LME Pickup Request V2 Web Service

Web Service Definition URL


Pickup Request Methods



Pickup Header

* required

Parameter / Max Length / Description
shipperPhone* / 10 / Shipper Phone Number 10 digits without dashes.
customerNum* / 7 / Customer Number
shipCompany* / 30 / Shipper Company
shipAddress* / 30 / Shipper Address
shipCity* / 25 / Shipper City
shipState* / 2 / Shipper State two character code
shipZip* / 6 / Shipper Zip
shipContact / 30 / Shipper Contact
Required if requestorContact is left blank
requestorContact / 30 / Requestor Contact Name
Required if shipContact is left blank
requestorPhone / 10 / Requestor Phone Number, 10 digits without dashes
Required if requestorContact is used
pickDate* / 10 / Date of the pickup.
Format: MM/dd/yyyy
pickTime* / 5 / Time of day for the pickup. All time should be CST.
Format: HH:mm 24 hour clock
dockCloseTime* / 5 / The time of day the dock closes. All time should be CST.
Format: HH:mm 24 hour clock
paymentTerms* / 1 / Payment Terms
P = Prepaid
C = Collect
T = Third Party Payor
O = Other/Unknown
thirdPartyPayor / 30 / Third Party Payor
Required if paymentTerms is set to T
specialInstructions / 280 / Special Instructions
privaterespickup / 1 / Private Residents Pickup
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
oversize / 1 / Over size pickup
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
insidepickup / 1 / Inside Pickup
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
food / 1 / Food pickup
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
limitedaccpickup / 1 / Limited access pickup
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
poison / 1 / Poison in pickup
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
liftgaterequired / 1 / Lift gate is required at pickup
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
shipmentDetails / 1 / An Array of Commodity Lines. (See Definition below)

Commodity Line

* required

Parameter / Max Length / Description
destZipCode* / 6 / Destination Zip Code
unitType* / 3 / Unit Type
See table of Unit types in Appendix A to use 3 digit code.
units* / 5 / Number of units, must be a number.
weight* / 7 / Weight in pounds, must be a number
loadNum / 20 / Load Number
hazMat / 1 / Hazardous Materials
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
freezable / 1 / Freezable
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
consigneeName* / 30 / Consignee Name
destCity* / 30 / Destination City
destState* / 2 / Destination State


Parameter / Description
PickupRequestNumber / Pickup Request Number



Pickup Header

* required

Parameter / Max Length / Description
shipperPhone* / 10 / Shipper Phone Number 10 digits without dashes.
customerNum* / 7 / Customer Number
shipCompany* / 30 / Shipper Company
shipAddress* / 30 / Shipper Address
shipCity* / 25 / Shipper City
shipState* / 2 / Shipper State two character code
shipZip* / 6 / Shipper Zip
shipContact / 30 / Shipper Contact
Required if requestorContact is left blank
requestorContact / 30 / Requestor Contact Name
Required if shipContact is left blank
requestorPhone / 10 / Requestor Phone Number, 10 digits without dashes
Required if requestorContact is used
pickDate* / 10 / Date of the pickup.
Format: MM/dd/yyyy
pickTime* / 5 / Time of day for the pickup
Format: HH:mm 24 hour clock
dockCloseTime* / 5 / The time of day the dock closes
Format: HH:mm 24 hour clock
paymentTerms* / 1 / Payment Terms
P = Prepaid
C = Collect
T = Third Party Payor
O = Other/Unknown
thirdPartyPayor / 30 / Third Party Payor
Required if paymentTerms is set to T
specialInstructions / 280 / Special Instructions
Privaterespickup / 1 / Private Residents Pickup
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
Oversize / 1 / Over size pickup
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
Insidepickup / 1 / Inside Pickup
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
Food / 1 / Food pickup
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
Limitedaccpickup / 1 / Limited access pickup
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
Poison / 1 / Poison in pickup
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
Liftgaterequired / 1 / Lift gate is required at pickup
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
shipmentDetails / 1 / An Array of Commodity Lines. (See Definition below)

Commodity Line

* required

Parameter / Max Length / Description
destZipCode* / 6 / Destination Zip Code
unitType* / 3 / Unit Type
See table of Unit types in Appendix A to use 3 digit code.
units* / 5 / Number of units, must be a number.
weight* / 7 / Weight in pounds, must be a number
loadNum / 20 / Load Number
hazMat / 1 / Hazardous Materials
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
Freezable / 1 / Freezable
Set to ‘Y’ to include this option
consigneeName* / 30 / Consignee Name
destCity* / 30 / Destination City
destState* / 2 / Destination State


Parameter / Description
pickupNumber / Pickup Request Number
returnCode / Will return “SUCCESS” if the pickup request completes successfully. Returns exception error code from the Pickup Request Exception is there is a generic or validation error.
errrorDescription / Returns an error messages if the pickup request fails to pass validation.
errorVariables / Returns an array of values that can be substituted into the errorDescription by replacing {n} with the values.
fullErrorMessage / Full Error message built from the errorDescription and errorVariables.

