The Weekly Flaming Chalice

Unitarian Universalist Community Church

Sunday Services

July 13, 2014

Worship ~ 10:00 AM ~ Heresy w/ Michael Conley

Sunday Events at UUCC

Worship ~ 10:00 AM ~ Heresy w/ Michael Conley Worship Leader. Belief is the underpinning of most faith traditions. Where does it come from and how does it serve its communities? And heresy is the dark side of belief.


Monday: Sangha ~ 6:30 PM ~ (S)

Tuesday: Open Alanon Meeting ~ 12:00 PM ~ (FH)

Wednesday: Faith-based Fossil Fuel Divestment Meeting ~ 12:00 – 2:30 PM ~ (FH & S)

Pastoral Ministry Team ~5:30 – 7:30 ~ (71)

Just Guys ~ 6:30 PM ~ (FH)

Thursday: Maine Wabenaki REACH Meeting ~ 6:00 – 8:00 PM (S, FH, CR)

Friday: Maine Wabenaki REACH Meeting ~ 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (S, FH, CR)


Worship ~ 10:00 AM ~ w/ Kathy Kellison, Worship Leader


Building and Grounds Workdays - HELP NEEDED

Saturday July 26th is a workdays 9-12. Weekdays better for you? - Then let us add you to short notice email list. Tom and I will be at the church three Saturdays in July and we need help.We are falling behind on maintenance and really need volunteers. The main project will be rehabbing the garage.Some carpentry but mostly scrapping, sanding, priming and painting. If you have a paint scrapper please bring it with you. In addition the usual maintenance tasks such as weeding, straightening out the kitchens, and sorting out the basements still need to be done. We also go in on a weekdays sometimes. If you are available to help during the week, let us know and we will email you short notice when we go in.


As we begin the new Church year and switch to an electronic Google calendar, Steve in the Office needs updated info on all SGM Meetings to enter beginning July 1st. The current calendar is blank after June 30th. SGM Leaders: please let him (me) know your group schedules so they can be added to the calendar for the upcoming year! Email Steve at:

Also, any other regular committee meetings, groups, etc. Please email Steve with that information as we move to a new electronic calendar.

Augusta Food Bank News

Our list of needed items for this month include:

Canned Tuna Fish, Canned Fruits, Peanut Butter, Granola Bars, Canned Soups, and plastic/reusable bags to pack groceries in.
Here is the most recent update posted on the AFB Facebook page ( if you are on facebook and haven't yet "liked" us). June #'s are in. It was a busy month for us at the food bank. We started off with a Food Mobile, where we served 230 households with additional food. At our annual Yard Sale, we raised $2500 for our organization. Throughout the month, we had 416 requests for food at the food bank on Summer St. We provided a week’s worth of groceries to 983 people in the Augusta & Manchester communities, including more than 300 children and over 80 seniors. We distributed 223 Kids Packs, the vacation resource available to all school age children. 416 requests is the largest number of individual requests in a single month the food bank has received in its history! We had already had over 2200 requests for food assistance in 2014.
We certainly couldn't have done it without the help of over 75 volunteers who give their time each month. Ranging in age from 18 months old to 92 years old, we truly are welcoming to all ages! If you are interested in joining in to help out, please contact Abbie at or call 207 622 5225.
Thanks for your time and support. Enjoy the heat while it lasts!

-Abbie Perry

News From the UUCC Office

Office Hours Change this week

The Office will be open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

THE Hymn Contest
Here is an offer you can't refuse. Choose one favorite hymn and send it to Maestro Don Stratton. Don will pick 2 or 3 to orchestratefor the UUCCOO to play during services this year. Think of your favorite hymn accompanied by heavenly strings! Imagine that thrilling trumpet cadenza!
Here are the rules of this contest:
1. It must be a hymn from the gray hymnal.
2. It must be a hymn that we have sung in church over the past few years. Or a core UU hymn. (No wild and crazy hymns)
3. You must send your entry to Don Stratton, 9 Sewall Street, Augusta, ME 04330 in a STAMPED envelope. No electronic entries.
4. You can only pick one.
Remember, only one entry per person. Good Luck

Plan ahead for IN-GATHERING service on September 7th.

UUCC has a long- standing tradition in which members and friends return from their summer sojourns with a vessel of water from their travels. The water communion ritual is a annual event in which our individual water is collected in one large vessel to symbolize our unity amid our diversity.

This year we are asking members and friends of the congregation to bring in water from local sources. Waters gathered while partaking in the age old ritual of community building with nature, friends, family, committees, small groups. In addition to bringing the water,

We are also asking members and friends to bring in a photo from one summer adventure. The picture may or may not be the adventure wherein you gathered your water. The only requirement is it is taken in community that inspires or transforms, celebrates or memorializes, brings a sense of peace or stirs up anticipation and excitement.

Adult Enrichment Classes

This past year there have been a number of requests for more opportunities for adult classes at UUCC. As we begin to think forward to the 2014/15 church year, I have created a survey to better understand the interests of the community. You will find a copy of the survey and some potential books to use with these options in the display case at the church. All options bellow are dependent upon interest level and available facilitators. Please indicate which ones you think you would be interested in participating in and/or facilitating. You may leave the completed survey in the basket in the display case.

Neighbor to Neighbor

Throughout the summer UUCC takes up the work of leading the planning, preparing and serving a monthly free public supper at St. Marks. The dates and lead organizers are as follows:

August 2nd – Liz Johnsen and Family


Your help is needed to prepare, set-up, serve and clean-up. Please join us as we share in the work of caring for our community. You can sign up in the fellowship hall at church or contact the lead organizer for the month you are available to assist.v

Monthly Themes for 2014/15

Thank you to all who participated in bringing forward the themes. It is helpful to know what is on the hearts and minds of the people in the pews. The themes chosen were part of the top 12 selected.

September Inclusive Community

October Aging

November Classism

December Mystery

January Transformation

February Loss-grief-acceptance

March Play & Laughter

April Sustaining Earth

May Arts and Spirituality

Summer Personal Spirituality

Rev. Carie’s Summer Schedule.

July 14th to July 24th Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

July 28th to Aug 10th Vacation

During the weeks I am on vacation, please use the following contact information:

For pastoral emergencies contact Nancee Campbell at 621-7727

For general UUCC business contact Steve Moore, Office Administrator at 622-3232

For general church emergencies contact Gary Chapin, Board President at 458-1726.