BULLETIN ITEM: Earth Changes Bulletin Update As Of September 6 2006
Impeach The Gangsters Who Fabricated 911 & The Bogus War On Terror

Dossier On The 911 Hoax:

(ECB September 6, 2006, MWM)

GEOPHYSICAL DANGERS RISING RAPIDLY AND WILL BE AT THE FOREFRONT DURING THE NEXT 14 DAYS. On September 7, a Full Moon will be followed eight hours later by a September 8 Perigee. All dates UTC. THIS SHOULD PACK THE MAXIMUM WALLOP FOR THE YEAR ON THE GREAT RIFT, THE AUSTRALIAN TECTONIC PLATE, and any of the subduction zone faults. Current levels of seismic activity are low but these may flair suddenly. Heads Up For Southern California. Watch Etna, Soufriere Hills, Baja closely. Full Moons should have the maximum syzygy punch on the Earth through the remainder of the year. Volcanic activity flaired this past week and may continue to build global activity level through new eruptions at many of the usual places. Solar conditions are now rising but may suddenly fall again. Spots at 26, rising suddenly from 0 the day before. This small peak is likely a last, fleeting result from the current three way planetary alignment, which most likely produced its maximum impact this past week. Most likely, Spots will fall to zero and the ionic wind will becalm the Earth’s atmosphere enough to keep hurricanes markedly depressed in frequency and strength during September.


The Sun is ready to retire Cycle 23 and may do so within the next 90 days with very little Solar activity. Warm water has rapidly emerged in the Pacific from coast of California down to the Equator. MORE PROBABLE THAN NOT: El Nino is rapidly forming up and may commence by December this year. NO CHANGE: temperature deviations in the North Atlanticare apparently generating enough Mid-Atlantic sheer to depress storm formation. The warmer than normal water in the Gulf and CaribBasins is not present this year, thus last year’s “suck” for hurricanes is gone. Hence, conditions are not propitious for major storms, any that may form are likely to hit the Atlantic coast of Florida or up to the Carolinas. As with last week, all other climate factors have become transitional, chaotic, and unpredictable. The Strange Time continues.


THE MASTERS OF WAR: Here are the current major threats to safety and well-being on Earth at this time.

War Expansion In Mid-East: Currently FUBARED, plot is in arrest. Zionazi incompetence stalls it out. Iraq has become a classic strategic stalemate and Afghanistan/Pakistan are falling into the stalemate due to many of the same factors. Israeli brutalities in Gaza and Lebanon has ended its 50 year “holocaust” free ride, support is drying up at all levels for the intransigent Zionazi tarbaby. Iranians continue to astound the Bush/Cheney Junta with intelligent responses and skillful international diplomacy. Odds of Iranians out-manoevering the Imperial Faction and Tricky Dick Dr. Demento Cheney are very good. A new era of peace and freedom in the region now looks possible if the current corrupt political axis of the Anglo/Americo/Zionazi elite can be substantially displaced during the coming two years of elections.

Mass War OF Terror: High Alert For False-Flag Plots in the U.S.; September 1-30 is likely to be especially dangerous for a major bomb or other type of event which brings death.

Additional background for newbies at the end of this Bulletin


It is profoundly important to laugh the fear mongering crazy coot politicians and their two-bit Punch and Judy puppet shows right off the continent. Buckle Up Son, we got a lotta laughin to do during the next ten weeks. Yep, it is going to be quite a show. As we traverse the matrix of time, bogeymen will pop out of nowhere, nearly instantaneously. How’s your laugh reflex? If you hesitate for even a moment, the Warcast Masters will wag a bogeyman right up your wazoo before you can scream Uncle. The instantaneous microsecond you see a bogeyman wagging up on the ole boob-tube, exclaim loadly, “Oh that’s just too hilarious for words. What great bullshiters you guys are. And then laugh hysterically at the idea that little children get to play behind the curtains of the Warcast Media, practicing how to be bully’s while dreaming up scary things to say to freak out the old widow next door.” All just in fun of course…..of course…..I am kidding.

Be afraid America, be very afraid!!! The Republicrats have amassed one of the largest campaign finance organizations in human history. Record levels of money will be spent in the Warcast Media Machine, churning out 24/7 BE AFRAID AMERICA, BE VERY AFRAID, but fear not, as long as you don’t vote for those commie-loving, fascist ass-kissing. homo liberal democrap traitors, we will keep America TheFabulous safe and sound with Dr. Demento’s Texas Bushiter Tonic which is so potent it repells even terrorists. Why civilization itself is at stake, the greatest and most glorious struggle of all time for those who have the courage stay on our course which leads to fabulous riches, wink, wink, for those who know how to play by “our”, ahem, freedom-loving rules. Why, all you have to do spread Freedom for untold generations is to kiss our ass every time you get on board a plane. And vote for your local Republicrat. (except in Conneticutt, where offer is void, instead vote for the biggest rat in town, Uncle Shysterman).

