I did this in word with your email in red so as NOT to miss anything. Wish you’d put it in ONE email, oh well. Here goes mlc

From John:

1st in series:

You see, now you are putting words in my mouth. I didn't say anything about talking to them in their own LANGUAGE. I said that GOOD TEACHING TECHNIQUE involves giving examples from a students' surrounding. If you were teaching a class in the ghetto are you going to make lots of references to tennis lessons, sailing classes and society coming out parties? To quote you:

Oh, P-A-L-E-A-Z-E.

John J. Couture

My reference to “language” stems from my comment on the “culture” comment. To whit, understand that, for the most part if it’s a culture difference, I assumed the language correlation too. (My bad for the confusion, touchy, touchy). Regarding the “ghetto” teaching, your comment, it seems to me that CALIFORNIA wanted to, a few years ago, have a “language” called “u-bionics’” (NO I AM NOT SURE HOW IT IS SPELLED). Now what in the HAIL is “U-bionics’”? Never mind, I already know.

Speaking of teaching a class in the “ghetto” and giving “examples from a students’ surroundings”, wouldn’t you use guns, drugs, filth, murder, and prostitution, to emphasize your so called points be more appropriate? After all you said “their surroundings”. What would they relate to by comparing “tennis lessons, sailing classes” etc… isn’t that for “rich white folks”? (my words)


2nd email from John:

Your comment about Brainwashing is funny.

If that were the case, then why are you so concerned about what is said (or not said) in the classroom. If "non-liberals" all have their own ideas then it would not matter what the liberals said because you would have already formed your own opinion or would take the time to research it on your own.

If, on the other hand, that you feel that "liberalism is ALIVE and well and IN CONTROL" you must be afraid that they are have an influence on the conservatives which means you are loosing members. Hmmmm.

John J. Couture

You got me there. Not sure what you are referring to regarding “brainwashing being funny”. And here’s the quote from the previous email from me to you.

Response to above on 3-1-08 by Mike to John:

"Brainwashing" has NOTHING to do with ANY of my comments. Unlike a liberal, my ideas are my own. As long as we are "human" (which will not change on this side of death) we will ALL "do wrong."

So please explain, where am I being funny and the rest of your comments regarding classroom jibber jabber?

Your comment, "liberalism is ALIVE and well and IN CONTROL". Well, no, I am NOT afraid of liberal influence and whether or not it affects me or other conservatives. If I were the LAST conservative in the WORLD I would still stand on the ABSOLUTE truth which, BTW, is found ONLY in the Bible. Does that make sense? You do believe that the Bible is ABSOLUTE truth now don’t you? If your answer is NO, then delete the rest of this doc, it won’t make a lick of sense.


3rd email from John:

I think it is GREAT that you "right wing republicans" only have "left wing liberals" to select from. Huckabee doesn't stand a chance. This is going to be a GREAT election year! All I can say is be careful what you wish for because it sometimes comes true! La, la, la, la, la, ....

John J. Couture

You may be right regarding Huckabee but my prayers are certainly with him for sure. I don’t understand your comment, ”All I can say is be careful what you wish for……” then do I understand I should be fearful for wishing Huckabee a win? You sure got me on that one, what am I missing? Or are you just “gleeful” because McBrain is liberal? Help me out here. I noticed you DID NOT reveal your candidate of choice and the reasoning behind that selection. Oh, I forgot, there won’t be a reason.


4th email from John:

Remember now, don't put words into my mouth.

I didn't say anything about changing the LANGUAGE, only providing better examples to facilitate learning. I am not in favor of having classes taught in 80+ languages (as it is in Los Angeles City School District) or providing ballots in 10 languages (as in Calif).

John J. Couture

Once again, where am I “putting words in…..”? I don’t believe I’ve insinuated changing languages???? You come to America, speak English ONLY. Don’t you see that’s how dumacrats can maintain “control” over their constituents. By keeping them “illiterate”. Not a bad idea I’d say.


5th email from John:


Maybe I should have said, "violated". Who authorized the campus "academia" the right to tell anyone what words are or are not allowed? i.e. in violation of the 1st Amendment, I might add.


Interesting observation.

The same authority that says that you cannot scream "FIRE!" in a movie theater. The goal here is to foster learning and to suppress intimidation.

