CS460/465 Senior Capstone Project I & II (3 + 3 cr. hrs.) Indiana University–Purdue University Fort Wayne
Sample Senior Design Project Proposal
The project is designed for a team of students working toward completion of a project, within two semesters1.
Title / Creating a Web application to map trail use and general bike and pedestrian activity in the Greater Fort Wayne areaThe application should allow users to enter personal information and then use the information for calculating distances during exercise or non-motorized transportation, as well as calories burned and be able to present this information to users by web and/or mobile application.
Sponsor / City of Fort Wayne - Greenways
Type / / /
Description / The City of Fort Wayne is interested in having an application developed to gain additional information about trail use and cyclist and pedestrian movement around the city. Unlike motor vehicles, cyclist and pedestrian activityis barely monitored and their activity is not well documented. With the creation of this GPS supported mobile application, the feedback provided could help city planners better understand cyclist and pedestrian traffic patterns and help them plan for future bike/pedestrian connections, as well as, where trail improvements might make the most sense regarding overall use.
The goal of this project is to create a well-documented web/mobileapplication that contains the full street grid, trail network and sidewalks in the Greater Fort Wayne area and allows users to track their activity. The app should also provide feedback regarding miles ran/walked/biked/bladed/etc. and calories burned. In return, the tracking data and user information (age/sex/height/weight) activity will be sent to the City of Fort Wayne to better understand the way cyclists and pedestrians move about the city.
This app will allow a user to login, find their location, select anactivity, start recording movement (with autopause detection/music tied into run controls), maintain a log of activity, and select achievement milestones. The trail network should stand out from all other infrastructure on the map so that trail users can easily see the trail as they are traveling and looking at the app for reference.
The City of Fort Wayne will provide details of the ESRI GIS APIs that this app will interact with.
Team size / / / /
Required backgrounds / HTML5, Web programming, DB, Mobile application development
Required resources (HW/SW) / Mobile devices
Additional requirements / The City of Fort Wayne will need to maintain the source code of this application in coming years, and so requires that software is well documented and distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3.
Other notes / This project is easily scalable to allow the team to take on the correct amount of work for the senior design project. The project is scalable because it can be broken down into the following modules that can be easily added or removed:
- Create a User ID
- Select an activity
- Start recording activity or submit an activity that wasn’t recorded
- Have activity and user information transmitted to server
- Activity should show current speed, avg speed, max speed, calories burned, route traveled with options to give voice feedback during activity
- Save activity (ask if activity was for fitness or transportation)
- Share activity
- View activity history
1In general, one semester has 15 weeks. For a 3 cr. hrs. course, a student is expected to work min of 8 hrs. per week for the project which is equivalent to min of 120 hours.