Acts 3-8


I. JERUSALEM (Acts 1:1 - 8:4)

A. Christ Commands the Apostles to be Witnesses (1:1-8).

B. The Ascension of Christ in Front of the Apostles (1:9-14).

C. The Qualifications & Appointment of Matthias as an Apostle (1:15-26)

D. The Apostles Receive Power on Pentecost (2:1-13).

E. The Apostle Peter Explains the Outpouring of the Spirit (2:14-41).

F. The Result of the Apostle's Doctrine (2:42-47).

G. Peter Heals the Lame Man (3:1-26).

H. Peter & John Brought Before The Sanhedrin (4:1-22).

I. Apostles' Prayer For Boldness (4:23-31).

J. The Generosity of Brethren (4:32-37).

K. Peter Confronts Ananias & Sapphira (5:1-11).

L. Apostles' Miracles (5:12-16).

M. Apostles Persecuted by the Sanhedrin (5:17-42).

N. Deacons Appointed (6:1-8).

O. Stephen's Death At The Hands Of The Sanhedrin (6:9-7:60).

P. Saul Persecutes the Church (8:1-4).

II. JUDEA & SAMARIA (Acts 8:5 - 12:25)

III. THE END OF THE EARTH (Acts 13:1 - 28:31)

QUESTIONS FOR ACTS3:1-26 Peter Heals the Lame Man.

1. Where were Peter & John (3:1)?

2. The Hebrews counted the hours of the day from daybreak. Thus our 6am would be their "first hour" of the day. What would the "ninth hour" of the day be (Acts 3:1)?

3. Who was at the gate they were entering through (3:2)? What condition was he in?

4. What did this man ask of Peter & John (3:3)?

5. When Peter addressed him, what did he expect from them (3:4-5)?

6. By what authority did Peter heal this man (3:6)?

7. How long did it take for this man to recover (3:7-8)? Did it take surgeries, therapies, crutches or medicine? How is this different from modern day miracles?

8. How does this miracle help to show that the modern day doctrine of "expect a miracle" to get a miracle is false?

9. How visible was this miracle (3:2, 9-10)? How is this different from modern day miracles?

10. What is the first point Peter makes to these men of Israel (3:11-12)? Is Peter being "negative" in his preaching?

11. How long did it take Peter to condemn these men of sin (3:13)?

12. Who did they prefer to be released instead of the Holy & Righteous One (3:14)?

13. How is Jesus described (3:15)?

14. Consider the charge against these people (3:13-15) and notice how Peter expresses this in repeated contrasts.

(a) God glorified Jesus, whom you delivered up (v.13)

(b) You denied Him before Pilate, when Pilate determined to release Him (v.13)

(c) You denied the Holy & Righteous One & asked to release a murderer (v14)

(d) You killed the Prince of Life, whom God raised up (v.15)

How would your conscience feel if you were the focus of a sermon like this? Was Peter wrong to preach this way?

15. Who are the witnesses Peter speaks of (3:15)?

16. What was the true POWER in healing the lame man (3:16)?

(a) Peter saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk".

(b) Peter and John's godliness.

(c) The lame man's faith.

(d) Peter and John's faith in the name of Jesus.

17. Does Peter's plainness of speech mean that he hated them (3:17)?

18. In what sense were these men "brethren" to Peter & John (3:17)? Were they Christians?

19. Who does Peter include in the murder of Jesus (3:17)?

20. How does Peter use the word "ignorance" here (3:17)? Is he insulting the listeners?

21. Why might people be offended when they are called ignorant?

22. What relationship did God have with the prophets (3:18, 21)?

NOTE: Compare Acts 3:19 with Mark 16:16, Acts 11:21; 26:20; & 2:38.

Believe+ Baptized = saved (Mark 16:16)

Believe+ Turned = unto the Lord (Acts 11:21)

Repent+ Turn again = sins blotted out & seasons of refreshing from Lord (3:19)

Repent+ Turn = to God (Acts 26:20)

Repent + Baptized = Sins remitted + gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38)

23. What precedes turning? What follows turning? Thus, what does "turning" mean?

24. (T) (F) Our sins can be forgiven without repentance (3:19).

25. Many today want a relationship with Jesus without having to change their heart, their lives or their beliefs. How does Acts 3:19-20 answer this error?

