2013-14 Arizona EXPLORE Program

Commitment / Order Form

School District or Charter Holder Mailing Address
Street / City, State, ZIP
Superintendent or Charter Holder Authorized Representative
Name, Title
Phone # / E-Mail Address
Appointed EXPLORE
District Liaison
Name, Title
Phone # / E-Mail Address
NAUContact / Ann Connelly EXPLORE Manager
Name, Title
(602) 728.9526 /
Phone # / E-Mail Address

I. Northern Arizona University (NAU):

  1. Will pay 100% of the “per student assessed” costs to ACT directly for eligible 8th grade students who take the EXPLORE assessment this fall. Eligible students in 2013-14 are those 8th graders who are enrolled in the school(s) identified by the District/Charter Holder in Section B of this form, as a school in which fifty 50% or more of its students are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch (FRL) under the National School Lunch Program. NAU will neither pay nor reimburse Districts/Charters for (any) other costs associated with the 2013-14 EXPLORE Program.
  1. Will allow Districts/Charter Holders, at their choosing, to include their “non-eligible students” in the 2013-14 EXPLORE Program, albeit at the expense of the District/Charter. “Non-eligible students” are those 8th graders who are enrolled in the school(s) identified by the District/Charter Holder in Section B of this form, as a school in which less than 50% of its students are eligible for FRL; see item II-D below.
  1. Will invite those Districts and Charter Holders that participate in the 2013-14 EXPLORE Program to participate in the 2014-15 EXPLORE Program, subject to available funding and adherence to the below commitments.

II. The District Superintendent or Charter Holder:

  1. Commits that the appointed EXPLORE District Liaison (identified above) will satisfactorily and completely perform the role and responsibilities of the Liaison as described in Attachment 1.
  1. Commits that the Principal at each participating school will identify an individual at the school to satisfactorily and completely perform the role and responsibilities of the College and Career Coach as described in
    Attachment 2.
  1. Commits to ensuring that the EXPLORE School Report for each participating school (Attachment 3) iscompleted and submitted to NAU on or before May 31, 2014 (a Coach and Liaison responsibility).
  2. [If applicable] commits to pay 100% of the “per student assessed” costs to NAU directly for “non-eligible students” to take the EXPLORE assessment this fall, as described in I-B above. [NAU will invoice the District or Charter for payment, at a cost of $8.50 (estimated) per non-eligible student assessed].
  1. Acknowledges that ACT owns the EXPLORE Assessment, including all testing materials, documentation, related materials and all intellectual property rights therein (collectively, the “ACT Materials”). The District/Charter Holder acquires no right, title, or interest in the ACT Materials and shall not copy, modify, enhance, reverse engineer, or make any additions to the ACT Materials.
  1. Commits that neither it, nor its employees, at any time before, during, or after the administration of the EXPLORE test, shall either directly or indirectly, publish, display or otherwise disclose to any person, organization, or entity in any manner whatsoever any ACT Materials, except as strictly necessary for the school to use the ACT Materials for their intended purpose. The District/Charter Holder shall protect the ACT Materials in accordance with ACT’s procedures and using a standard of care appropriate for secure test materials. All ACT Materials shall be and remain the property of ACT even after the Arizona EXPLORE Initiative has ended.
  1. Commits to administer the EXPLORE in accordance with all policies and procedures stipulated by ACT, and to return all ACT Materials in accordance with the policies and procedures provided by ACT.
  1. Commits to fully cooperate with ACT in the event of a test security incident, acknowledging that failure to maintain the confidentiality of the EXPLORE will result in damages to ACT and may require ACT to develop a replacement form. Accordingly, if through the District’s/Charter Holder’s actions, the security of the EXPLORE is compromised, the District/Charter Holder agrees to pay ACT the costs of developing a new form in addition to any other remedies under the law. Further, ACT may, in its sole and absolute discretion, cancel scores in cases of testing irregularities.