More seriously, practice ROFLING at every political commercial. Ask out loud” “How can you possibly think I am this stupid. HA HA HA. Horse’s ass to you to as well”.

The Bush/Cheney/Rove Junta will focus on shoring up support for its efforts to reconstitute its strategic plans. NO DOUBT the sizzle and aroma of mass fear will continue to be shoved into everyone’s faces leading up to the November congressional elections. Additional false-flag “plots” are likely to be uncovered. An actual “terrorist” event may occur during September but the sizzle of interrupted “plots” sells the idea of how “competent” they are at fighting “terrorism” and so I think that the premium wine this season is razzle-me-a-sizzle-you-dazzler-you. Though these were probably originally aimed to create war fever to support invasions in the Mid-East, this likely will be primarily aimed now to shore up support for Republicrats to enable them to hold onto control of Congress so that Fuhrer Bush/Cheney/Rove can gloriously lead the victorious Pompous Fatherland ever onward.

Beginning already is what will be the heaviest barrage of negative attack-ads you to which you have ever been subjected. They will pull out all the stops in their desperation to slapbitch the American people into the fog of abused confusion. Bush of course will play the good cop, Captain America. The Warcast Media featuring the dynamic duo of Dr. Demento and Dumsfeld will play the bad cop. Bush will sound so sincerely earnest how could you believe him to be so nasty? How dare you believe that? Dumsfeld and Demento, with a lot of puppets they move around, will lecture endlessly about heroism and traitors, threats, safety, and treason, terrorism under every bed and in every closet if you fall down in Iraq. And on and on.


Laugh like hell. It is all a psychotic fantasy which the real world would like to forget as soon as possible. Turn the lunatics into the crazied demented dorks they really are. How? By seeing them as such. Neutralize them by turning off their channel. In all forms, deny the validity of the Warcast Media’s War OF Terror which is being waged against Americans. Laugh those crazy coots clean off the continent. It is that simple.

Repeat after me:

The Orwellian State is NOT our future, IT IS OUR REALITY. It must be decisively defeated by dissolving the illusions which feed it. The essential message which devastates the Orwellian State and shreds its operations into oblivion is elementary and here are some of the elements:

  1. The U.S. has no military rival, it is not under any threat from any foreign source whatsoever. A fair portion of the military establishment can be retired without danger.
  2. No war will come to America, all conflicts in today’s world lie in other areas from the karma of other people’s doings.
  3. With the exception of the Palestinian “terrorists”, almost all of the terrorist activities of the past 20 years have been false-flag operations conducted by British, Mossad, or CIA operatives. This means that Islamic or Arab militants are not very interested in suicide nor in planting bombs in the U.S. The Palestinians are not terrorists at all. Their suicide bombers are remarkably determined individuals who have decided, in complete desperation, to strike a blow against the injustices which the Zionist state has imposed on them. Most of them were disposed heirs, whose families had been brutalized by the creation of the Israeli state. We do not regard these acts as very intelligent, but then we do not live under the hopeless poverty and racism which sits over the Palestinians. You can spend a few trillion dollars trying to create security against these hapless people, or you can spend a few billion creating the justice they seek. Choice is yours.
  4. All the international “terrorism” which the American people have been bamboozled into “fighting” is a complete fabrication of demented minds. There is no war. There is no terrorism. There is no threat. The entire current mass-media induced mind-state is completely deluded. Period.
  5. There are a few odd-ball random crazy people who will “blow up” things up. Crap happens. Get over it. Your odds of danger are about the same as getting killed by lightening.
  6. There IS a War Of Terror which is being waged on the people of Britain and the U.S. by the Masters of War who are manipulating most of the scenarios to scare their populations into docile compliance with dictatorial controls and military adventurism.
  7. How to end this nightmare? TURN OF THE FRIGGING CHANNEL. Tell everybody to turn off the Warcasters and explain what this means in your own terms. And replace every assertion about terrorism which appears somehow in your life with the opposite: there is a struggle for human rights and justice in Palestine, but there is no terrorism in the world today, only false-flag operations. Nobody hates Americans, nobody is fighting to destroy our freedoms, there is no threat whatsoever to the U.S. from islamofascists, the guys who say these things are just crazy, and that includes Bush, who needs to be removed from office for mental reasons ASAP, and perhaps the heads of the major news media for supporting this ludicrous hysteria.