Pickup Request Exceptions

Generic Exception

Error Code / Description
GENEX001 / Input is null.
GENEX002 / Could not get connection to validate user. Contact Website provider.
GENEX003 / An undetermined error occurred. Contact service provider.

Validation Exceptions

Error Code / Description
VLDEX001 / Shipper Phone is empty.
VLDEX002 / Shipper Phone number is incorrect format. Please use: area code, prefix, and number without dashes. (ex. 5551234321)
VLDEX003 / ShipCompany is empty
VLDEX004 / shipAddress is empty
VLDEX005 / shipCity is empty
VLDEX006 / shipState is empty
VLDEX007 / shipState must be a 2 character code.
VLDEX008 / shipZip is empty
VLDEX009 / Either shipContact or requestorContact is required.
VLDEX010 / requestorPhone is required if requestorContact is set.
VLDEX011 / requestorPhone number is incorrect format. Please use: area code, prefix, and number without dashes. (ex. 5551234321)
VLDEX012 / pickDate is empty
VLDEX013 / pickDate is not a validate date. Please use format 'mm/dd/yyyy'
VLDEX014 / pickTime is empty
VLDEX015 / pickTime is not a valdite time in the format HH:mm (24 hour clock)
VLDEX016 / dockCloseTime is empty
VLDEX017 / dockCloseTime is not a valdite time in the format HH:mm (24 hour clock)
VLDEX018 / paymentTerm is empty
VLDEX019 / paymentTerms must be set to P, C, T, or O.
VLDEX020 / thirdPartyPayor must be set if paymentTerms is set to T.
VLDEX021 / You must provide at least one shipmentDetails line.
VLDEX022 / destZipCode is empty for line {0}.
VLDEX023 / Units is empty for line {0}.
VLDEX024 / Units is not a number for line {0}.
VLDEX025 / UnitType is empty for line {0}.
VLDEX026 / weight is empty for line {0}.
VLDEX027 / weight is not a number for line {0}.
VLDEX028 / Shipment Detail Destination zip {0} is not valid for line {1}.
VLDEX029 / Requested Pickup zip {0} is not valid.
VLDEX030 / Pickup zip {0} and Pickup City, State {1} do not match. Cities found for zip are {2}.
VLDEX030 / The request pickup date {0} is not a service day. Please reschedule to next service date of {1}.
VLDEX031 / The requested pickup time of {0} is outside the normal service time. Please reschedule between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
VLDEX033 / Please remove destination Zip Codes(s) {0} from this pickup request.
VLDEX033 / At this time we are unable to accept Pickup Requests where both the origin and destination Zip Codes are outside the Lakeville Motor Express direct service area. Please remove destination Zip Codes(s) {0} from this pickup request.
VLDEX040 / shipComapny must be less than 30 characters.
VLDEX041 / shipAddress must be less than 30 characters.
VLDEX042 / shipCity must be less than 25 characters.
VLDEX043 / shipCity must be less than 6 characters.
VLDEX044 / shipContact must be less than 30 characters.
VLDEX045 / requestcontact must be less than 30 characters.
VLDEX046 / thirdPartyPayor must be less than 30 characters.
VLDEX047 / specialInstruction must be less than 280 characters.
VLDEX048 / destZipCode must be less than 6 characters for line {0}.
VLDEX049 / unitType must be less than 6 characters for line {0}.
VLDEX050 / loadNum must be less than 20 characters for line {0}.
VLDEX051 / consigneeName must be less than 30 characters for line {0}.
VLDEX052 / consigneeName is required for line {0}.
VLDEX053 / destCity is required for line {0}.
VLDEX054 / destCity must be less than 30 characters for line {0}.
VLDEX055 / destState is required for line {0}.
VLDEX056 / destState must be less than 2 characters for line {0}.
VLDEX057 / Shipment Detail line {0} Destination zip {1} and Destination City, State {2} do not match. Cities found for zip are {3}.

Appendix A

Unit Types

Unit Type / Type Code
Bag / BAG
Barrel / BBL
Bundle / BDL
Bin / BIN
Box / BOX
Cage / CAG
Can / CAN
Container / CNT
Case / CAS
Crate / CRT
Carton / CRT
Cylinder / CYL
Dry Bulk / DBK
Envelope / ENV
On Hanger or Rack in Boxes / HRB
Jar / JAR
Keg / KEG
Liquid Bulk / LBK
Pieces / PCS
Package / PKG
Pallet / PLT
Rack / RCK
Roll / ROL
Skid / SKD
Slip Sheet / SLP
Tube / TBE
Tray / TRY
Shrink Wrapped Pallet / SWP
Kit / KIT
Pail / PAL
Reel / REL
Bale / BAL
Bucket / BXT
Packed / PCK
Drum / DRM
Tote / TOT
Shrink Wrapped Skid / SWS
Tub / TUB
Basket / BSK
Trailer Load / TRL
Cores / COR
ForkLift / FKL
Intermediate Bulk Container / IBC