INFO ON IBN ISHAQ d A.H. 151 (773)

See note 399, page 318

See note 371, page 303

See note 381, page 308

See note 382, page 308

See note 309 for corn.

Corn in the OT?, page 251

See note 351, page 289

See note 328, (after 275)

See note 329, (after 275)

See note 320, page 265

See note 743, page 498

See note 716, page 468

check on the vision being fulfilled - 507

See note 816, page 562

See note 912, page 672

See note 914 - page 675

I.I. was a well known Traditionalist - i

Urwa al-Zubayr al-Awwan = son of Aisha's sister,

= "Founder of Islamic History" - xiv

Existence of Jewish and Christian Scriptures available

from 34-100 AH (Muhammad's time) -xv

Ibn al-Athir used I.I. xvii

Ibn Sa'd used I.I. xvii

I.I. used Chr. and Jew. informants.

Mo, + Demons xix- go to p 183, 187, 230

I.I.'s personal input in his book xix

Night Journey - xix, xx, xxi

I.I.'s integrity - xxiv

Charges of fraud against I.I. - xxv

Weak Poetry used by I.I. - xxvi

Karabala + Destruction of Medina - xxvii

Attack on Mecca - xxvii

Tabari discarded material from I.I. xxix

Guillaume's aim - xxx

Other Sira writers who used I.I. - xxxi

Satanic Verses in I.I. - xxx

Tabari is better than others - xxxi

Waqidi - only Maghazi survives - xxxi

Waqidi - We need him to get full picture of Sira - xxxii

I.I. biased for Shia - xxxiv

Bukhari + Muslim on I.I. - xxxv and xxxviii

People who supported I.I. xxxv (Hanbal is one of them)

Hanbal support of I.I. - xxxvii

Defense of I.I. - xxxviii

Tirmidhi supports I.I. xxxix

Missing pages of I.I. - xL + xLi

Ibn Hisham Additions - 84, 93

See if sons of Ishmael are listed in OT - 3


Badr - 289

Badr, Mo orders the attack on the caravan - 289

Badr, Gabe shows up - 300

Badr, Mo and evil omens due to names - 293

Badr, Quran - Sura 8? , 322

Badr, God promises them victory again - 322, 323

Badr, verses 10 to 1 army ratio - 326

Badr, the next verse abrog the previous one - 326

Badr, No proph could take booty before Mo - 326

Badr, men beat slaves at - 295

Badr, some of the Qurayshi go back - 296

Badr, Mo remains at the rear - 297

Badr, A Qurayshi leader tells the Meccans to

go back and not fight - 298


Uhud - 370

Uhud, negro troops help the Meccans - 370

Uhud, Mo started with 1000, but 1/3 left w/ Abu Ubay- 372

Uhud, Mo's vanity causes him to fight - 372

Uhud in Quran - Sura 3 commentary - 392

Uhud, loss blamed on 396

Uhud, loss attributed to Muslim's sins and disobedience to Mo - 399

Uhud, Mo refuses help from the Jews - 372

Uhud, Meccs had 3000 men - tie in w/ 8:66, 373

Uhud, God helps Muslims - 379

Uhud, Mo wounded - 380

Badr, Sa'd Muadh wants prisoners executed - 301


Abysinnians say Jesus is Son of God - 155

Bahira - p 79, 80

Byzantines - p18, 30

Byzantines helping Christians of Najran - 271

Christians in Arabia / Najran, came from Syria - 14

Chr. Script. in existence - 69, 79, 81, 83, 84, 86. 93, 99, 101, 104, 107, 136, 151, 179

Chr Script - Greeks nearby Mecca - 84

Christians deny the Torah? - 258

Christians and Jews taxed, but not forced to leave their faith - 643

Christians are not to be forced into Islam - 648

Chr. Church - p95

Christians - 95, 96, 99

Christian in Mecca teaching Mo - 180

Comforter - 104

Comforter, Error in I.I. - 104, see note

Copt in Mecca - 84

"Fellow" Christians in Syria - 638

Jesus and Infancy Gospels - 253

Jesus speaking in the cradle - 275

Jesus and Clay birds into living - 276, 271, 274

Jesus and the stored food - 276

Jesus changes some of the Torah - 276

Jesus disciples - 276

Jesus had no physical father - 276

Jesus - picture of him in Kaba - 552

Joseph - 275

Jewish Scriptures - 197

Mary - 275

Mary - picture of her in Kaba - 552

Najrans - Mo sends a man to curse the Christians of Najran - (after 276)

Najran prayer challenge - 277

Muslim tahreef w/ chr. script - 83

Oppressed Christians - when Mo died, the "Christians and Jews raised their heads" - 689

Quote from Bible - P86

Paul and Peter – 652, 653

People with Scripture - 644

Scriptures in Medina prior to Mo - 248

Scripture - if Mo isn't in them, then you don't have to be a Muslim - 256

Taxes forced upon - 657

Taxes bring rest from war - 657

Taxes forced upon Tabuk Christians - 607, 608

Taxes, extra - put on Jews and Christians – 620

Torah, called the word of God.

