Annmarie Adams1 of 49

Dr. Annmarie Adams

Stevenson Chair in the Philosophy and History of Science, including Medicine

Department of Social Studies of Medicine + School of Architecture

McGill University

3647 Peel St.

Montreal, Quebec

Canada H3A 1X1


Annmarie Adams1 of 49

I. Personal Data


1992Ph.D. in Architecture (Architecture)

University of California at Berkeley

Dissertation: “Architecture in the Family Way: Health Reform, Feminism, and the Middle-class House in England, 1870-1900.” Supervisor: Dell Upton.

1986Master of Architecture (Professional)

University of California at Berkeley

1981Bachelor of Arts (Honours, Art History)

McGill University.

Academic Appointments

2016-21Inaugural Stevenson Chair in the Philosophy & History of Science, including Medicine

2016-21Chair, Department of Social Studies of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University

2015-Associate Member, Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art, Concordia University

2011-15Director, School of Architecture, McGill University

2015-Associate Member, Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Research (IGSF)

2015-Associate Member, Institute for Health and Social Policy (IHSP)

2010-11Director, Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Research (IGSF), Faculty of Arts, McGill University

2008-10Associate Director and Graduate Program Director (GPD), Post-professional programs, School of Architecture, McGill University

2008Arcus Scholar-in-Residence, University of California at Berkeley

2007-08Visiting Scholar, College of Environmental Design, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley

2006Gillmor Visiting Lecturer, University of Calgary

2005Teetzel Lectureship, University College, University of Toronto.

2005-16William C. Macdonald Professor, McGill University

2005-Professor, School of Architecture, McGill University

2002-Mentor, Health Care Technology & Place Training Program, University of Toronto.

2001-05Dawson Scholar, McGill University

2000Adaskin Visitor, University of Victoria

1999-2000Visiting Scholar, School of Architecture, University of British Columbia

1995-2005Associate Professor, School of Architecture, McGill University (maternity leaves July-Dec. 1996 and May-Dec. 1999)

1990-95Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, McGill University (leave of absence Sept.-Dec. 1991 to finish Ph.D.)

1993Visiting Assistant Professor, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Professional Affiliations

2002International Academy for Design and Health (Scientific Committee)

2001-International Network for the History of Hospitals

2000-Canadian Society for the History of Medicine

1998-Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

1993-Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada

1986-Vernacular Architecture Forum, USA

1988-Society of Architectural Historians, USA [25-year member in 2013]


2016“Permanent exhibition,” Canada Museum of Science and Technology, 2017+.

2016CBC, website to showcase buildings for Montreal’s anniversary in 2017,

2015Film set design, Bad Santa 2 [Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal], contracted by MUHC

2012-13External consultant, Ville de Montréal, “L’évaluation de l’intérêt patrimonial d’un lieu.”

2007External consultant, Ontario Council on Graduate Studies, MA program in Art History and proposed PhD program in Art History and Visual Culture, York University, May 2007

2005-06Consultant, “The Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Heritage Value Assessment for the Planning and Institutional Analysis Department, McGill University. The Arcop Group and Dan S. Hanganu, Architects

1998Consultant, “Women and Health Care -- Commemorative Opportunities,” Canadian Heritage, Parks Canada, 1998

II. Research

Research Funding

PendingSSHRC Insight, “Maude Abbott and the Medical Museum,” $88,000, submitted 29 September 2017


2013-18CIHR Catalyst, "Using Analytical Mapping in Evidence-Informed Policy for Long-term Residential Care: Lessons from Canada and Abroad," $215,032 (Principal Investigator Patricia Armstrong; Co-applicant: A. Adams)

2013-18SSHRC Insight, “Architecture and the Environmental Tradition: The Atmospheric in British Architecture from 1750-1850,” $248,093 (Principal Investigator: M. Bressani; Collaborator: A. Adams)

2013-National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Art Works grant, “Making A Place for Women in 20th-Century American Architecture,”Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation, US$50,000.

