Meeting MinMRA Meeting

Conf. Call

April 3rd, 2013 7:30 pm(Scott)

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Jojo at 7:36

Attendance/Roll Call: highlight members in attendance

President Shawn Manee

VP: JoJo Varner

Secretary: Jill Scott

Treasurer: Alicia Mengelkoch

Bull Riding: Casey BerendsTommy Riggs

Calf Roping: MikeyLoiseauToby Boeta

Over 40 CR: Mike FilkouskiEmmett Davis

Barrel Racing: Sharon Munn & Bailey Webb-Olson

Team Roping: Eric Nelson & Bill VanLith

Breakaway Roping: Amber MichalekKatie Pitzen

Steer Wrestling: Matt Uttermark Jeremy Wagner

Judges Director: Greg Caron

Bareback: DruWilking & Jason Lenzen

Saddle Bronc: Wes Jensen & Mark Gunderson

Queen Director: Alicia Mengelkoch

Stock Director: Scott Berends

General Members: Beth Leabo,LaciHuben, Morgan Dwire

Treasurer’s Report: Alicia Mengelkoch,

Current Balance: $69771.63 total in MRA accounts at this time.

Missing 2012 Sanction money:Breakdown was sent via email to directors

MMS to approve Treasurer’s report from March & April: Toby MM to approve/Katie 2nd it

Secretaries Report:

Februarymeeting minutes are online and emailed to the board:

Motion to approve FebruaryMtg min: Toby MM/Alicia 2nd.

March meeting min have been emailed to board and posted online.

Motion to approve March meeting Min: Alicia MM/Toby 2nd.

Jill reports there are 86 members for 2013, approx 20 new members so far this year. Reminder to all directors, they still need to send in form with raffle money for points to count for Henderson.

Committee Reports:

Queen: Alicia Mengelkoch

  • 2013 Queen Applicants: Lacey Huban, Beth Leabo
  • Still looking for judges and Alicia is looking for sponsors in hopes to get Queen contestant awards for 2013.

For the Horse Expo, one of the queen contestants is unable to come, Lacey will be there 2 days, Alicia and Kayleen will be there all 3 days to work. The plan is to do x-box rodeo interactive video game at the horse expo booth. Anyone is welcome to come and work for a time to give the girls a break.

Stock:Scott Berends, Eric Nelson, Mike Filkouski, DruWilking, Jeremy Wagner, Casey Berends

Jill provided info regarding rough stock riders: Scott confirmed he herd and will take care of rough stock.

Bull Riders: 11 BB Riders: 4 SB Riders:8

Awards: Jill Scott, Alicia Mengelkoch, Bailey Webb Olson, Mark Gunderson, Jason Lenzen

Jackets have been ordered and will be in for finals.

Jill reviewed buckle order: Buckles have been ordered: For all events at finals:Finals reserve and year end reserve Champ

Bulls there is 1 year end champ, 1 finals champ, 1 year end reserve, 1 finals reserve buckle, no plan for a saddle, also 2 Bull Fighter buckles. BB has 1 year end Champ buckle and plans for 1 champ saddle, 1 Finals Champ buckle, and 1 Reserve year end buckle, 1 reserve finals buckle. 1 queen buckle, 1 Announcer buckle has also been ordered.

Fundraising: Shawn Manee, JoJo Varner, Emmett Davis, Alicia Mengelkoch, Jill Scott, Bailey Webb Olson, Wes Jensen, Katie Pitzen

  • 2013 Raffle: Raffle tickets are in. Do we want to donate to Western Wishes this year?
  • Discussion on the fact there is no chapter leader in our area from western wishes any longer. Discussion on where to give money. Sharron made suggestions about local groups where the drawing is held, or Bemidji due to our finals being there. Jojo suggested we keep it in a western affiliation. Asked everyone to email ideas if they have them on where to donate 10% of the profits. Please have your suggestions in by next week Friday.
  • We will sell raffle tickets at expo and at finals

Budget: JoJo Varner, Shawn Manee, Alicia Mengelkoch, Jill Scott, Emmitt Davis

Changes to Finals budget for arena use, $500 added for panels, Rough stock budget subject for change with entry total

Alicia reports she made a change on the budget to the arena fee to add $500, and she will make the changes when she gets cost for the rough stock. Jojo mentioned Toby donated his own money of $225 to help cover the cost of arena fee, a thank you to Toby for his generosity.

