ACTIVE LEARNING AND autonomous work of students with the milage learn+ app

Guest speaker: Professor Mauro Figueiredo

University of Algarve, PORTUGAL

Date:22 June 2017

Time:1.30-2 (lunch); 2 -3.30pm (presentation/workshop)

Location: Mast House

Lunch is provided

Short summary:

In this workshop, we explore the MILAGE LEARN+ app, developed for smartphones and tablets in order to promote autonomous work of students in the process of learning mathematics. It will be also explored the application MILAGE LEARN+ TEACHER that is used to upload the contents for students and the making of videos.

In this presentation it will be shown how we are extending traditional learning environments to a virtual classroom setting that will keep students connected for learning mathematics. Nonetheless, this can be used for other subjects or disciplines.

Different tools and materials are explored including (i)

  • (i) a social learning platform to connect students and teachers;
  • (ii) the production of tasks and videos for learning;
  • (iii) the use of eBooks and augmented reality technologies;
  • (iv) the exploration of gamification methods and
  • (v) the development of an APP that is available for smartphones and tablets.

Speaker details:

Mauro Figueiredo has a PhD in computer science from the University of Salford, Manchester, in 2005. He was teacher at University of Coimbra from 1989 until 1996. Since 1996 he is at the Algarve University where he is adjunct professor. His research interests are in the use of information technologies for education, e-learning, b-learning, games and augmented reality. His PhD students are currently working with ebooks, augmented reality tools for e-learning and cultural heritage. He is author of international journal and conferences articles, book chapters and books and he collaborated and participated in different National projects. He already organized several international conferences. Most of the research is conducted at Univ. Algarve, at CIMA (Center of Marine and Environmental Research) and CIAC (Center for the Arts and Communication Research).

See further details on award & publications: ORCID

Background of the event:

There is an increasing number of students using smartphones and tablets in schools. Mobile devices gained popularity as an educational tool and there are many schools that use them frequently in educational activities to improve learning.

Our students are the generation of digital games and social networks. We cannot ignore that they are no longer the same audience for which the education system was designed a few decades ago. The technological revolution has produced a generation of students who grew up with multidimensional and interactive media sources; a generation whose expectations and world views are different from those that preceded it.

In this context, it is wise to consider the integration of digital media and mobile devices (tablets, phablets, smartphones), allowing students to set personal goals, to manage educational content and to communicate with others in the right context.

This presentation shows the contribution of the MILAGE LEARN+ app (developed with funding from the ERASMUS+ program). This appcan be used for any discipline to motivate students for learning, promoting autonomous work and active learning in a mobile environment for online, blended or flipped learning.

The MILAGE LEARN+ app implements a gamification scheme to motivate and engage students for learning. In recent years, gamification has become a hot topic for researching as an important element to promote motivation and engagement at the learning process.

About the app:

The MILAGE - Interactive Mathematics by implementing a Blended-Learning model with Augmented Reality and Game books project, financed by the ERASMUS+ program, is looking for improving learning and achievements for all students including low achievers and the top performers.

With the MILAGE LEARN+ app students can study by watching video tutorials or solve problems combining analogic input and digital feedback with videos of problem resolutions. There are many benefits of using video in education as shown in several decades of research. Our findings also show that integrating video into the learning process is an effective way to motivate and improve learning. Students can review the content from the class anytime and anywhere. We want to provide the same opportunities to low-achieving students, that may struggle to learn the materials covered in class, so they can watch the video tutorials as many times as they want until they understand the content. Videos can also be used to help students understand complex procedures like complex clinical or mechanical procedures as many times as they need to.

We are also exploring new possibilities to motivate students for learning. We found out that they are very motivated to make the videos with the solutions to the problems. Now, students are solving new problems and the making videos explaining the resolution of these problems that are later uploaded to the MILAGE LEARN app and available for other students. In this way, we are also changing the role of students, from passive to active learners and producers of content. In this way, students are engaged, motivated and learn by doing. This also allows self and peer-assessment scheme implemented in the MILAGE LEARN+ app.