2010-17SSHRC MCRI “Reimagining Long-term Residential Care: International Study of Promising Practices.” (Principal investigator Pat Armstrong, York University), $2,498,987 + $862,709= $3,361,969

2009-15CIHR Strategic Training Programs, HCTP, $325,000 for 6 years yielding $1.95 million

2008-09CIHR, one year extension for HCTP, $288,250.

2007-08Canadian Culture Online (CCO) Partnerships Fund, Heritage Canada “Great Canadian Mysteries in Canadian Culture,” $499,281 (“The Redpath Mansion Mystery” portion: $59,328), Directors John Lutz, Peter Gossage, Ruth Sandwell; Research directors Annmarie Adams, Gregory Klages, Larry Hannant, David Theodore.

2007-09Australian Research Council Discovery Project.

“Setting the Standard: The Role of Australia in Modern Hospital Design 1925-1960.” AUS$213,853 total for 3 years (partner investigator; chief investigators are Julie Willis and Philip Goad, University of Melbourne)

2006-07Philips Electronics Ind. Ltd. “Kids Ambient MRI (KAMRI) Suite Conversion.” $134,578 total for 2 years (Investigators: A. Adams, P. Babyn, M. Carter, E. Hodnett, N. Koziel, S. Jewell, P. McKeever, D. Theodore, S. Vanderby)

2006-08Associated Medical Services/Hannah/CIHR Grants in the History of Medicine. “Towers of Power: Designing the Medical High-rise in Canada, 1922-30.” $49,123 total for 2 years (principal applicant; co-principal applicant is Stacie Burke, University of Manitoba; co-applicant is David Theodore, Architecture)

2005-07CIHR Operating Grant. “The Pediatric Hospital Atrium: Designers' Intentions versus Children's Experiences.” $228,597 total for 2 years (principal applicant; co-principal applicant is Patricia McKeever, University of Toronto; co-applicant is Karen Spalding, Ryerson University)

2003-08CIHR Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement (ICE) Teams Grant. “Health Care, Technology, and Place: An Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement Team.” $1,000,000 total for 5 years (co-applicant; principal applicants are Peter Coyte and Patricia McKeever, University of Toronto) Implication for McGill: supports proposals for HCTP mentors to bring in external funding e.g. funded preliminary work on Adams/McKeever CIHR project “Kids in the Atrium: Understanding Children’s Hospital Architecture Post SARS” ($6,788); and current funding for “Pediatric hospital design and children’s health: A review” ($7,682).

2003-06SSHRC Standard Research Grant. “Design and Practice: Tuberculosis in Montreal, 1880-2002.” $72,254 total for 3 years (Principal applicant; co-applicants are Raphaël Fischler, Urban Planning; Sherry Olson, Geography; Kevin Schwartzman, Medicine)

2002-03Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine, Development Grant. “Form + Function: The Hospital (INHH 3rd International Conference).” $8,863 total for 1 year (principal applicant; co-applicant Keir Waddington, Cardiff University)

2002-03Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine, Educator Study Award. “The Virtual History of Canadian Hospitals.” $6,500 total for 1 year (principal investigator)

2001-06CIHR/SSHRC/NHRDP Health Career Award, Investigator. “Medicine by Design: A Hospital for the 21st Century.” $527,600 total for 5 years ($350,000 salary, $35,000 benefits, $142,600 research allowance; principal investigator)

2001-02Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine, Grant-in-Aid.“Postmodernism and the Canadian Hospital: A Tale of Two Cities.” $13,255 total for 1 year (principal investigator)

1998-02FCAR, programme établissement de nouveaux chercheurs (équipe). “Domestic Space and Domestic Life in Late-19th-Century Urban Québec.” $57,000 total for 3 years (principal investigator; co-investigator is Peter Gossage, Université de Sherbrooke)

1998-99Institut de recherche en histoire de l'architecture, Seed grant. Project on Peter Collins, entitled “Changing Ideas about Changing Ideals.” $4,000 total for 1 year (principal investigator)

