Eastern Wake EMS
Board of Director’s Meeting
October 16, 2014
Board Members Present: EWEMS Staff Present:
Ricky Pope Garland Tant, Director
Merri Lynne Morgan Eddie Ross, Assistant Director
Troy Mitchell Kim Lazenby, Board Clerk
Bob Matheny
Gary Barnes with his 2015 replacement: Bryan Hicks
Pat Wharton
Lucius Jones
The meeting was called to order at 6:50 p.m. by Board President, Troy Mitchell.
Pat Wharton made a motion, seconded by Ricky Pope, to accept the minutes from the July 17, 2014 meeting, as written. The motion was unanimously approved.
Lucius Jones made a motion to approve the Financial Statements for May, June and July, 2014. Before the motion was seconded, Merri Lynne Morgan had a few questions regarding 3 line items from the July 2014 Financial Statement that seemed to be a little high and already over budget. Merri Lynne made it clear that she was not questioning the line items she had just noticed the funds while reviewing the statements:
· Fuel – Director Tant stated due to the rising fuel prices and depending on the volume of calls, fuel costs will fluctuate throughout the year. This line item will equal out over the course of the year.
· Vehicle Maintenance and Repair – Director Tant explained this was due to the fact an insurance check, for the ambulance that had been wrecked, was deposited in the bank at the end of the 2013-2014 budget year. The check for the ambulance repairs was not written until the beginning of the 2014-2015 budget year.
· Maintenance and Repair Building - Director Tant stated we had made some repairs (window tinting, replaced front door and some other minor cosmetic items) at the Wendell EMS station. Also, the landscaping at the Rolesville EMS station had been brought up to the County standards so there was some excess funds spent for the month. This line item will equal out over the next few months.
After no further questions, the motion was seconded by Gary Barnes. The motion was unanimously approved.
Director Tant advised the board due to a radio band change, a BDA Amplifier was needed at our EMS 62 station on Clifton Rd. Currently, there is a problem with pagers not activating due to poor radio reception and no signal. The amplifier would help increase the signal and reception for pagers and radio signals. The installation of the amplifier would benefit both the Fire and EMS personnel at this location. Director Tant stated that if Eastern Wake EMS ever vacated the Clifton Rd. location, the amplifier would move with Eastern Wake EMS. Director Tant further stated our Bethany Rd. station, EMS 66, also needed to be done but it would wait until a later year. The cost of the amplifier is $22,218.00. Director Tant talked to Wake County EMS about the amplifier and they have agreed the amplifier is necessary to prevent missed calls. Wake County advised Director Tant they would reimburse Eastern Wake EMS one half of the bill if Eastern Wake EMS paid the bill up front. Director Tant advised the board, currently the unassigned fund balance is $1,622,324.45, so there were sufficient funds to purchase the amplifier. Director Tant asked for permission to move forward with the process for the purchase and installation of the amplifier. Merri Lynne Morgan made a motion to approve this purchase for $22,218.00, Pat Wharton seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Director Tant stated the Wendell EMS station was in need of a lot of cosmetic repairs, inside and outside. The station needs pressure washing, paint, landscaping, outside sign – like Zebulon station, a generator and other minor repairs. Director Tant would like to ask the Board for $20,000.00 for the station repairs. Gary Barnes made a motion to approve the funds not to exceed $20,000.00 to make the repairs, Ricky Pope seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Director Tant advised the Board that the 2013 audit was 1.5 months behind its normal schedule. He further stated the auditors came into the office in July and everything went smooth, no problems detected. He hopes to have the completed audit back within a week or two. When the audit is received, Director Tant will send it out electronically to the Board.
Operations Chief Ross reported the following truck status:
· 2 ambulances currently being remounted in West Jefferson, N.C. They should be delivered within 1-2 weeks.
· Due to an electrical fire in the box behind the Captain’s seat, the brand new ambulance had to be shipped back to Florida with no clue as to when we will receive it back. The crew was on the way to a call, no patient was on board, when the fire started. The crew had the fire out when the fire department arrived, no injuries were reported.
Bryan Hicks asked Operations Chief Ross how many trucks Eastern Wake EMS currently has. Chief Ross stated we have the following:
· 10 ambulances - run 7 trucks per day
· 3 administrative vehicles - Director Tant, Operations Chief Ross and Training Chief Como
· 1 Logistics Supply Van
Director Tant stated we replaced a supply van that was 8 years old. The County provides capital dollars for replacement of 4 vehicles. Director Tant plans to get at least 10 years use out of the new van.
Director Tant advised the Board that our big Kenworth truck stays in dispatch as a resource for bariatric response, which is for a patient over 400 lbs. The 2 new ambulances coming to us from West Jefferson have a $22,000.00 power load system installed on the trucks, this will help relieve the Kenworth from being resource truck. Eastern Wake EMS will pilot the power load system and provide feedback to Wake County for consideration of future purchases of this system to be placed on all ambulances County wide. The long term goal is to reduce back injuries for staff.
Old Business:
President Mitchell advised the Board that the sign out front at Clifton Rd (EMS 62) had been changed. EMS Substation has been added onto the sign, along with the Star of Life. President Mitchell shared a photo of the new sign and it was very well liked by all members.
New Business:
President Mitchell advised the Board that several of the Board Members term expires at the end of December, 2014: Gary Barnes, Merri Lynn Morgan, Lucius Jones and Bob Matheny. President Mitchell stated Bob Matheny, Merri Lynn Morgan and Lucius Jones wanted to remain on the board for another 2 year term. A motion was made for these 3 members to remain on the Board for another 2 year term by Pat Wharton, Gary Barnes seconded the vote. The motion was unanimously approved.
Gary Barnes stated he was leaving the Board and thanked everyone for allowing him to be a part of the Board. He further stated him and his wife plan to spend a lot more time at their mountain home. Gary brought his replacement to the meeting, Mr. Bryan Hicks, Rolesville Town Manager. Mr. Hicks was introduced to the Board, by Gary Barnes, as a possible candidate for the Board. A motion to accept Mr. Bryan Hicks onto the Board of Director’s, to replace Gary Barnes, was made by Lucius Jones, Bob Matheny seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. A Board of Director Notebook was presented to Mr. Hicks and he was introduced and welcomed to the Board of Directors for Eastern Wake EMS.
Director Tant asked if any Board member had a conflict with moving the Board of Director Meetings from the 3rd Thursday to the 4th Thursday of the quarter. Director Tant stated there was a conflict with the 3rd Thursday with the Fire Commission meetings. All Board members agreed to move the meetings to the 4th Thursday of the quarter.
President Mitchell then asked for a motion to go into a closed executive session so a personnel matter could be addressed, a motion was made by Lucius Jones, Gary Barnes seconded the vote. The motion was unanimously approved. After a brief closed session, the session was reopened by a motion from Lucius Jones with a second motion by Gary Barnes. The motion was unanimously approved. A motion was made by President Mitchell to give Director Tant a 2.75% pay increase retroactive back to October 1, 2014. The motion was made by Lucius Jones, the motion was seconded by Gary Barnes. The motion was unanimously approved.
The next Board Member Meeting is January 22, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Gary Barnes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Bob Matheny seconded the motion. The Board unanimously voted to adjourn at 7:33 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Board Clerk, Kim Lazenby.