I. Call to Order/Welcome

II. Voting Members

  • Seth Burkert
  • Jim Kilcoyne
  • Gary Van Shaften
  • David Kozak
  • Andrew Holzer
  • Bob MacDonald
  • Brennan Zapf
  • Pat Himes
  • Mike Flott
  • Conor Lynch
  • Andrew Smith
  • Rob Ruby
  • Aaron Osysko
  • Noah Langer

III. Attendance

  • Seth Burkert
  • Pat Himes
  • Andrew Holzer
  • Colin Trout
  • Noah Langer
  • Frank Spacey
  • David Kozak (Late)
  • JP Mansberger (Late)
  • Jason Ruppert (Late)

III. Prayer

  • Vice President Patrick Himes opened our meeting with a prayer in Mike Flott’s (Chaplain) absence

IV. Officer Reports

  1. President (Seth Burkert)


(a)Need to increase our membership every year (goal of 20 for 2016)

(i)Membership is up from 2014

(ii)Goal is 5 new members a year

(iii)Donations are often made to undergrads, FUI open, and MS Society

(iv)Further members creates more events and more donations to our philanthropy

(b)Retain current members

(i)Numbers should never decrease

(ii)Pushed for renewal of membership at the meeting

(iii)The E-Board of Seth Burkert, Patrick Himes, and Andrew Holzer are paid for the 2016 year


(a)Previously have done Pirates Tailgate and Harrisburg Beer Festival

  1. Had 12 members at each event. Both were great successes

(ii)Ideas for other events?

  1. Washington D.C.
  2. Baltimore
  3. The spring event can be first or second weekend in May every year so as to appropriately plan and schedule

(iii)Areas that would be best for events

  1. Vice President (Pat Himes)

(1)No notes from Pat

  1. Treasurer (Andy Holzer)

(1)Current Balance: 405.34

(2)Turn in dues now for 2016 up until end of 2015

  1. Secretary (Andy Holzer)

(1)No notes.

  1. Historian (David Kozak)

(1)Late attendance

(2)Will begin development and enhancement of the organization’s website

  1. Chaplain (Mike Flott)

(1)Would like to retain his spot as chaplain. Was unable to attend.

V. New Business

  1. FUI Open and FUI Bike Tour is August 21 & 22: Normally second weekend in July

(1)Lewisburg PA

(a)Bike Tour on Friday Aug 21

(i)Followed by social hour

(ii)May attend Little League World Series game

(iii)Visit Bull Frog Brewery in Williamsport

(iv)Lodging at Lewisburg Hotel ($55 per person/double occupancy)


  1. This link is so that the donations can be made for the MS Society as part their team.

(b)FUI Open on Saturday August 22

(i)$35 per person includes cart

(ii)Tee times start at 1 PM

(iii)Dinner afterwards at Lewisburg Hotel ($35 per person includes taxes and gratuity and 2 drinks wine or beer)

(2)Donation to Multiple Sclerosis Society

(a)Link is above for donations

(b)The Alpha Phi Delta Beta Lambda Alumni Association will be making a donation

  1. Homecoming 2015 – October 29-31

(1)Will have annual tailgate

(2)RSVP is beneficial. RSVP by October 15th for attendance for homecoming tailgate.

VI. Elections

  • Note: Must pay annual dues to be nominated and to vote. Also, the Secretary and Treasurer may be the same person. The Historian and Chaplain may be the same person
  • All dues will be paid to Andrew Holzer (4850 Eisenhower Ave Apt. 329, Alexandria, VA 22304) Please ensure the check is in a white piece of paper within the envelope.
  1. President
  2. Pat Himes Nominated Seth Burkert for President
  3. David Kozak seconds
  4. Seth Burkert accepts the Nomination and runs unopposed
  5. Seth Burkert accepts the unanimous decision to retain his position
  6. Vice President
  7. Noah nominates Patrick Himes for Vice President
  8. David Kozak seconds
  9. Patrick Himes accepts the Nomination and runs unopposed
  10. Patrick Himes accepts the unanimous decision to retain his position
  11. Secretary
  12. David Kozak nominates Noah Langer for Secretary
  13. Patrick Himes seconds the nomination
  14. Noah Langer accepts the nomination
  15. Seth Burkert nominates Andrew Holzer for Secretary
  16. Noah Langer seconds the nomination
  17. Andrew Holzer accepts the nomination
  18. The vote was unanimous for Noah Langer
  19. Noah Langer accepts the position of Secretary
  20. Treasurer
  21. Seth Burkert nominates Andrew Holzer for Treasurer
  22. Noah Langer seconds the nomination
  23. Andrew Holzer accepts the nomination and runs unopposed
  24. Andrew Holzer accepts the position of Treausrer
  25. Historian
  26. Patrick Himes nominates David Kozak
  27. SethBurkert seconds the nomination
  28. David Kozak accepts the nomination and runs unopposed
  29. David Kozakaccepts the position of Historian
  30. Chaplain
  31. Noah Langer nominates Mike Flott
  32. SethBurkert seconds the nomination
  33. MikeFlott accepts the nomination and runs unopposed
  34. Mike Flott accepts the position of Chaplain

VIII. Comments/Concerns

IX. Closing Prayer

X. Adjournment

REMINDER: Obligations as an AA

A. Send a delegate to each National Council meeting

B. Pay annual AA Fee ($125 currently)

C. Meet 4 times per year

D. Host 2 events per year, including alumni reunion

E. Keep in contact with Undergrads and District Governor


1. Only in emergencies (no pledging, no telling them what to do)

G. Committees (membership, reunion, social) - chairman picked by President

1. A Judiciary committee may be invoked by President or majority vote

2. Other committees may be created by President as dictated by bylaws