1997-98Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine, Grant-in-Aid. “Borrowed Buildings: The Landscape of Medical Care in Montreal.” $17,500 total for 1 year (principal investigator)

1996Canadian Federation for the Humanities, Aid to Scholarly Publications Grant. $7,183 total for 1 year (for Architecture in the Family Way)

1994-97FCAR, programme établissement de nouveaux chercheurs, Three-year study of Montreal hospitals. $46,524 total for 3 years (principal investigator)

1994-95Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine, Grant-in-Aid. “Accommodating Modern Medicine: Interwar Hospitals in Montreal.” $15,434 total for 1 year (principal investigator)

1993-96SSHRC Research Grant Three-year study of women architects in Canada, 1920-92. $64,400 total for 3 years (co-investigator; principal investigator is Peta Tancred, MCRTW/Sociology)

1993-97Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Housing Research Grant, External Research Program Analysis of changes made to wartime housing in Ville St-Laurent, Quebec, 1942-92. $17,820 total for 4 years (principal investigator; co-investigator is Pieter Sijpkes, School of Architecture)

1993Institut de recherche en histoire de l’architecture, Seed grant. Preliminary study of Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. $5,000 total for 1 year (principal investigator)



2016-21Research grant, Stevenson Chair, $210,000 total for 5 years


2014Raymond Jotterand SURE Award in Architecture, $3,000

2013-Internal Social Sciences and Humanities Development Grant, “Death Comes to the Hospital,” $3,500

2001-05Research grant, McGill/Dawson Program, $75,000 total for 5 years

2004Richard M. Tomlinson Digital Library Innovation and Access Awards “The Virtual History of Canadian Hospitals,” $8,625 total for 1 year

2003RGO Conference Grant, “Form + Function: The Hospital (INHH 3rd International Conference),” $1,290 total for 1 year

1997Course Development Fund, Faculty of Engineering, to put material culture course on the internet, $10,800 total for 1 year [co-investigator with Janusz Kozinski]

1996Humanities Research Grant, McGill University, to collect data on Ontario women architects, $1,500 total for 1 year

1995Faculty Research Grant, McGill Centre for Research and Teaching on Women, to study domestic life and domestic space in Quebec houses, $2969.63 total for 1 year [co-investigator with Peter Gossage, Université de Sherbrooke]

1993Class of ‘51 Course Development Fund, Faculty of Engineering, McGill University, for enlarging the School’s slide library, $2,200 total for 1 year

1993Faculty Research Grant, McGill Centre for Research and Teaching on Women, for preliminary study of nurses at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, $1,800 total for 1 year


Refereed Books

2008 Adams, A. Medicine by Design: The Architect and the Modern Hospital, 1893-1943 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press); Architecture, Landscape, and American Culture series, 169 pp.

2002Adams, A., Tancred, P. L’Architecture au féminin: une profession à redéfinir (Montreal: Les éditions du remue-ménage). French language edition of Designing Women, translated by Linda Lamontagne, 218 pp.

2000Adams, A., Tancred, P. “Designing Women”: Gender and the Architectural Profession (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), 190 pp.

1996Adams, A. Architecture in the Family Way: Doctors, Houses, and Women, 1870-1900. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press (Hannah Medal 1999), 227 pp.

Books as Editor

2000Adams, A., McMurry, S., ed. People, Power, Places: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, VIII (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2000).

1997Adams, A., McMurry, S., ed. Exploring Everyday Landscapes: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, VII (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1997).

Exhibition Catalogues

1991Adams, A. Corpus Sanum in Domo Sano: L'architecture du mouvement en faveur de la salubrité domestique/The Architecture of the Domestic Sanitation Movement, 1870-1914 (Montreal: Canadian Centre for Architecture, 1991)

Guest-edited Journals

1996Adams, A. ed. Special issue of Material History Review, 44 (Fall) on “Domestic Spaces.”


2015Adams, A. and Tanya Southcott, “Blanche van Ginkel,” Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation website project (funded by NEH).