Nominations:Sharon Munn, Bill VanLith, Matt Uttermark, MikeyLoiseau, Tommy Riggs

Nominations will be held at General Membership Meeting at Finals. Jojo mentioned we have not had nominations for the Hall of Fame yet this year. The requests can be emailed to Jill.

Rules and Bylaws: Shawn Manee, Greg Caron, Jill Scott, Sharon Munn, Katie Pitzen, Scott Berends

Submitted by Tony O on 3-16-2013 (reviewed by Jill)

New Rule:

Rule Proposal and Changes will be discussed at the end of each season. All rule proposals submitted in writing will begin with discussion during the October Meeting and continue to the January meeting. All rules will be voted on during the January meeting. Any proposals submitted after December 15th will not be considered until the following season. The board reserves the right to evaluate rules and make changes subject to the board’s discression.

Motion: Toby made motion to approve this rule, Scott 2nd. Vote: 6 NO’s, 4 Yes’s, motion denied.

RULE CHANGES- proposed by JoJo Varner –They have been posted for 30 days

Rule #1

Articles of Incorporation READS:

V. The officers of the Minnesota Rodeo Association shall be as follows: President, Vice President, 2 Directors for each event (Bareback Riding, Saddle Bronc Riding, Bull Riding, Calf Roping, 40+Calf Roping, Cowgirls Barrel Racing, Breakaway Calf Roping, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping). One director: Queen, Contractor, Judges, Standings Secretary, Administration Secretary, Treasurer, Donations Solicitor and Finals director. Directors will have a two year consecutive term.


V. The officers of the Minnesota Rodeo Association shall be as follows: President, Vice President, 2 Directors for each event (Bareback Riding, Saddle Bronc Riding, Bull Riding, Calf Roping, 40+Calf Roping, Cowgirls Barrel Racing, Breakaway Calf Roping, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping Heading, Team Roping Heeling). One director: Queen, Contractor, Judges, Standings Secretary, Administration Secretary, Treasurer, Donations Solicitor and Finals director. Directors will have a two year consecutive term.

Move to vote: Sharon MM/Alicia 2nd

Rule #2

Membership Requirements: READS

10. A current member in good standing of the MN High School Rodeo Association and Little Britches Association will receive full member status for a fee of $10 upon receipt of a stamped notarized MRA release of liability and copy of membership status to the MNHSRA or Little Britches Association.


10. A current member in good standing of the MN High School Rodeo Association and Little Britches Association will receive full member status for a fee of $50 upon receipt of a stamped notarized MRA release of liability and copy of membership status to the MNHSRA or Little Britches Association.

Discussion: if this passes will it be in effect for 2013 or 2014, we have youth members who have paid for cards already this year. It was discussed the rule would be enacted the day of its passing, we would not go back on the members who have paid already, but from the day of its official passing and forward.

Move to vote: Alicia MM to approve /Katie 2nd

Rule #3

Breakaway Roping rule READS:

Boys 14 years old and under can compete in the breakaway calf roping event. Boys must be 14 years of age or under on January 1st of the season for which they compete.


Boys 14 years old and under can compete in the breakaway calf roping event. Boys must be 14 years of age or under on day of competition. Day of 15th birthday the contestant is no longer eligible to compete at regular season rodeos. All points accumulated up to the date of the 15th birthday will be reserved for finals eligibility.

Move to vote: Katie MM to approve/Alicia 2nd

Motion to Vote on all 3 rules above: Vote unanimous, all rules passed and will be placed into rule book.