Trinity, error about - 272

Worship of Jesus - 163, 164


Mo and Gabe - 105, 106

Gabe teaches Mo how to pray - 113

Gabe = ghost that only Mo can see - 132-134

Nobody saw an angel w/ Mo - 181

Gabe, God, and Mo befuddle the Meccan leaders - 222

Jews, enemy to Gabe - 255

Gabe = the Spirit - (after 255)

Gabe shows up at Badr - 300

Angels = Black ants - 572


Aaron = son of Imran - 186

Abdullah b. Ubayy - 245, 278

Abdullah Ubay takes 1/3 of the men from Uhud - 372

Abraham - 260

Abu Afak - 675

Abu Bakr owned slaves early in Islam - 144

Abu Bakr wanted to attack the Qurayshi - 282

Abu Bakr the dumbbell, made a fool of - 263

Abu Bakr leads the pilgrimage - 617

Abu Bakr - says people forced to accept Islam "until men accept it voluntarily or by force" - 669

Abu Lahab - death of - 310

Abu Rafi - 482, 484

Abu Sufyan forced to convert - 547

Abu Sufyan - Mo's order to assassinate Abu Sufyan - 673

Abu Talib, Death of - 191

Abyssinia Immigrants - last ones from Abyssinia - 526

Abyssinians become Muslims - 179

Abyssinia - one Muslim becomes a Christian - 527, 528

Adulterers to be stoned - 652

Adultery - Stoning for Adultery - 684

Aisha - lies about - 493-499

Ali = 1st Muslim - 114

Ali? and the murder of prisoners - 308

Ali murders a prisoner - 337, see note 508 - 510

Ali violently beats a slave girl in front of Mo - 496

Ali - very scrupulous - 650

Alms - 647

Ansari hypocrites - 22-246

Animal sacrifices by Mo - 649, 650

Anti-Christs - 648

Apostasy excusable - 145

Asma bint Marwan - 675, 676 - Ref. Sura 11:58

Aus and Khazraj almost fight -262

BANU NADHIR - 437 - 439 (see Sura 59)

Banu Nadhir - plot to kill Mo - 265

Banu Mustaliq, attack upon - 490-492

Banu Qaynuqa - Mo threatens them - 260

BANU QAYNUQU – 363-365

Banu Qurayza - 461

Battle of Buath - 261

Battle of the DITCH - 450-460

Battle of BIR MAUNA, bef Banu Al-Nadhir, aft Uhud - 433

Battle of Hunayn - 566-576

Battle of Thaqif - 589

Battle of Thaqif - they submit to Mo because they will be wiped out sooner or later - 614, 615

Battle of Taif - 591

Battle / attack of Tabuk - 602-609

Beards and moustaches - 658

Beginning of growth of Islam - 117

Bestial transformation - 250, 251 - apes

Bishr - poisoned at Khaybar - 210

Black mercenaries w/ Meccans - 452

Black stone visited by Mo - 552

Booty - Wealth thru conquest - 639

Booty - Tabuk was attacked for booty - 625

Boycott of Muslims - 159

Compulsion - 256

Compulsion - Forced conversion of Abu Sufyan - 547

Compulsion - Battle of Thaqif - they submit to Mo = they will be wiped out sooner or later - 614, 615

Compulsion - People forced to follow Islam - 616

Compulsion - Islam forced upon polytheists – 645

Compulsion - Abu Bakr says people forced to accept Islam "until men accept it voluntarily or by force" - 669