Refereed Journal Articles

37Adams, A and Sally Chivers, “There’s no place like home: Designing for Long-term Residential Care in Canada,” Journal of Canadian Studies, 50 no. 2 (Spring 2016): 273-298.

36 Jim Wright, Richard Fraser, Annmarie Adams, Mary Hunter, “Portraying Maude Abbott,” CMAJ, 2017 February 21;189:E281-3. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.160976

35Adams, A., Macdonell, C., “Making himself at home: Cormier, Trudeau, and the Architecture of Domestic Masculinity,” Winterthur Portfolio, 50, no.2/3 (Summer/Autumn 2016): 151-189. DOI: 10.1086/689984

34Adams, A., “Home and/or Hospital: The Architectures of End-of-life Care,” Change Over Time vol 6, no. 2 (Fall 2016): 248-63.

33Adams, A., Toromanoff, D., “Kitchen Kinetics: Women’s Movements in Sigrun Bulow-Hube’s Research,” Resources for Feminist Research 34, 3 & 4 (2015/16), 9-40.

32Adams, A., “Canadian hospital architecture: how we got here,” Canadian Medical Association Journal, (January 2016)

31 Adams, A., Hornstein, S., “Can Architecture Remember? Demolition After ViolenceEnvironment, Space, Place 7 (Spring 2015) 47-67.

30Adams, A., Chivers, S., “Architecture and Aging: The Depiction of Home in Sarah Polley’s ‘Away From Her’,” Age, Culture, Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2 (2015)

29Adams, A., Minnett, V., Poutanen, M.A., Theodore, D., “‘She must not stir out of a darkened room’: The Redpath Mansion Mystery,” Material Culture Review, Material Culture Review 72 (Fall 2010): 12-24.

28Adams, A. and P. Gossage, “Health Matters: The Dawson and Harrington Families at Home,” Fontanus (2010): 41-62.

27Adams, A. and S. Spampinato, “Carrollcroft as Women’s Space: An Architectural History,” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies35 (2010): 21-48.

26Adams, A., “Sex and the Single Building: The Weston Havens House, 1941-2001,” Buildings & Landscapes17, 1 (Spring 2010): 82-97

25Adams, A., Theodore, D., Goldenberg, E., McLaren, C., McKeever, P., “Kids in the atrium: Comparing architectural intentions and children's experiences in a pediatric hospital lobby,” Social Science & Medicine 70, 5 (March 2010): 658-667

24 Adams, A. and C. Logan, “Demolition and Commemoration: Marking the End of the Modern Hospital,” in Michael Chapman (ed.)Imagination: Proceedings of the 27thSociety of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) Conference, Newcastle, 2010, 12-16.

23Theodore D., Burke, S.D., Adams, A. “Tower of Power: The Drummond Medical Building and the Interwar Centralization of Medical Practice,” Scientia Canadensis, 32, 1 (2009): 51-68.

22Adams, A., Poutanen, M.A. “Architecture, Religion, and Tuberculosis in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Quebec,” Scientia Canadensis Vol 32, No. 1 (2009): 1-19.

21Adams, A., Schwartzman, K., Theodore, D. “Collapse and Expand: Designing for Tuberculosis,” Technology and Culture Vol. 49, No. 4 (October 2008): 908-942.

20Adams, A., Burke, S. “A Doctor in the House: The Architecture of Home-offices for Physicians in Toronto, 1885-1930,” Medical History Vol. 52, No. 2 (April 2008): 163-94.

19Adams, A., Burke, S. “’Not a shack in the woods’: Architecture for Tuberculosis in Muskoka and Toronto,” Canadian Bulletin of Medical HistoryVol. 23, No. 2 (2006): 429-55.

18Adams, A., Schlich, T. “Design for Control: Surgery, Science, and Space at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, 1893-1956,” Medical History Vol. 50, No. 3 (July 2006), 303-324.

