“...I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have Idrawn thee.” Jeremiah 31:3
1. Sun. Praise for the open door to have School Good News Clubs® for all the elementary schools in Franklin and FultonCounties. Pray God’s protection for each club and worker.
2. Mon. Pray workers attending Teacher Training Classes today in Chambersburg and McConnellsburg and tomorrow in Waynesboro will be inspired, encouraged, and refreshed.
3. Tues. Ask God to help teachers plan their days for adequate time to prepare for each Good News Club. Pray for no interruptions and Holy Spirit guidance as they study the Bible lessons.
4. Wed. Pray God will give wisdom to maintain good discipline in each Good News Club.
5. Thurs. Pray children attending the School Good News Clubs from Benjamin Chambers Elementary will come to know Jesus as their Savior and grow in Him. Also, remember teachers (Steve Snider, Sue Wagner, Donna SpoonhourandEllie Smith), bus drivers(Dave Spoonhour and Richard Smith) and workers from King Street Church.
6. Fri. Pray God’s Word will do His work in the hearts of children from South Hamilton Elementary in the School Good News Clubs taught by Rita Hobbs, Bev Coble and Kara Ocker. Also, remember bus driver Dr. Dan Russell.
7. Sat. Ask God to daily provide for the expenses of the ministry in both counties.
8. Sun. Pray for Dr. Dan as he preaches at SouthMountainBibleChurch during the morning worship service.
CEF® of Franklin-Fulton Counties
Dr. Dan Russell, Director
9. Mon. Pray safety and good weather as children either walk or ride a bus to School Good News Clubs Monday through Friday.
10. Tues. Pray children from Montgomery Elementary attending the School Good News Clubs will “be doers of the Word, and not hearersonly.” (James 1:22) Also, remember teachers (Pastor Greg Kell & Nathan Egolf), bus driver (Kimmi Witmer) and workers from Kasiesville Bible Church.
11. Wed. Pray children attending Wednesday evening church Good News Clubs will be regular in attendance and make life-changing decisions.
12. Thurs. Pray children from New Franklin Elementary attending the School Good News Club will be a testimony to family, teachers, and classmates. Also, remember workers (Michelle Russell, Sarah Miller, Pastor Dave & Melissa Riley, Nancy McGinnis, Jane Helmuth, Cathy Jones, Miriam Memmi, Lauren Gibble) and bus driver(Richard Smith).
13. Fri. Pray wisdom as plans are made for Good News Camp and missionaries are scheduled for each week. Also, pray God will prepare hearts for service as phone calls are made and letters sent to schedule staff.
14. Sat. Pray boys and girls in West and Central Africa will come to “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart”(Matthew 22:37) through Good News Club missionaries Richard and Rebecca Acquaye. Also, please pray safety for workers and children in many dangerous situations throughout the region.
15. Sun. Praise for churches that use curriculum from CEF Press® during JuniorChurch or Sunday School.
16. Mon. Many Good News Club children are from dysfunctional homes. Pray for them to come to know the Savior and rest in the assurance that He will always love them and never leave them.
17. Tues. Pray safety and clear weather as children walk from Saint Thomas Elementary (12:30-1:30 pm) to the near-by fire hall for their School Good News Club taught by Sally Miller.
18. Wed. Pray wisdom for workers to answer hard questions children sometimes ask during clubs.
19. Thurs. Pray wisdom for the committee (Tony Cassidy, Bob Deeds, Doug Hirneisen, Art Horne, Sheldon Mellott, Jim Recard, George Rock & Lane Thrush) as they seek God’s will concerning ministry decisions during the monthly meeting this evening.
20. Fri. Pray Matias and Rebekah Mancilla will have many opportunities to share about their call to service with CEF of Puerto Rico. Also, please pray that their prayer and financial support will be soon raised.
21. Sat. Pray each Tel-A-Story® machine will work correctly, cards will reach the hands of unsaved children and the number of calls will increase.
22. Sun. Pray children will “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”
(2 Peter 3:18) as workers teach the children at Waynesboro GraceBrethrenChurch.
23. Mon. Pray God will call a committed team of summer missionaries to reach the children teaching 5-Day Clubs® in Franklin-Fulton Counties this year and wisdom as contacts are made to schedule clubs.
24. Tues. Praise for the opportunity to share the love of God through the Mailbox Club. Pray for new children to be enrolled.
25. Wed. Pray CEF President Reese Kauffman will have whole-hearted devotion and a willing mind to serve God.
26. Thurs. Pray children will be attentive and receptive during Good News Club at South Mountain Daycare taught by Evelyn Monn.
27. Fri. Pray Dr. Dan, Michelle, Anna, Matias, Rebekah and Hilary will bring “into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 9:5)
28. Sat. Praise that School Good News Clubs in FultonCountyare staffed by FultonCounty workers this year. Pray God will call a committee member from FultonCounty.