Conversions - People join Islam cause it was victorious - 628

Christians are not to be forced into Islam - 648

Christian becomes a Muslim? - 637

Damascus Ruler and Mo - 657

Dead - Mo prays for the dead - 678 - 680

Donkey meat forbidden - 511

Fadak - Mo owned the whole city - 523

Farewell address - 651

False conversion to Islam - just to keep property - 438

Female circumcision in pre-Islamic times - 375

Fighting - Mo gets permission to fight - 208, 212

First person to see Mo come to Medina was a Jew - 227

gifts - Mo uses them to win people to Islam - 594, 595

Hajj - 652

Hanifites - 99, 260

Hanif - Abu Amir, tells Mo he changed Hanif faith - 278

Hanifa - the "arch liar" - 506

Harut and Marut in Babylon - 255

Hassan Thabit – poet, was beaten for lies about Aisha - 497

Heraclius and Mo - 655

Hijab was ordered early in Medina - 280

Hijra - 221

Hijra, Mo was 53 when he made Hidjra - 281

Hind puts down her husband for becoming a Muslim - 548

Houris - 2 wives - 519

Hudaybiyya - 499-507

Hudaybiyya - Mo breaks his word after the Armst- 507, 509

Hudaybiyya - pagans break their treaty - 542

Huwayyisa and Muhayyisa - 524

Huyayy b. Akhtab – 361

Ibn Masud - p116, 138 - 142

Ibn Masud killed Abu Jahl - 336

Immigrants - last ones from Abyssinia - 526

Islam forced on people - 142

Islam conquers by force - 533

Islam - Abu Bakr - says people forced to accept Islam "until men accept it voluntarily or by force" - 660

Islam - people leave it after Mo dies - 641, 668

Jesus speaking in the cradle - 275

Jinn pelted by stars - p90, 91

Joseph - 275

Juwayriya - Mo married her for her beauty - 493

Kab Ashraf !- 441, 442-445

Kab Ashraf - 364, 369

Kaba & Black stone visited by Mo - 552

Kaba - 360 idols in Kaba - 552

Kaba - pictures of Mary and Jesus in it - 552

Khadijah - marriage - 82, 83

Khadijah's test for Gabe - 107

Khadijah's kids - 83

Khadijah's death - 191

Khaibar - Mo asks them to work the land - 525

Khaibar - Mo passes out women as slaves - 511

Khazraj convert to get over on the Jews - 198

Low class people become Muslim - 194

Maryiah and Sirrin - Sirrin given to Hassan Thabit as a slave gift - 499

Mecca - Mo had informants in - 501

Mecca - Mo decides to attack - 545

Mecca - small battle by Mecca - 550

Mecca - people ordered to be killed when Mecca taken - 550-551

Mecca - occupied on 8 A.H.

Meccans - Mo lets them go - 553

Meccans - do homage to Mo - 553

Medina - full of fever - 280

Migration to Abyssinia - 146 (82 people), 150, 168

Moses has a hooked nose - 186

Moses son of Imran - 240

Moses and the 12 streams - 250

Moses, God speaks directly with him - 265

Mughira b. Shuba - 616 (Mary sister of Aaron)

Mughira - the last man with Mo because of his ring - 689

Musaylima - 637, 649

Muslims who left Islam and became Christian - 99

Muslims in complete obedience to Mo - 208

Muslim hatred toward the Jews - 245

Muslims defeated at Muta - "runaways" 532, 536

Muslims take prisoners - 638

Muslims rip an old women in two - 665

Night Journey - 182 - 187

Night Journey – 183 body stayed, via Aisha

Pebble throwing - 649

People compelled to become Muslim - 201

People cursed, battled, or lampooned Mo - 559

Persecution of Muslims - 120, 131, 143-145

Pleurisy - that pleurisy is from Satan - 680

Prayer while standing is 2x better than prayer while sitting - (around 280)

Prayer - Mo prays for the dead - 678 - 680

Prophets sent only to monotheistic religions - 104, 105

Prophets dying in battle? - Sura 3? 395

Prophets are not to deceive - 398

prophets buried where they died" ... Mo said - 688

Qibla - Mo faced Kaba and black stone - 135, 202

Qibla change- 258, 259, 289 (1.5 yrs aft coming to Medina)

Raising a mountain - 251, 254

"Revelation" to break his word and treaty with polytheists - 617, 618

Sa'd Muadh wants prisoners executed at Badr - 301

Sa'd Mua'dh hates the Qurayza before the Battle of the Ditch is over- 457

Sa'd's Mua'dh's death - 468

Safiya - 516

Salman the Persian - 95, 98

Sallam Mishkam - 361

Sarh - 148?, 334?, 550?

