have done in school or in the community.
Employer / Job Title / Job Duties / Supervisor Name / Contact Number / Paid / Unpaid1.
Have you ever been fired from a job?
Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Have you ever quit a job?
Yes No
If yes, please explain:
After Project SEARCH program is completed, do you plan on getting and maintaining a Full or Part-time job? Full-time Job Part-time Job
Where or with what kind of organization?
How many days/hours per week do you want to work?
Where do you plan on living?HomeFriendsOther
E. Service Agencies:
Do you have a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor?
No Yes Name: Phone Number:
F. Behavioral Summary:
Do you have any behavioral concerns that might impact a successful job placement?
Yes No
If yes, please explain:
G. Independent Living:
Medication/Dosage/Time of day taken by student
Medication / Dosage / Time of DayPlease list any other concerns or circumstancesthat may impact an internship rotation or job placement:
H. Student Response Question:
(Complete in your own words and/or person assisting will write the responses in the students own words) Why do you want to come to Project SEARCH?
I. List Three References:
Name / Type of Reference / Phone Number / Email Address1 / Family Reference
2 / School Reference
3 / Other Community orAgency Reference
J. Parent/Guardian Response Questions:
How would this student benefit from Project SEARCH?
How do you plan on supporting this student throughout the program?
What future goals do you have for this student?