I need to use words to

peoppeople /

I must write more than 1


I must use interesting

write a sentence.

/ one sentence. / words in my work.
I must use a full stop

at the end of a



I need to learn

how to write a story. / I must use a capital letters in
letter at the start of
every sentence.

I must write my letters


I need to write a

/ I need full stops at the
clearly. / piece of non-fiction. / end of each sentence.

My letters must be the

right way round.

L1. L2cL 2c

I need to spell some key

peoppeople /

I need to make sure my


I must use short and long

words in my work.

/ writing makes sense. / long sentences.
I must use phonemes /

I need to make my work

/ I must use lots of different words
to spell hard words. / interesting to read. / new words in my work.

I need to use patterns


I must put more details

/ I must try to write
that I know in words. / into my work. / in different ways.

My teacher needs to be able to read my writing.

/ I must make sure my letters are the right / I need to use the sounds I know to
way round. / spell words by myself.

L2c L2bL 2b

I must write longer

peoppeople /

I must always make sure


My ascenders must

sentences in my work.

/ my writing makes sense. / always be tall.
I must use some new /

I must remember to use

/ My descenders must
connectives in my work. / letter patterns in words. / always be long.

I always need to use


I must learn that some

/ I must not use capitals
full stops and capitals. / letters go together. / in the middle of words.

I need to try to spell

most words by myself.

L 2a L 2aL 2a

I must try to make my work

peoppeople /

I always need capital


I must try to spell

work interesting.

/ letters and full stops. / longer words by myself .
Stories need to have a
beginning middle & end. /

I must always write

/ Each letter must be
sentences correctly. / the right way round.

I need to describe

things and people,
and add more detail. /

I must spell short

words correctly. / Small letters need to be
the same size. Take care with s and w.
g j p q y must all hang
the tails’ below the line. / Tall letters need to be
the same height.

L 2a L 2aL 2a

I must make my work

peoppeople /

I must think about who


I must check that all my

clear to the reader.

/ will read my work. / sentences make sense.
I need to plan my work before /

I need to look at my plan

/ I must try to spell
before I begin to write. / as I write. / words correctly.

I must think about the


I must try to use lots of

/ I must try to use
purpose of my writing. / interesting words. / correct punctuation.

I must try to be more


My handwriting must be

imaginative. / joined and clear.

L3cL3cL 3c

I must try to use lots of newinteresting / I must try to use speech / I need to be able to write
new words in my work. / marks in my work. / in lots of different ways.
When I describe someone / I must try to use question / I must add detail to make
I must use details. / marks in my work. / my characters real.
I must plan my work so / I must try to use exclamation / When I describe a place
that it makes sense. / exclamation marks. / I must use details.
I need to spell most / When I describe things
words correctly. / I must use more details.
My handwriting must be
joined and clear.
Level 3b / Level 3b / Level 3a
I must try to make my / I must try interesting / My handwriting must be
work interesting to read. / ways of joining sentences. / joined, fluent & legible.
I need to make the reader / I must try to use speech / I need to use different
want to read to the end. / marks correctly. / styles of handwriting.
I must develop my ideas / I need to use commas and / I must learn to write
in my writing. / apostrophes properly. / extended sentences.
I must learn to write in / I must learn to write up / I must develop my use of
different genres & styles. / reports in all subjects. / paragraphs.
I must use a wider range of adjectives and adverbs. / I must use more interesting introductions and endings in narrative. / I need to develop and extend my vocabulary.

Level 3aLevel 3aLevel 3a

I must make sure that /

I need to learn how to use commas to separate clauses and items on a list.


Speech marks must be used accurately.

the kind of text I use suits the purpose of the


I need to use full stops, capitals, question marks and commas in more than half of my work.

/ I must make sure that I use full stops, capitals, question marks and commas in my work. / I must plan the layout of my work so it suits the form and purpose.

I need to use these


My handwriting must be fluent and clear.

/ I need to use these connectives:
rather than/
I must use more adventurous vocabulary. / I must use apostrophes accurately.

Level 4cLevel 4bLevel 4a

I must use exclamation marks accurately.


I must use punctuation accurately, including brackets and dashes.


I need to vary the length of my sentences for greater effect.

My writing needs to show I understand the text type in which I am working.

/ The language I use must be precise and effective in the text type I am using. / I must always use correct punctuation and learn how to include colons.

My handwriting still needs to be fluent and clear!


I must extend my use of adventurous vocabulary

/ I need to decide how formal the language needs to be and make sure I ‘stick’ to that style throughout.
I must vary the sentences I use.

Level 5clevel 5blevel 5a

I must make sure that I continue to do all of level 5.


My punctuation must be used so that it clarifies the meaning.


I must use a range of punctuation accurately to vary pace and meaning.

I need to make sure that the writing is well constructed in the text type I am using.

/ My work must be clearly organised in paragraphs that include an introduction and a summary. / My writing must have a clear sense of audience and purpose.

I must remember the audience for whom I am writing and make sure the text type is appropriate.


My vocabulary needs to be varied, interesting and extensive.

/ I need to check that my work is cohesive, controlled and successful.
Sentences need to vary in length and structure.

Level 6clevel 6bLevel 6a

My choice of punctuation needs to create deliberate effects.


I need to use a range of structures e.g. adverbial phrases and impersonal openings.


Connectives used to link paragraphs must show the link between my ideas.

I need to have a secure grasp of the conventions of appropriate text type and form.

/ I must vary the length and focuses of sentences to express shades of meaning. / I must use topic sentences at the start of paragraphs.

I need to try to manipulate the audience eg. Frighten, amaze, persuade etc.


I need to use dashes, bullet points and parenthetic commas.

/ Introductions and conclusions should give direction and contribute to the effectiveness of my work.

I must make sure I do all of level 5 and level 6.

Level 7cLevel 7bLevel 7a