Scales for human judgement - 248

Sexual reproduction according to Mo - 255

Silk - forbidden by Mo - 641

Sleepers in Cave - 138

Solomon - 255

Stoning for Adultery - 684

Stupid rules by Mo - 647

Sunnah - 651

Sunnah - as part of Islam - 645, 646

Superstition - spit three times to the left - 270

Sura 9 - Tafsir - 617

Taxes, extra - put on Jews and Christians - 620

Taxes - for poor - 643

Taxes - Jews and Christians taxed, but not forced to leave their faith - 643

Taxes - 657

Taxes bring rest from war - 657

Terrorism - Jews of Fadak "terrorized" by God? - 523

Treaty with Polytheists - Mo breaks it - 617

Umar could write - 156

Umar's testimony - 157

Umar stoned people - 267

Umar and head cutting - 545

Umar expels the Jews - 525

Umar wants to kill a man who criticises Mo - 596

Umar - Stoning for Adultery - 684

Uthman married Mo's daughter Ruqayya - 308

Vineyards - Mo cuts them down - 589

Violence = strength of Islam - 157

Violence - Mo and the Shepherds - 677, 678

Violence - Mo's order to assassinate Abu Sufyan - 673

Violence - Mo's men kill two innocent men instead of their target and Mo blessed this murder - 674, 675

War preparations - 280

War - Hamza says he volunteered to attack people who reject Islam - 284

War - Mo's men attack, rob, and murder people in a caravan 287, 288

War - Mo's men then want a reward for murder - 288

War - taxes bring rest from war - 657

War - commanded upon those that reject Islam - 562, 564,

War - Muslim poet says fight pagans until they become Muslims

War - Mo cuts down vineyards - 589

War - Mo says God tells him to kill polytheists unless they become Muslims - 618

War - Mo sends men to attack Syria - 652, 678, 668

War - Mo wants to behead polytheists - 646

War- Mo says come to Islam in 3 days or I'll attack- 645

War - Mo orders Muslims to make war on Polys - 642

War - Muslims go out and kill Polys - 643

War - Islam is to fight until they submit to Islam - 629

War - Killing is of no consequence - 629

War - Muslims attack others - 630

War- Relation of antagonism betw. Muslims and Polys-618

War - Mo attacks the Byzantines - 620

War - Tabuk was Mo's last raid - 624

War - Tabuk was attacked for booty - 625

War - People joined Islam because it was victorious - 628

War - A Mus. kills a man and brings his head to Mo - 672

War - Mo sends his men to assassinate someone - 671

War - Mo's orders to kill non-believers - 672

War - Mo's attacks on people - 659-678

Wife beating - 651

Women totally obligated to husband - 644


"God is angry when his covenant is broken" - 231

"Allah" justifies Mo's murder - 288


Abu Rafi - 482, 484

Banu Qaynuqa - Mo threatens them - 260

BANU QAYNUQU – 363-365

Jews deny Mo- 257, 266

Jews and Chr - 90

Jewish theology - 94

Jewish Scriptures - 197

Jews and Mo's "treaty" - 231-233, 248, 249

"Ahmad" and covenant, 250

Jewish leaders confound and annoy Mo - 239, 263

Mo refuses help from the Jews - 372

Jewish Rabbis in Medina - 240, 241

Mo bewitched by a Jew - 240

Allah tells Mo that all Jews are evil - 254

Jews, enemy to Gabe - 255

Israel won't eat camel meat or milk - (after 255)

Jews w/ Moses hear God's voice - 251

God curses Jews to die - 276

Mo asks Jews what Torah says - 267

Mo and Torah and stoning - 267

Mo believes in the Torah - 268

Ezra as the Son of God - 269

Jews and hell - 260

Jews, can't have as close friends - 262, 263

Jews of Fadak "terrorized" by God? - 523

Jews and Christians pay extra taxes- 620

Jews and Christians taxed, but not forced to convert- 643

Kinana - king of Khaibar - 520

Khaibar - Mo asks them to work the land - 525

Khaibar - Mo passes out women as slaves - 511

Qurayza - Jews say previous people turned into apes - 462

Qurayza - massacre of Jews foretold by Abu Lubaba - 462

Qurayza - God's judgement, but Jews spared - 464-466

Qurayza - Mo orders their death - 465

Qurayza - women and children enslaved - 466

Qurayza = Sura 33, 468

Qurayza's bodies exposed - 468

Rayhana - 466

Safiya - 516

Umar expels the Jews – 525


age 40 when he started Islam - 281

age 53 when he went to Medina - 70

Animal sacrifices - 649, 650

argues with Chr. and Jews - 260

Attacks pagan Arabs - 281

Attacks others – 530

begs for physical help from Taif – 192

begs for physical protection again – 195

bewitched by a Jew - 240

black stone - Mo kisses - 530

breaks his word after the Armistice – 507

breaking up of family - 121

Chr. scripture -if Mo not in it, then you don't have to be a Muslim - 256

claims about himself - p 72

Command to LOVE EACH OTHER - 231

Compels PEOPLE FORCED into ISLAM – 319

Consummation - 68

Curses - "God slay a people who choose the graves of their prophets as mosques" - 689