26. Until what time must heaven receive Jesus Christ (3:21)?

27. Charles Spurgeon (a Particular Baptist preacher) in his Spurgeon Devotional Commentary says of Acts 3:21, "Jesus will come again to restore this fallen earth; till then he reigns above." To what does the "restoration of all things" referin Acts 3:21? Does it apply to an earthly, 1000 year reign of Christ?

28. The common belief of the Jews (even the disciples) was that the Messiah would reign upon the earth (cf: John 6:15; Acts 1:6). On this account they even objected to Jesus' teaching that the Messiah would suffer & die (John 12:32-34). Why "must" the heaven receive Christ until the restoration of all things? (Consider Jer. 22:30; Heb 7:11-19; Is. 53 & Heb. 8:6; 9:14)

29. Where is this quote of Moses from (3:22)? To what prophet did Moses point to and demand obedience?

30. How were Moses & Jesus similar (3:22)?

31. What will happen to those who do not listen to Jesus (3:23)?

32. What did all the prophets from Samuel on foretell (3:24)?

33. What is meant by these people being the sons of the prophets & the covenant (3:25)?

34. What covenant did God make with Abraham, and how was it fulfilled in

Christ (3:25-26)?

35. (T) (F) Jesus came to bless men by allowing them to stay in their sins (3:26).

QUESTIONS FOR ACTS4:1-22Peter & John Brought Before The Sanhedrin.

36. As they (Peter & John) spoke, who came upon them (4:1)?

37. Why were the priests & Sadducees troubled by what Peter and John preached (4:2)?

38. What does the word "for" (Greek GAR) mean in 4:3? (Compare Gal. 3:27)

39. If Peter & John entered at the ninth hour (3:1) and it was now eventide (4:3), how long had Peter & John been in the temple?

40. Even though they were arrested, what resulted from their preaching (4:4)?

41. Based on Acts 4:4, how does faith come?

42. What is necessarily implied in "believed", if these were added to their number (4:4)?

NOTE: Luke notes how formidable the opposition to the apostles was at this time, in the rulers, elders (the Sanhedrin) and scribes being gathered against them(4:5). He specifically names:

Annas - He was not now actually in the office of high priest, yet he had possessed it for eleven years, bore the title all his life, and saw five of his sons fill that role after him. He is the same who is called Ananus by Josephus, Ant. b. xx. c. 8.

Caiaphas - He was son-in-law to Annas (John 18:13) and the current high priest. This is the same man who not long before condemned Christ to be crucified.

John& Alexander - Nothing more is known of these men from the Bible. Dr. Lightfoot conjecturesthat John was Jochanan ben Zaccai, who was very famous at that time in the Jewish nation. Alexanderwas probably Alexander Lysimachus, one of the richest Jews of his time, who made great presents to the temple, and was highly esteemed by King Agrippa. He was brother to the famous Philo Judaeus (a philosopher of Alexandria, Egypt), and father of Alexander Tiberius, who married Berenice, the daughter of Agrippa the elder, and was governor of Judea after Cuspius Fadus. See Josephus, Ant. l. xix. c. 5, s. 1.

The kindred of the high priest - Those who belonged to the families of Annas and Caiaphas, and all who were connected with the sacerdotal family.

(Referenced from Adam Clark's Commentary)

43. THOUGHT QUESTIONS: If you were teaching God's word, and the Supreme Court, members of Congress and other important individuals gathered to tell you to stop... would you feel intimidated? Would you stop teaching?

44. What questions did these men ask of Peter and John (4:7)?

45. When Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit, what did he do (4:8)?

46. What did the healing of the impotent man prove (4:9-10)?

47. In Peter's reply, he asserted that the truth should be known to whom (4:10)?

48. Considering the audience, did Peter shrink back or tone down his speech (4:10)?

49. Why might the resurrection be an especially galling point to priests (4:10)?

50. How long did it take Peter to condemn these men of sin (4:10)?

51. What prophecy does Peter refer to as evidence of who Jesus is (4:11)? How does Peter apply it?

52. Consider the conclusion of Peter's brief statement (4:12). What can be learned from it about the connection between authority and salvation?

53. What two distinct things stood out about Peter and John in the minds of the Sanhedrin (4:13)? Based on this what did they conclude?

54. In what way were they "unlearned and ignorant" men (4:13)?

55. What additional evidence made it impossible to refute what Peter and John said (4:14)?

56. Since they could not refute them, what did they do (4:15-16)? Why? What did this show about the character / hearts of these men?