17Adams, A., Schwartzman K. “Pneumothorax Then and Now,” Space and Culture Vol. 8, No. 4 (November 2005), 435-448.

16Adams, A. “Peter Collins: A Study in Parallax,” Journal of Architectural Education Vol. 59, No. 2 (November 2005), 22-31.

15Adams, A. “Picturing Vernacular Architecture: Thaddeus Holownia’s Photographs of Irving Gas Stations,” Material History Review 61 (Spring 2005), 36-42.

14Adams, A. “Architecture for Feminism?: The Design of the Women’s Library, London,” Atlantis 29, No. 1 (Fall 2004), 99-105.

13Adams, A., Bressani, M. “The Edge Condition: Canada,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 62, No. 1 (March 2003), 75-83.

12Adams, A., Theodore, D. “Designing for ‘The Little Convalescents’: Children’s Hospitals in Toronto and Montreal, 1875-2006,” Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 19, No.1 (2002), 201-43.

11Adams, A. “Borrowed Buildings: Canada's Temporary Hospitals during World War I,” Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 16 (1999), 25-48.

10Adams, A. “Modernism and Medicine: The Hospitals of Stevens and Lee, 1916-1932,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 58, No. 1 (March 1999), 42-61.

9Adams, A., Gossage, P. “Chez Fadette: Girlhood, Family, and Private Space in Late-Nineteenth-Century Sainte-Hyacinthe,” Urban History Review 26, No. 2 (March 1998), 56-68.

8Adams, A. “'The House and All That Goes On In It': The Notebook of Frederica Shanks,” Winterthur Portfolio 31 (Summer/Autumn 1996), 165-72.

7Adams, A. “'Archi-ettes' in Training: The Admission of Women to McGill's School of Architecture,” Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada 21, No. 3 (Sept. 1996), 70-73.

6Adams, A., Sijpkes, P. “Wartime Housing and Architectural Change, 1942-92,” Canadian Folklore Canadien 17, No. 2 (1995), 13-29.

5Adams, A. “The EichlerHome: Intention and Experience in Postwar Suburbia,” Gender, Class, and Shelter: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture V, edited by Elizabeth Collins Cromley and Carter L. Hudgins (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1995), 164-78.

4Adams, A. “Building Barriers: Images of Women in the RAIC Journal, 1924-73,” Resources for Feminist Research 23, No.3 (Fall 1994), pp.11-23; first appeared in French as “Les représentations des femmes dans la revue de l'Institut royal d’architecture du Canada, de 1924 à 1973,” Recherches féministes 7, No.2, (1994): 7-36. Winner of the 1995 Hilda Neatby Prize from the Canadian Historical Association (see awards).

3Adams, A. “Rooms of Their Own: The Nurses' Residences at Montréal's Royal Victoria Hospital,” Material History Review 40, (Fall 1994), 29-41.

2Adams, A. “Eden Smith and the Canadian Domestic Revival,” Urban History Review 21, No.2 (March 1993), 104-15.

1Adams, A. “Charterville and the Landscape of Social Reform,” Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture IV, edited by Thomas Carter and Bernard Herman (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1991), 138-45.

Contributions to Books

332018 “Hospitals,” Companion to Contemporary Architectural History, edited Duanfang Lu, London, UK: Routledge, under contract.

322017 “Art Deco Medicine,” Companion to Art Deco, edited Bridget Elliott and Michael Windover, Surrey, UK: Ashgate, under contract.

312018“Family and Household: A Century of Bedrooms,”A Cultural History of the Home in the Modern Age (1920-2000+), edited Despina Stratigakos, London: Bloomsbury, under contract.

302016 “Designing the Medical Museum,” Healing Spaces, Modern Architecture, and the Body, edited Sarah Schrank and Didem Ekici, Surrey, UK: Ashgate, 2016, 171-85.

292014 Adams, A. “John S. Archibald,” Dictionary of Canadian Biography.

282015 Adams, A. and W. Feindel, “Building the MNI,” The Brain Doctors, edited Richard Leblanc and Elizabeth Maloney, (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press), submitted February 2015, 441-58.