Finals: Toby Boeta, Shawn Manee, Jill Scott, Mike Filkouski, Alicia Mengelkoch, Jojo Varner

Rodeo specific order of events:(Toby)

  • Order of events
    1. Bareback
    2. Breakaway
    3. Act
    4. Over 40 Tie Down
    5. Bull Dogging
    6. Act
    7. Saddle bronc
    8. Team roping
    9. Calf roping
    10. Chicken Scramble
    11. Barrel Racing
    12. Bull Riding
  • Mark G. was going to contact Hay to be there for roughstock. Get a quote for cost as well for the budget? Past budget around $400. Scott reports Mark is taking care of this.
  • Other finals business:

“Security” Person for gate 10? Discussion on what this person would do. They would make sure only the people behind the chutes/in the warm up area are the people who are suppose to be back there, and that people are not coming through the back door without a ticket. Alicia will contact her aunt who works as a security guard.

Old Business:

Horse Expo:

See queens report

Emmett requested to talk about the fines list. It was discussed how lengthy the fines list is, and the fact some of the people who are on the list qualified for the finals. These fines need to be paid.

New Business:

Rodeo Approvals

Russell Wagon Stampede Rodeo - MRA/TBRA

Russell, MN

Triple B Rodeo

June 7th &8th , 2013

Performances: June 7th, 7 pm and June 8th, 6:30 pm

Slack: TBA

Entries: Monday, June 3rd 12pm-5 pm 320.367.2445

Emergency #: 320.226.1487

Added Money: $200 all 9 standard events

Entry Fees: $ 68 in all events (SB, BB, BR, CBR, Breakaway, SW, $73 in CR, O40 CR, and TR is $64 per end

Membership applications must be postmarked on or before June 3rd for points to count for this rodeo.

Approved Russell

Estelline Days Rodeo -SDRA/MRA/MRCA

Estelline, SD

Triple B Rodeo

Performances: June 21st & 22nd 6:30 pm nightly

Slack: June 22th Noon

Internet entries are open from June 14, to June 17,12AM MDT on Friday through 8PM MDT on Monday at
Telephone entries are open from 12PM MDT on Monday June 17 through 8PM MDT on Monday June 17 at 605-374-7754

Emergency #: 320.226.1487

Added Money: $600 all events (SB, BB, BR, O40 CR, CR, SW, TR, ladies and SrMens Breakaway, CBR ($600 per end in Team Roping)

Entry Fees: Follows SDRA

Buckles per Event

Men's all around buckle

Women’s all around buckle

Contestant Hay

Contestant Hospitality

Cardholders check or cash

$5.00 Finals Fee for O-40 CR, and CR for MRA

BACK NUMBERS MUST BE WORN, this will get you into the cowboy ball for free both nights

Membership applications must be postmarked on or before June 17th for points to count for this rodeo.

Approved Estelline

Huron Roundup Rodeo Huron, SD SDRA/NRCA/Midstates/MRA

Lance Lesmeister, Alan Weischedel/JD Bubel

July 19th and July 20th

Performances: at 7 pm Nightly

Slack: July 20th 9 am

Internet entries are open from 7-12 to 7-15 12AM MDT on Friday through 8PM MDT on Monday at
Telephone entries are open from 12PM MDT on Monday 7-15 through 8PM MDT on Monday 7-15 at 605-374-7754

Added Money: $400 CR, SW, TR (per team), Breakaway, Barrels, $550 BB, SB, BR - Also offered SDRA sanctioned Sr. Mens Breakaway, Team Penning ($500 per team), goat tying

Entry Fees: SDRA Entry Scale

Emergency Number: 605.350.5976

Membership applications must be postmarked by July 15th to accumulate points for this rodeo.

Huron Approved

Crooks Rodeo Crooks, MN SDRA/MRA/NRCA

Hollenbeck Rodeo’s

June 1st and 2nd

Performances: June 1st 4:30 pm, June 2nd 1:30 pm

Entries: Internet Entries Open: Official web site:
Friday May 24th12:00AM through Monday May 27th 8:00PM
Call-In Entries Open:
Monday May 27thfrom noon to 8:00PM at 605-374-7754

Added Money: BB, SB $500, CBR, BR, CR, Ladies Breakaway, SW, Senior Men’s Breakaway, TR (per Team) Mixed TR (per team) Team Penning (per team) $300

Entry Fee: See SDRA Entries

Emergency Number: 605.360.3076 (Den Klein)

Membership Applications must be postmarked by May 27th to be eligible for point’s tabulation.