57. What did they conclude & command Peter & John (4:17-18)?

58. While God tells us to obey human laws (Romans 13) is there ever a point where we should not obey man's laws (Acts 4:18-19)?

59. Even though they were specifically told not to, what did the apostles affirm that they would do (4:20)?

60. Why did they let the apostles go on this occasion (4:21)?

61. How old was this man who was healed (4:22)? Thus, how evident was the miracle worked upon him?

QUESTIONS FOR ACTS4:23-31Apostles' Prayer For Boldness.

62. When they were released, they returned and reported all that the rulers had said (4:23). Was this gossip, slander or "speaking evil of a ruler" (cp. Acts 23:5; Ex. 22:28)?

63. What is meant by their being "with one accord" (4:24)? How does persecution help brethren to be united?

64. Their response to opposition was to pray to God (4:24). Why was it especially appropriate at this time to emphasize that God is the Maker of all things?

65. Explain how God communicated the passage they quote (4:24-25).

66. Where is this passage from (4:25-26)? Through whom did God reveal it?

67. Answer the question this prophecy asks (4:25-26).

68. Who all were included as lining up against Jesus (4:27)?

69. Explain what is meant by their doing "whatsoever thy hand and thy council foreordained to come to pass" (4:28). Does this support Calvinist predestination?

70. If someone threatened you for speaking truth, how would you feel? What would you be tempted to do?

71. As they faced threats and intimidation, what did they ask of God (4:29)?

72. What miraculous event occurred as an answer to their prayer (4:31)?

QUESTIONS FOR ACTS4:32-37The Generosity of Brethren.

73. (T) (F) It is impossible to have unity with a large number of people (4:32).

74. In what were they unified (4:32)? What attitude was also necessary to maintain this?

75. Among this whole multitude of believers, through whom did God show great power as witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus (4:33)?

a. All the believers.

b. All the male believers.

c. The apostles.

76. What is meant by great grace being upon them all (4:33)? (Cp. Titus 2:11-12)

77. How committed were they to providing for the needy among the brethren (4:34-35)?

78. Again, how do we know that this is not promoting communism or communal living (4:34-35)?

79. Who was Joseph (4:36)? What surname did the apostles give him?

80. What did he do (4:37)?

QUESTIONS FOR ACTS5:1-11Peter Confronts Ananias & Sapphira.

81. What did Ananias do (5:1-2)? Was he alone in this action?

82. Was Ananias' sin that he kept back part of the price (5:2, 4)?

83. Why did Peter rebuke Ananias (5:3)?

84. How does temptation come? Where do lies come from? (5:3-4)

85. How does Acts 5:4 answer the error of communism?

86. While Ananias thought he was lying to Peter, who did Ananias really lie to (5:3-4)?

87. Compare Acts 5:3 and 4. Who is the Holy Spirit?

88. What immediately happened (5:5-6)? How did this affect those who heard?

89. Three hours later, Sapphira came in (5:7). Did she know what happened?

90. What did Peter ask her (5:8)? What did her answer prove (5:9)?

91. What was the result of disciplinary action in the church and in the community(5:11)?

92. While the time of miracles has ceased (1 Cor. 13:8-10), and we are not authorized to administer the death penalty (2 Thess. 3:14); is congregational discipline needed today?

93. From the death of Ananias & Sapphira (5:5, 10) what can we learn about the seriousness of sin, such as lying?

94. From the death of Ananias & Sapphira some would argue that they were never saved in the first place. How can this false assertion be answered?

QUESTIONS FOR ACTS5:12-16Apostles' Miracles.

95. By whose hands were many signs and wonders wrought (5:12)?

a. All believers / converts.

b. All those believers who had been present on Pentecost.

c. By the hands of the apostles.

96. Consider that Ananias & Sapphira just perished (5:1-11). Yet Acts 5:12 says that they were all with one accord. What can we learn about unity from this?

97. Who are "the rest" that did not dare join themselves to them, even though the people magnified them (5:13)?

98. (T) (F) Discipline discourages people from believing (5:14).

99. Considering the number of people coming to be healed, Acts 5:15 notes that people were laid in the streets on beds and couches so that Peter's shadow could touch them. While some would make much of Peter's role in this, is Peter the only one where such events are noted (cp. Luke 8:43-48; Acts 19:11-12)?