Curses people to become blind and have a son die - 187

Damascus Ruler & Mo - 657

Dead - Mo prays for the dead - 678 - 680

dead - Mo taunting the dead - 305

dead - Mo taunting the dead into the night - 306

Death - people leave it after Mo dies - 641, 668

Death - when Mo died, the "Christians and Jews raised their heads" - 689

Death - Mo's sickness unto death - 678

Death - Mo forced to take medicine - 680

Death - Mo says God wouldn't afflict him with pleurisy - that pleurisy is from Satan - 680

Death - Mo forces others to take medicine - 680

Decision to fight Polys - 619

demon possessed? - 121, 130, 136

defeated at Taif – 591

Demonic experiences - 72

described as a thief by Quraysh – 519

double talk - ???138 - 142

evil omens due to names, at Badr – 293

Fadak - Mo owned the whole city - 516, 523

Faith kept secret 3 yrs- 115, 117

Farewell address - 651

failure at Taif Mo wants covered up - 193

foiled in attack on Banu Lihyan - 485, 486

foretold in bible - 256

forgiveness - Mo needs it - 613

gifts - Mo uses them to win people to Islam - 594

grandfather and Hubal - 70

grandfather's death - 73

hair is dyed - 548,9?

helped by Christian slave - 193

Hidjra - was 53 when he made Hidjra – 281

insulted by slaves – 193

lying - allowed by Mo - 519

lies - Mo lies about asking for pardon – 670

like a sorcerer - 175

insults pagan Gods - 11, 119, 130-132, 162

Mecca, plans to attack – 469

Medinaians first hear about Mo - 128

men beat slaves at Badr - 295

migration - permission to – 223

Miracles, none - 134

Mom - 68

mom's death 73

murders people who "satirized" and insulted him – 597

orders men to be BURNED and then KILLED - 316

Pagan stops him from cursing other gods - 162

people ordered to be killed when Mecca taken - 550-551

personal cupper - 309

plays naked - 81

prays for a fever to descend on another town - (around 280)

prophethood beginnings - 105

prophecies about moral decay and disease - 672

Quran and sources of - 162

rejoicing when enemies head cut off - 305

"revelation" experience, sweating - 497

Rules - Stupid rules by Mo - 647

Says God's anger allowed him to kill people in Mecca - 555

says the dead can hear - 306

says a prisoner's kids will go to hell - 308

"Seal of the prophet" - 80

Silk - forbidden by Mo - 641

SINNER - 231

Slaves - 100 families enslaved by Mo - 493

Slaves - Intercourse with slave women allowed - 511

Slaves - Mo takes a captive women as his slave while her husband was alive - 515

suicide - 106

teaches if one loves God and follows Him, he'll be forgiven of sins – 274

terrorism – 131, 368

Treaty with Polytheists - Mo breaks it - 617, 618

Trustworthy and honest - 224

Uhud, Mo wounded - 380

Visions while he sleeps – 105

walking tree - 178

war preparations - 280

war is commanded upon those that reject Islam - 562, 564,

War - Mo's attacks on people - 659-678

wants to force people to become Muslim - 272

War - Mo wants to behead polytheists - 646

War - Mo says come to Islam in 3 days or I'll attack - 645

War with Meccans - 221

Wives - Juwayriya - Mo married her for her beauty - 493

Wives - Aisha - lies about - 493-499

Wives - Rayhana - 466

Wives - Maymuna - "consummate" marriage - 531

Wives - Safiya - 516

Wives - Harem - 554


Idolatry in Saudi - p35, 36, 38, 39

Allah turning people into stone - p37

!!!Info on Bakka vs. Mecca - p47

Hubal - p64, 66, 67, 70, 100

Paganism in Mo's family line - p67, 68

Circum. the Kaba w/ or w/o clothes - 87, 88

Paganism and black stone - 99, 123, 131

Mo insults pagan Gods - 118, 119

Marwa and Sifa - 123

Idol worship in Medina - 207

Pagan Arabs worshipped stones - 249

360 idols in Kaba - 552


Abrogation - 112

Abu Talib's poetry like Quran - p122, 123

Quran is just stories like Persia's - 136

Mo and sources of Quran - 162

Quran written before Hijra??? - 171

Badr, verses 10 to 1 army ratio - 326

Badr, the next verse abrogates the previous one - 326

Quran, Sura 2, commentary.

Deals w/ Jewish rabbis. - 247