272017 Adams, A. “Surgery and Architecture: Spaces for Operating,” Handbook of the History of Surgery, edited Thomas Schlich. (London: Palgrave-Macmillan), in press.

262017 Adams, A. “Men’s Clubs,” Masculinities, edited Peter and Robert Rutherdale, in press.

252016 Adams, A. “Victorian Domestic Architecture as a Tool of Separation,” Blackwell Companion to Architecture (19th-century volume, edited Martin Bressani and Christina Contandriopolous (Oxford: Blackwell), 269-84.

242012 Adams, A. “Childbirth at Home,” The Domestic Space Reader, edited Chiara Briganti and Kathy Mezei (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), 127-30.

232012 Adams, A. “Gender Issues,” Architecture School: Three Centuries of Educating Architects, edited Joan Ockman, Rebecca Williamson (Cambridge: MIT Press), 322-29.

222012 “’Marjorie’s Web: Canada’s First Woman Architect and Her Clients,” Rethinking Professionalism, eds. Janice Anderson, Kristina Huneault (Montreal: MQUP), 380-399.

212013]Adams, A. “Marjorie Hill,” Dictionnaire des Créatrices (Section on Women in Architecture in North America).

202009 Adams, A., McKeever, P., Theodore D. “Pictures of Health: SickKids Exposed,” Depicting Canada’s Children, edited by Loren Lerner (Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press), 259-78.

192008 Adams, A., P. Gossage, “Sick Children and the Thresholds of Domesticity: The Dawson-Harrington Families at Home,” Designing Modern Childhoods: History, Space, and the Material Culture of Children, edited by Marta Gutman and Ning de Coninck-Smith (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2008), 61-81.

182007 Adams, A. ‘That was Then, This is Now’: Hospital Architecture in the Age(s) of Revolution, 1970–2001,” in John Henderson, Peregrine Horden, Alessandro Pastore, eds., The Impact of Hospitals 300-2000 (Oxford, Bern: Peter Lang, 2007): 219-36.

172006 Adams, A. “Female Regulation of the Healthy Home,” Home, Work, and Play: Situating Canadian Social History, 1840-1980, edited by James and John Walsh (Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2006), 3-17.

162005 Adams, A. “Norbert Schoenauer,” Canadian Encyclopedia.

152005 Adams A., “Picturing Vernacular Architecture: Thaddeus Holownia’s Photographs of Irving Gas Stations,” curated by Shauna McCabe (Charlottetown, PEI: Confederation Centre Art Gallery), 16-29.

14 2005Adams, A., D. Theodore, “The Architecture of Children's Hospitals in Toronto and Montreal, 1875-2010,” Children's Health Issues in Historical Perspective, edited by Cheryl Krasnick Warsh and Veronica Strong-Boag (Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press), 439-78.

132004 “Doctors Building Libraries,” 75 Books from the Osler Library, edited by Faith Wallis and Pamela Miller (Montreal: Osler Library, 2004), 152-53.

122004 Adams, A. “Peter Collins,” Canadian Encylopedia.

112004 Adams, A. “Architecture,” The Oxford Companion to Canadian History, edited by Gerald Hallowell (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004), 42-4.

102004 Adams, A., Van Slyck, A.A. “Children’s Spaces,” Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society, edited by Paula Fass (NY: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004). Vol. 1, 187-194.

92004 Adams, A. “The Hospital,” Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century Architecture, edited by R. Stephen Sennott (New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2004), Vol. 2, 652-4.

82003 Adams, A. “Rooms of Their Own: The Nurses' Residences at Montreal's Royal Victoria Hospital,” in Restoring Women's History through Historic Preservation, edited by Gail Lee Dubrow and Jennifer B. Goodman (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003), 131-44. The book won the Antoinette Forrester Downing Award from the Society of Architectural Historians, 2004, an annual award given for excellence in a published work devoted to historical topics in preservation.