I found this letter to the Editor and I think it has a number of “alternative facts” that need to be challenged with the real facts:

Dear Editor:

The town of Catskill is considering a change for the highway superintendent position to go from elected by the people to appointed by the Town Board. The New York State Association of Town Superintendents of Highways opposes this change.

  • The New York State Association of Towns Superintendents of Highways is not actually a part of the Associations of Towns, they are Town Superintendents of Highways for towns that are members of the Association of towns. They use this name to mislead the public into thinking they are supported by the Association of Towns when all they are is members of the Associations because the town is a member.

Voter accountability: According to the state comptroller, the single, largest expense in New York State’s towns is maintaining their local roads. By having an elected highway superintendent, the voters decide directly the person who will administer the largest share of their tax dollars.

  • Having the Superintendent of Highways elected means there is no accountability for the person holding that position. However, if the town board provides oversight of that position then the voters will have the opportunity to voice your concerns to the Town Board and they will have the power to direct the Highway Superintendent to take appropriate action. Today, since they are elected the town board has no management function with relationship to that position.
  • NYS Commission on Local Government Efficiency and Competitiveness[1] recommends that the following positions that are now elected be changed to app0inted: Town Clerk, Receiver of Taxes and Highway Superintendent. This committee stated that in the above document that “…We believe that there is no need to elect people who carry out administrative functions … non-policy–making offices demand specific skill…” Electing someone who is popular or a hand-picked person of “the party” does not ensure that this will happen.

As full-time elected officials with this sole purpose, they are constantly in touch with their constituents’ needs. If the position is no longer elected, town residents will lose the ability to make a direct change for themselves.

  • The Commission also stated that “… resistance is frequently mounted by the local official(s) in charge of that function.” This is evident in the Town of Ulysses where the sheriff, the town clerk, past highway superintendents all came out to fight against changing these position to appointed. They are fighting to retain their power and not to give the power to the people.

Local service and safety: The assumption often made is that taxpayer dollars will be saved. The position of highway superintendent is a full-time job with many overtime hours worked in response to highway emergencies. By law, in an elected position, you are not able to receive overtime pay. If the position becomes appointed, the Town Board will not only determine who would fill the position, they also would potentially have the option of whether they provide payment of overtime.

  • This is also an “alternative fact.” The Town of Blooming Grove has an appointed Assessor and that position is salaried and receives no overtime.
  • The current BG Town Clerk, like the one in the town of Ulysses refused to keep their office open at lunch time. Despite having a Deputy Town Clerk they both took the same lunch hour and the BG Town Boards way of addressing this was to add another part-time Town Clerk to cover lunch hours at a cost of $17,000 to the taxpayers. This should not have been necessary but the Board members said they could not tell them to take alternate lunch hours so they gave her another part-timer person. This would not have happened if the Town Board had the power to tell her to adjust her schedule – they cannot do that when she is elected. Finally when you look at the work load reported monthly from the town clerk’s office I do not understand why we need two full time people, 2 part-time people should handle it adequately.
  • Finally, if the Town Clerk and the Receiver of Taxes were appointed we could combine those offices and reduce staff more.

Bottom line: It does not seem wise to take the power from the people to elect and transfer that power to the Town Board.

  • Actually with the Town Board expanding to seven people we do not need these positions to be elected because we not have more town board members with the Ward System and each ward will have their own representative who can bring your concerns to the Board to be addressed. There for the responsibility and accountability belongs with the Town Board and instead of waiting until the next election to have your say you can have it NOW!

Keep your power to choose.

  • Please, I ask y0u, do you have power over the Highway superintended, Town Clerk or the Receiver of taxes? Really?

Russ Page, President NYSAOTSOH Leicester, Livingston County and Thomas Hoyt, Vice President NYSAOTSOH Windham, Greene County

  • So who is Russ Page and Thomas Hoyt? They are highways superintendents who want to protect their independence from the Town Board and be allowed to continue to do what they want without supervision. They use the Association of Towns label to give themselves credibility. I could also say that I am a member of NYSAOTSOT (NYS Association of Towns Supervisor of a Town) but all that means is I am a Supervisor of a town that is a member of the Association of Towns.
  • Finally, have you ever had an issue with any of these positions? If you have how did that work out for you? As the Town Supervisor and a former organizational consultant for a large computer company I am strongly recommending that we make this change and I hope you will get informed and vote accordingly.

[1]NYS Commission on Local Government Efficiency and Competitiveness, see Pages 46 to 47.