Polar Motion: - normalization is now apparent; anomaly apparently over

The anomalyis slowly resolving BUT SURPRISES MAY BE COMING DURING THE NEXT 90 DAYS. The curling suddenly looks too small, too tight, it is possible we are heading toward another X MIN in the Chandler Ampltitude LOW. It may be that we are actually on the original time track for the end of the previous seven cycle. If so, it means the location of the Earth’s Spin Axis actually took quite a hop during this past winter’s anomalous motion. AND, it will also mean that the TPW (shifting of the Earth’s Spin Axis) has accelerated significantly. Stay tuned, we will know a lot by the end of September. For additional background details, see the Earth Changes Update As Of August 16 at the archive at Yahoo:

Regardless, using past correlations as a guide, we should see a substantial increase in earthquake and especially volcanic activity fairly soon. I strongly suspect that the upcoming new season of volcanic activity, or the next year in the year following, which usually begins in December closely associated with the Earth’s Perihelion phase, will set new world records.


Solar Activity:

2006 08 30 74 19 160 0

2006 08 31 83 39 200 1

2006 09 01 77 32 190 0

2006 09 02 76 27 120 0

2006 09 03 77 0 0 0

2006 09 04 79 0 0 0

2006 09 05 80 26 130 2

Flux at 80 on September 5 and rising. Sunspots 26 andpopping up suddenly from 0 on the 3rd and 4th of September. My. My. Modest solar wind this hour (21:30 UTC). Fluxgate Monitor (U of Alaska) showsa modest magnetic stormduring the past 24 hours but it looks like the graph may have been knocked off line by a major magnetic pulse which struck through the solar wind on September 4. The Magnetic Field A Index pushed 22. NASA reports at least one small coronal hole which will likely miss the Earth during the next few days. In the meantime, NASA predicts only a 1% probability of low order flares, which is as low a number as NASA ever hazards, but NASA predicts as much as 25% probability of further magnetic disturbances in the high latitudes. This is a near contradiction and I am not sure what explains it.

AS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED: We are in Solar Min, but not quite to the bottom of the cycle. We should enter into a month with an average of less than 5 Sunspots within the next 12 months, probably sooner than later. When we hit such a low point, we can for all intents and purposes declare Cycle 23 over and wait for Cycle 24 to begin a few months later.

Solar and Earth Magnetic: Repeated from last week

PREDICTION: All expansion of planetary atmospheres and magnetic envelopes are shrinking rapidly these days as a direct response to the declining solar output as Solar Cycle 23 MINS out and readies to begin life again as Solar Cycle 24.

Volcanic Activity:

The count numbers for volcanic activity is at about the same level as last week, with the number of active eruptions reduced from 23 to 22. But, activity in the active ones did in fact flair up this past several days, suggesting that activity is rising now once again. Etna ended several months of meditation with ash, lava, and explosions, Stromboli picked up activity, and new surges in lava flows were reported in several volcanoes, along with increased ash emissions. Sourfriere Hills is sending a narrow plume up 10,000 feet, accompanied by 20 emissions from Popo yesterday but only 2 from Colima. Lava and/or steam explosions in two cones in Guatamala, and one each in Costa Rica and Ecuador continue. Overall, Carib plate remains the most active zone but Yasur, and Manam along the northern edge of Australian Tectonic Plate remain vigorously active for the most part. No new reports from the three previously active Indonesian volcanoes leaves us in the dark, but this is probably a sign of no new activity. Three Kamchatka volcanoes produced steam explosions and ash emissions this past week, but St Helensis only meditating now while it slowly builds a new dome with little ash evident. And of course, Kilauea still oozes steadily along while Erebus on Antarctica appears to have been more vigorous this past couple of weeks, as least seismically. Mayon in the Philippines remains currently the most active volcano with active ash and lava extrusion. For great photos of the latest eruption phase of Mayon, go to

SWVC reports only 22 now active (down one fromlast week), 6 restive (same as last week), 63 alert according to the SWVC (up one fromlast week).Three volcanoes in New Zealand still are now on the Restive List. These may be building up a head of steam for eruptions during the next season.

SPECIAL WATCH: Parallel activity of Etna and Soufriere Hills could be a precursor to tectonic movement in the Baja. Watch these two volcanoes closely

Earthquake Activity:

Earthquake activity above 5.0 remains depressed in both magnitude and frequency, typically this past week only two or three quakes per day. For quakes above 2.5 in the North American portion of the globe, quake numbers are also on the low side. Virgin Islands (near Puerto Rico) continues as a major focal point, as do the Rat Islands in the Aleutians.

PROGNOSIS: Activity will suddenly pick up sharply for the Full Moon Perigee, probably beginning NOW. The next two Full Moon Perigees will be the two most dangerous periods for the remainder of the year.


Perigee Apogee

Sep 8 3:08 357174 km + F+ 8h Sep 22 5:22 406498 km -- N- 6h

Oct 6 14:08 357409 km F- 13h Oct 19 9:36 406073 km - N-2d19h

Nov 3 23:52 360597 km F-1d13h Nov 15 23:21 405192 km N-4d22h

Dec 2 0:07 365922 km F-3d 0h Dec 13 18:57 404416 km N-6d19h

New Full

2006 Aug 23 19:11 2006 Sep 7 18:44