SECTION B –EXPLORE Order Information
NAU will order EXPLORE materials from ACT for all schools participating in the 2013-14program. To ensure accurate and timely delivery of materials to schools, the accuracy and completeness of the information you provide below, for each school, is critical. ALL INFORMATION BELOW MUST BE COMPLETED. Attach additional pages as necessary.
School Name
School Street Address
Free/Reduced Lunch rate?
Principal’s Name
# of EXPLORE Tests
Anticipated Test Date
Name of College & Career Coach
Coach’s Phone #
Coach’s Email Address
Est. # of Spanish-speaking Families
Requested number of EXPLORE accommodation materials See (Pg.14)
Readers’ Script____ Braille____ Audio DVD____ Large Print____ / School Name
School Street Address
Free/Reduced Lunch rate?
Principal’s Name
# of EXPLORE Tests
Anticipated Test Date
Name of College & Career Coach
Coach’s Phone #
Coach’s Email Address
Est. # of Spanish-speaking Families
Requested number of EXPLORE accommodation materials See (Pg.14)
Readers’ Script____ Braille____ Audio DVD____ Large Print____
Superintendent or Charter Holder Authorized Representative
Name, Title Signature, Date
SECTION B –EXPLORE Order Information Page 2
NAU will order EXPLORE materials from ACT for all schools participating in the 2013-14program. To ensure accurate and timely delivery of materials to schools, the accuracy and completeness of the information you provide below, for each school, is critical. ALL INFORMATION BELOW MUST BE COMPLETED. Attach additional pages as necessary.
School Name
School Street Address
Free/Reduced Lunch rate?
Principal’s Name
# of EXPLORE Tests
Anticipated Test Date
Name of College & Career Coach
Coach’s Phone #
Coach’s Email Address
Est. # of Spanish-speaking Families
Requested number of EXPLORE accommodation materials See (Pg.14)
Readers’ Script____ Braille____ Audio DVD____ Large Print____ / School Name
School Street Address
Free/Reduced Lunch rate?
Principal’s Name
# of EXPLORE Tests
Anticipated Test Date
Name of College & Career Coach
Coach’s Phone #
Coach’s Email Address
Est. # of Spanish-speaking Families
Requested number of EXPLORE accommodation materials See (Pg.14)
Readers’ Script____ Braille____ Audio DVD____ Large Print____
School Name
School Street Address
Free/Reduced Lunch rate?
Principal’s Name
# of EXPLORE Tests
Anticipated Test Date
Name of College & Career Coach
Coach’s Phone #
Coach’s Email Address
Est. # of Spanish-speaking Families
Requested number of EXPLORE accommodation materials See (Pg.14)
Readers’ Script____ Braille____ Audio DVD____ Large Print____ / School Name
School Street Address
Free/Reduced Lunch rate?
Principal’s Name
# of EXPLORE Tests
Anticipated Test Date
Name of College & Career Coach
Coach’s Phone #
Coach’s Email Address
Est. # of Spanish-speaking Families
Requested number of EXPLORE accommodation materials See (Pg.14)
Readers’ Script____ Braille____ Audio DVD____ Large Print____

2013-14 EXPLOREProgram

District Liaison (DL)

Roles and Responsibilities


The Liaison, who is designated by the District Superintendent (or Charter Holder as applicable),
is responsible for working closely with participating School Principals and their staff to ensure successful administration of the Arizona EXPLORE Program in partnership with NAU GEAR UP.


  • On or before August 1, 2013,communicate and disseminate information regarding the EXPLORE Program to principals at participating schools within the district, including the expectation that principals:

a) identify an individual at each school to perform the role and responsibilities of the College and
Career Coach at the school, and

b)decide upon a testing date(s) within the October 1– October 23, 2013 testing window.

  • Participate in Pre ID Label Ordering Webinar on August 28(recorded link will be available). Pre ID Ordering opens on September 3, 2013 and must be completed on or before September 6, 2013.
  • Participate in test administration webinar (September 17, 2013).
  • Participate in training on interpretation and explanation of EXPLORE results to students and parents:

a)Experienced District Liaisons who have attended at least one Regional Workshop

in the prior three years, view a ‘refresher’ webinar between November 15, 2013and January 2014.

b)New District Liaisons participate in a Regional Workshop in January 2014.

  • Provide support to EXPLORE College and Career Coaches in the development of PreECAPS and to receiving high school staff, as needed, to facilitate use of EXPLORE results in conjunction with high school course registration and development of ECAPS (December 2013 - May 2014).
  • Collect EXPLORE School Reports from College and Career Coaches and submit to NAU (May 31, 2014).
  • As requested, provide information to NAU to aid in continuous improvement and evaluation of program (May 31, 2014).
  • Participate in annual EXPLORE Summit (June 2014).

2013-14EXPLORE Program

College and Career Coach (C&CC)

Roles and Responsibilities


The College and Career Coach, designated by the School Principal, is responsible for ensuring administration

of the EXPLORE at the participating school, and supporting students and parents in the successful transition

to high school.