Crooks Approved

Buckhorn Rodeo Britton, SD SDRA/NRCA/MRA

Mosbrucker Rodeo

May 24th & 25th

Performances: May 24th 7pm, May 25th 7pm

Slack: May 25th 11 am

Entries: Internet Entries Open: Official web site:
Friday May 17th 12:00AM through Monday May 20th at 8:00PM
Call-In Entries Open:
Monday from Noon to 8:00PM 605-374-7754

Added Money: $400 SB, BB, BR, CR, SW, TR (per team) BCR, CBR,(Mixed TR offered $200 per team added SDRA sanctioned only)

Entry Fees: SDRA Rulebook Scale (TBA)

Emergency Number day of rodeo: 605.321.4895

Membership applications must be postmarked by May 20th to accumulate points for this rodeo.

Britton Approved

Scottie Stampede Rodeo -SDRA/NRCA/MRA

Scotland, SD

Hollenbeck Rodeo Co.

August 10th and 11th

Performances: August 10th and August 11th 6:30 pm nightly

Slack: August 11th 9 am

Entries: Internet entries are open from 12AM MDT on Friday through 8PM MDT on Monday at

Telephone entries are open from 12PM MDT on Monday through 8PM MDT on Monday at 605-374-7754

Emergency #: 605.464.0184

Added Money: $600 Roughstock and $300 Timed Events- including CR, 040 CR, SW, TR (per team) Breakaway, Barrels, Team Penning (per team) and Mixed Team Roping (per team)

Entry Fees: Follows SDRA Entry Scale

Membership applications must be postmarked on or before August 5th for points to count for this rodeo.

Scotland Approved

Fertile MN- MRA/TBRA

Fertile, MN (Fairgrounds)

Triple B Rodeo Comp.

July 11th

Performances: July 11th 7 pm

Slack: TBA

Entries: Monday, July 8th 12- 5pm 320-367-2445

Emergency #: 320-226-1487

Added Money: $300 all nine standard events

Entry Fees: Per MRA Scale

Membership applications must be postmarked on or before July 8th for points to count for this rodeo.

Fertile Approved

Gonvick Lions Club Rodeo- MRA/TBRA

Gonvick, MN

Triple B Rodeo

July 13th and 14th

Performances: July 13th 2 pm and July 14th 2 pm

Slack: TBA

Entries: 7-8-2013 12-5 pm 320-367-2445

Emergency #: 320-367-2445

Added Money: $400 BB, SB, BR, - $300 CR, TR, CBR, SW, BCR, O40 CR

Entry Fees: $78 BB, SB, BR, $73 CR, O40 CR, $64 TR-per end, $68 CBR, Breakaway, SW.

Membership applications must be postmarked on or before July 8th for points to count for this rodeo.

Gonvick Approved

Grant County AG Association - MRA/TBRA

Fairground, Herman, MN

Triple B Rodeo

July 20th, 2013

Performances: July 2oth 6 pm

Slack: TBA

Entries: TUESDAY, July 16th 12-5pm 320.367.2445

Emergency #: 320.226.1487

Added Money: $350 to all events

Entry Fees: Follow MRA Scale

Membership applications must be postmarked on or before July 16th for points to count for this rodeo.

Herman Approved

Fillmore County Fair/Ag society Rodeo - MRA/TBRA

Preston, MN

Triple B Rodeo

July 26th, 2013

Performances: July 26th 7 pm

Slack: TBA

Entries: Monday, July 22nd 12-5 pm 320.367.2445

Emergency #: 320.226.1487

Added Money: $300 all 9 standard events

Entry Fees: Follow MRA Scale Above

Membership applications must be postmarked on or before July 22nd for points to count for this rodeo.