Bad example, yelling fire in a theater is a long way from the classroom but I’ll accept the point and explain. Yelling fire in a theater is probably against the law if it is not true. I believe that’s called disturbing the peace. Hmmm…. So I guess I’m “intimidating” someone when I pray “out loud” or share my Christian beliefs. Yes, that is intimidating, and yes, you have to put me in jail for sure. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way, and you can take that to the bank. :0)


What "outsiders" see as suppressing speech or violating the first amendment is really an attempt to maintain order in the classroom. What those outsiders fail to realize is that their cultural group was often spit upon in years past.




What is your understanding of the term "WOP". Most will say it is a slur on anyone of Italian decent. Now look up the HISTORY of "WOP" and see where the term comes from.

I don’t have to look it up. It means, “without papers”. I’ll spare you the rest of the story but yes, it was later used to be a slur. How about “MIK”, or “FROG”, or “CONNUCK” (forget that one the canucks are a hockey team) the list goes on and on. And how about the flip side of the coin when the colored people “demanded” an apology last year when a white man used the word “niggardly” in the course of conversation regarding it’s TRUE meaning. You see Al Sharptin really is “inept” in the language of his upbringing. (I guess I’ll get to your point when I hit the bottom of this run, stay with me)





Long before you and I were born, Irish folk were always viewed as dirty, lazy and drunks. Imagine a teacher that, in his lecture, said something like:

An RC (resistor/capacitor) circuit acts like a Irishman having too much drink. It eventually falls to ground. Now that story would provide a PERFECT picture of how an RC circuit works and students would likely remember the purpose of an RC circuit, however, the guy next to you knew you were of Irish decent. How would you feel?

Wrong person to ask that question of, I LOVE Irish jokes. Anybody that would use “a slur” to describe a function would be unsmart but by the same token I would hope I would not have to “parse” ALL my words every time I speak.




I was teaching a class once and relaying a story about driving on a Caribbean road and came upon a dead end at the bottom of a hill out in the boonies. When I turned around, there, painted on the road, in big letters were "This Way Man!" on the LEFT side of the dividing line. I thought it was hilarious because it indicated that the American tourists traveling

about would forget that this was a BRITISH island and you drove on the LEFT side of the road.

Afterward a student came up to me and said he was offended by that. I explained that I had not meant it as an insult to Caribbean islanders but rather how Americans often forget that when in Rome do as the Romans.

He was right and I was right. However, the next time I tell the story I'll make sure that I point out the reason for telling the story.

If I had to worry about my words “offending” someone every time I opened my mouth I should remain speechless. Tell that person to “get a life”. Case in point, “I’m offended because you used the word “boonies”, you see I live in the country and that is a slur around here”. (Get my point now)? Oh yeah, I forgot, “white” folks can’t get “offended”.




A couple of weeks ago our pastor was giving a sermon on treating our bodies as a temple for God. He VERY DELICATELY talked about being overweight (he is very skinny). He then went into how we should concentrate on TRAINING to loose weight instead of being ON A DIET (which no one likes). My point is that I though he broached the subject of overweight very well and approached it with sensitivity without saying "you people are FAT!". I sincerely feel that most of the people in there we would consider to be FAT probably felt a little uncomfortable but not so much that everyone was staring at them and giving them disgusting looks.

Good for him. I suppose he refers to “short” people as “lofty challenged” and people (like me) who are left handed as being “directionally challenged”. Now my point is this so called “left speech code” can get a little …. never mind.




In the classroom, we (teachers, professors, instructors, pastors, or anyone that is in front of a large group), need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the group we are talking to. Learning stops when an individual feels that the material does not relate to them or that they are being singled out as the "stupid" one in the class. If TRAINING the instructor to focus his idioms to terms that do not offend the listeners, then more learning will take place and we are less likely to cause a riot.

One last though. Imagine how terrible it would be if I were teaching biology class and described a specific plant as GAY like those two Asian guys in the back of the room.

NOW do you understand what that idiot obviously didn't?

John J. Couture

Here comes the “smack down”. (Following words, mine, regarding YOUR observations)

Good one, regarding all your points above, all this sensitivity training you boast of, don’t be offensive to the “homosexual” by calling them “fags”, don’t refer to people who are overweight as being “fat”, don’t refer to people who are black/colored/African-something as “nigger”, yet, with ALL your marvelous training, how can you refer to a fellow teacher/professor as an “idiot”, your words. End of subject. Nice one John.

Mikey (aka: insensitive, white, anglo, european, trash) I love it.