  • Meet with Principal or designee to discuss and decide location, time, structure, format, etc., necessary to ensure successful administration of the EXPLORE at the school(on or before September 1).
  • Receive, prepare and secure test materials/labels according to instructions and standards communicated by ACT. Review EXPLORE Supervisor’s Manual (on or before Sept. 17, 2013).
  • Participate in live test administration webinar on September 17. Ensure teachers or other staff serving as test administrators view the test administration webinar (live or recorded). Communicate testing procedures/expectations to staff designated to administer the EXPLORE, and make any arrangements necessary to accommodate the testing plan (prior to chosen test date).
  • Mail all score sheets to ACT upon completion of testing (within 24 hours of testing).
  • Store used test booklets (with student names on them) in secure location for later use with students when explaining results.
  • Order College and Career Planning Guides and PreECAP forms for all participating schools in the district, according to ordering instructions provided by NAU. (Note: There is no cost to the district or schools for these items).
  • Participate in training on interpretation and explanation of EXPLORE results to students and parents:

a)ExperiencedCollege and Career Coaches who have attended at least one Regional Workshop

in the prior three years, view a ‘refresher’ webinar between November 15, 2013and January 2014.

b)NewCollege and Career Coaches participate in a Regional Workshop in January 2014.

  • Ensure that each student completing the EXPLORE assessment receives a copy of his/her score report, test booklet, and a copy of the ACT booklet entitled “Using Your EXPLORE Results” (January- May 2014).
  • Develop/Implement plan to interpret EXPLORE results with students (and parents), and use results to develop individual Pre- Education and Career Action Plan (PreECAP) with students; document that at least ninety percent (90%) of students who complete an EXPLORE assessment participate in an interpretation session, and at least eighty percent (80%) develop a PreECAP (January- May 2014).
  • Develop/implement plan to have students’ EXPLORE results and/or PreECAPs inform the high school registration (transition) process.
  • Prepare and submit EXPLORE School Report to District Liaison(May 15, 2014).

2013-14 EXPLORE Program

School Report

Due to NAU (through District Liaison) by May 30, 2014

Participating School
District / County
Name, Title
Phone # / Email Address
Name, Title
Phone # / Email Address
Test Administration Date(s)
ITEM A: Tests Administered/ Results Provided
Please indicate:1. ______# of students who completed an EXPLORE assessment
2. ______# of students from line 1 who received a copy of their score EXPLORE report and a copy of the
ACT booklet entitled, “Using Your EXPLORE Results”
3. ______% Divide line 2 by line 1*
* Please describe how you were successful in distributing EXPLORE score reports and booklets to students. If 100% of students who completed an EXPLORE assessment did not also receive a copy of their score report and booklet, please explain.
Attach additional pages if necessary.


ITEM B: Results Interpreted
Please indicate:1. ______# of students who completed an EXPLORE assessment (as indicated in Item A-1 above)
2. ______# of students from line 1 who participated in sessions on interpreting their EXPLORE results.
3. ______% Divide line 2 by line 1*
* Please describe how you were successful in holding or conducting sessions with students on interpreting their EXPLORE results. If at least 90% of students who completed an EXPLORE assessment did not also participate in a session(s) on interpreting their results, please explain.
Attach additional pages if necessary.
ITEM C: Application of EXPLORE to PreECAPPreECAP to High School Registration
Please indicate:1. ______# of students who completed an EXPLORE assessment (as indicated in Item A/B-1 above)
2. ______# of students from line 1 who also completed a PreECAP
3. ______% Divide line 2 by line 1*
*If at least 80% of the students who completed an EXPLORE assessment and participated in a session(s) on interpreting results, did not also complete a PreECAP, please explain.
Did you observe or experience that the development of PreECAPs with students at your school this year had an impact on the registration of these students for high school? If so, please describe how or in what way. If not, might the PreECAP have an influence next year, and if so, how?
Attach additional pages if necessary
ITEM D: Parent Involvement
Did your school involve parents in interpreting/understanding their student’s EXPLORE results? ______Yes ______No
If yes, please report: ______# of parents who were provided a verbal explanation/review of their child’s results (whether individually or in groups)
If yes, please describe how this was accomplished, the scope of involvement, how it was beneficial in your opinion, and what you might do differently next year (if anything) to engage parents in supporting their students’ early college and career awareness.
Attach additional pages if necessary
ITEM E: School Level Response based on EXPLORE Data
  1. Please describe any changes to curriculum or instruction and/or any staff development undertaken, or planned, based on an analysis of EXPLORE data.
2. Please describe any changes in guidance counseling or at the advisory level undertaken, or planned, as a results of an analysis of EXPLORE data.
Attach additional pages if necessary