Preston Approved

Beltrami County Fair/Gold Mine Ranch Rodeo- MRA/TBRA

Bemidji, MN

Triple B Rodeo

August 2nd and 3rd , 2013

Performances: August 2nd and 3rd 7 pm nightly

Slack: TBA

Entries: Monday, July 29th 12-5pm- 320.367.2445

Emergency #: 320.226.1487

Added Money: $400 Roughstock $300 Timed Events

Entry Fees: BB, SB, BR $78, CR, O40 CR $ 73, TR $64/per man, SW, CBR, Breakaway $68

Membership applications must be postmarked on or before July 29th for points to count for this rodeo.

Bemidji Approved

Morris, MN- MRA/TBRA

Morris, MN

Triple B Rodeo

August 9th

Performances: August 9th 7:30 pm

Slack: After Perf

Entries: Monday, August 5th 12-5 pm 320-367-2445

Emergency #:320-226-1487

Added Money: $300 all nine standard events

Entry Fees: No Day Money- BB, SB, BR $63, CR, O40 CR $68, SW, CBR, Breakaway $63, TR $ 59 per man.

Membership applications must be postmarked on or before August 5th for points to count for this rodeo.

Morris Approved

Silver Bullet Saddle Club Rodeo - MRA/TBRA

Clearwater, MN

Triple B Rodeo

August 16th, 17th &18th , 2013

Performances: August 16th 7 pm, August 17th 6 pm, August 18th 2 pm

Slack: TBA

Entries: Monday, August 12th 12-5pm 320.367.2445

Emergency #: 320.226.1487

Added Money: $500 all nine standard events

Entry Fees: rough stock $78, CR, O40 CR $83, TR $74 per man, SW, CBR, Breakaway $78.

Membership applications must be postmarked on or before August 12th for points to count for this rodeo.

Clearwater Approved

Maynard Rodeo- MRA/TBRA

Maynard, MN

Triple B Rodeo

August 24th , 2013

Performances: August 24th 6 pm

Slack: August 24th 1 pm

Entries: Monday, August 19th 12-5 pm 320.367.2445

Emergency #: 320.226.1487

Added Money: $300 all nine standard events

Entry Fees: Rough Stock $68, CR, O40 CR $73, TR $64 per man, SW, CBR, Breakaway $68

Membership applications must be postmarked on or before August 19th for points to count for this rodeo.

Maynard Approved

Great Northern Classic Rodeo- URA/MRA

Superior, WI

Triple B Rodeo

August 30st, August 31st, September 1st 2013

Performances: August 30th 7 pm, August 31st 7 pm, and September 1st 2 pm

Slack: TBA

Entries: 8-26-2013, 12-5 pm 320-367-2445

Emergency #: 320-226-1487

Added Money: $1000 Roughstock BB, SB, BR$575 CR, O40 CR, Breakaway, CBR,SW $650, TR $400 per end

Entry Fees: $88 BB, SB, BR, CBR, Breakaway, SW, CR, O40 CR, $74 per man TR

Membership applications must be postmarked on or before 8-26-2013 for points to count for this rodeo.

Superior Approved

Wessington Springs, SD SDRA/MRA/NRCA

Lance Lesmeister Rodeo

May 25th & 26th

Performances: May 25th 6 pm & May 26th 2 pm

Slack: May 25th Noon

Entries: Internet
Friday May 17th 12:00AM through Monday May 20rd at 8:00PM
Call-In Entries Open:
Monday May 20th from Noon to 8:00PM

Official web site:

Added Money: BB, SB, BR $400, CR, SW, TR, CBR, BCR $400 (No Over 40 CR)

Entry Fees: EF $50, Stock $12 plus other applicable fees according to the SDRA Rulebook.

Emergency #: 605.770.4370

Membership applications must be postmarked by Monday May 20th to be eligible for point’s tabulation.

Wessington Springs Approved

Next Meeting Date: May 18th,2013 at 10:00 am @ Sanford Center

Motion to Adjourn:Emmett MM/Alicia 2ndat 8:40.