Minutes of the Regional Committee Meeting
19 May 2014, 1pm (lunch from 12.30pm) @Cowpen Lane Depot Cowpen Lane, Billingham TS23 4DD
Present / Apologies:Anita Brown (AB) / Gordon Murray (GM)
Cheryll Snowdon (CS) / Michael Lamb (ML)
Christine Herriott (CH) / Shaun Dowd (SD)
Jill Weatherburn (JW)
Jackie Sharp (JS)
Janet Arnott (JA)
Lynda Walker (LW)
Stephen Forster (SF)
Vivianne Buller (VB)
Item / Action
14/12 / Welcome & Apologies for Absence
AB welcomed and thanked members for their attendance. Apologies were received from GM, ML and SD. Members were concerned to hear Shaun had been in hospital and wished him a speedy recovery. SB also welcomed new member Christine Herriott.Thanks were extended to AB for an excellent lunch.
14/13 / Minutes of Previous Meeting 9 January 2014 & Action Plan 13 February 2014
These were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on the 9 January 2014 and could be published on the LACA website. / VB
14/14 / Matters arising from Meeting held on 9 January 2014
VB confirmed 11 committee nominations had been received and the
Committee agreed to appoint the following officers.
Anita Brown :Regional Chair:
Stephen Forster Regional Board Member & Vice Chair:
Jackie Sharp Regional Treasurer:
Gordon Murray Regional Secretary: (Events & Meetings)
Vivianne Buller Regional Secretary: (Committee & Membership)
Cheryll Snowden: Committee Member.
Christine Herriot: Committee Member.
Janet Arnott: Committee Member.
Lynda Walker: Committee Member
Michael Lamb: Committee Member
Shaun Dowd: Committee Member
VB to publish new committee on the LACA website
The region is still seeks a committee member to represent Scotland but no nominations were received at the AGM.
EXPO/Spring Seminar/AGM 20 March 2014
The committee agreed the day had been a great success. VB presented the committee with analysis from the surveys which confirmed the views of the committee that this had been an excellent event. Concern was expressed about the amount of time some committee members had spent organizing the event and how sustainable this would be in the future.
The committee agreed that sustainability would be on ongoing matter for discussion at future committee meetings.
The committee agreed to follow similar themes for the coming year
to ensure LACA was influencing people in our region and firmly demonstrating that LACA is the lead organization for school food and its
impact on young people. / VB
14/15 / Regional Year Planner and future events 2014 - 2015
The committee agreed the Regional Planner for the remainder of 2014.
6 June 2014: Summer Event. Discussed in detail and organised by Godfrey Hedley
9 -11 July National Conference: regional committee to meet to discuss strategy issues for the region such as membership and programme for 2014/15
22 September 2014:Regional Committee Meeting
10 November 2014: Regional Committee: Events Planning for 2015
27 November 2014: Autumn Seminar: Newcastle upon Tyne.
Venue: Jury’s Inn Newcastle : Vivianne to book 100 seater room
Newcastle while CH and JA to investigate availability of meeting in the City Council venues such as the Hancock Museum
Some initial ideas for subject and speakers:-
Progressive, Transformational, Inspirational, Aspirational
Myles Bremner: How UIFSM Impacts on Pupil Attainment, Public Health and Socialisation.
Linda Cregan:Childrens Food Trust
Carrieanne Marie Bishop: LACA National Chair. LACA role into the future
After Hours Event:
Dinner @ Café 21 Newcastle Quayside – Stephen Forster to investigate
AGM 2015 and Regional Awards Event
Theme: Recognising People in Our Region
Proposed Dates:19 or 26 March 2015 AGM &
The committee discussed the possibility of a regional Awards event for the AGM in March 2015 and will flesh out these ideas when we meet in July, (during the Main Event) ideas so far.
Awards similar to LACA National Awards so winners can then go on to submit or be sponsored for the LACA National Awards.
Sponsors approached so far @ LACA Conference and have already committed, Dr Oetker, Hobart, Quorn, Pasta King, Urban Eat, Falcon, UK Foodhall, Premier Foods. Funding discussed to pay for trophy and costs
Process for application for Award:
Headtacher/Buisnes Manager/Catering Managers can nominate their caterer
Cooks can nominate themselves
Dinner with presentation, entertainment and disco. / VB
14/16 / Regional Membership Strategy
VB is waiting for the revised 2014 membership list form LACA HQ.
VB confirmed that a new member had joined the region and she is June Dodd who is the Catering Manager at Our Lady & St Bedes RC School.
14/17 / LACA Board Report & Key Issues.
Minutes of the February Board meeting are appended to the minutes. The board meeting included news from the regions. Formal approval was given to the proposal by NE & Scotland to grant Honorary Membership to Godfrey Hedley in recognition of his role in LACA and to the industry in the region over the past 25 years. Discussion regarding the DFE Roadshow rollout for the DFE UIFSM Contract took place. Further discussion took place regarding the accreditation process for students studying the Level 4 qualifications and the potential concern that this is currently withheld.
The meeting concluded with a handover of the Chair to Carrieanne Bishop. Thanks were given to Ann Bull for her extended period chairing LACA and acknowledgement of her ongoing roll in managing the DFE Project. Best wishes and support for Carrieann as she entered her period of office were given followed immediately by the announcement that she would be appearing on the Daily Politics Show on BBC TV the following day
14/18 / Treasurers Report
The balance as @ 6 may 2014is £5,739.26p
Treasurer has issued invoices to guests who attended the EXPO/Spring Seminar. / JS
14/19 / School Chef of the Year 2014
The committee thanked GH and SD for organising and hosting the Regional SCOTY which had been very successful.
The regional winner is Bridget McCulla from Jarrow School who is a member of the South Tyneside
Catering Team and will represent the region at the National Finals on Wednesday 21 May 2014.
VB advised there was a lack of consistency about funding to support regional winners as some regions are providing financial support. SF to raise with the Board.
14/20 / NSMW 2014 Campaign
Nothing to report
14/21 / AOB
14/22 / Date of next committee meeting
Monday 22 September 2014 @ 1pm ( lunch from
12.30pm) @ Cowpen Lane Depot, Cowpen Lane, Billingham TS23 4DD