100. Catholic proponents argue that the shadow of Peter curing people proves the effectiveness of relics. For example, one is noted in Adam Clark's Commentary as saying: "if the shadow of a saint can do so much, how much more may his bones, or any thing that was in contact with his person, perform!" How should such an argument be answered?

101. While the apostles remained in Jerusalem at this time, how far did word spread (5:16)? How effective were the miracles of the apostles?

QUESTIONS FOR ACTS5:17-42Apostles Persecuted by the Sanhedrin.

102. What motive stirred up the High Priest and the Sadducees against the apostles (5:17-18)?

103. When God sent an angel to release them by night, what were they told to do (5:19-20)? Where?

104. How were people to learn about the Life God offers (5:20)?

a. Direct miraculous experience

b. An emotional sensation

c. By the words revealed to the apostles

105. The apostles entered the temple about (DAY BREAK; MID DAY; NEXT EVENING) and taught (5:21).

106. Why were the high priest,his people, the council & officers puzzled (5:21-24)?

107. When one reported that the apostles were teaching the people in the temple, why did they bring them without force (5:25-26)?

108. What charge from the authorities did the apostles consistently disobey (5:28-29)? Does this mean that the Christian has the right to disobey laws of government? Explain.

109. Why did the apostles not give a politically correct answer (5:29-32)?

110. In addition to Acts 5:29, Peter goes on to emphasize who killed Jesus (5:30) and that God raised Him (5:31). What two roles did God give Jesus (5:31)?

111. What condition did they say was necessary before remission of sins (5:31)? Why might this particular point be emphasized now, rather than faith, confession or baptism?

112. What context clues help us to identify the "we" of Acts 5:32?

113. Who are "them that obey him" that also received the Holy Spirit (5:32)?

a. The apostles

b. All the believers who were at Pentecost

c. All believers

114. What effect did truth have on those who heard (5:33)? Why did they respond with hostile intent?

115. Who was Gamaliel (5:34)? What did he urge those assembled to do (5:34-39)?

116. What did the apostles suffer (5:40)?

117. Explain why the apostles rejoice after this (5:41).

118. Where the apostles discouraged by this or did they change (5:42)?

119. What should we learn from the commitment of the apostles?

QUESTIONS FOR ACTS6:1-8Deacons Appointed.

120. As the number of the disciples increased, what two groups were involved in an internal dissension in the church (6:1)? What can we learn from this about differing groups in a congregation?

121. What was the primary work of the apostles (6:2, 4)? Did this mean they had no concern for the needy saints?

122. What steps where taken in appointing men to serve in this role (6:3, 6)?

123. What three qualifications were listed (6:3)? Explain them.

124. Note who the problem was among (6:1) and consider the names of the men put forward to address the problem (6:5). Why might all these men with Greek names be the best way to handle this problem?

125. Explain how these three statements are parallel (6:7): "the word of God increased", "the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly" and "and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith."

126. What kind of growth is emphasized in this passage (6:7)?

a. Numerical growth

b. Monetary increase

c. Spiritual development

127. How does the phrase "obedient to the faith" refute Calvinism (6:7)?

128. What was required for Stephen to work great wonders & signs among the people (6:5, 8; cp. 1 Cor. 12:9; Mt. 21:21)?

QUESTIONS FOR ACTS6:9-15StephenDeath At The Hands Of The Sanhedrin.

129. (T) (F) Stephen upset a lot of people (6:9).

130. (T) (F) Stephen was a "know it all" and "always had the right answer" (6:10).

131. Was Stephen to blame for all the trouble that arose (6:9-10)? Explain.

132. When these men could not intimidate Stephen into backing down, what did they do (6:11-14)?

133. Was there any truth to what they said (6:13-14)? Explain.

134. Did the early Christians know that Jerusalem would be destroyed (6:14)?

135. What was the initial impression that the council had of Stephen (6:15)?

QUESTIONS FOR ACTS 7:1-21Stephen Death At The Hands Of The Sanhedrin.

136. When the High Priest asked Stephen if these accusations were true (7:1), Stephen:

a. Answered with a simple yes or no.

b. Stephen refused to answer.

c. Stephen delivered a 52 verse history lesson with pointed application to the listeners.

137. In what sense were the listeners "brethren and fathers" to Stephen (7:2)?

138. Where did God first appear to Abraham (7:2, 4; Gen. 15:7)?

139. What did God tell Abraham to do (7:3)? Would this command be convenient? How would many respond to this command today?