Humble Middle School – Purple House

8th Grade Honors United States History2010-2011

Mrs. Jordan Room 400D

Tutorials offered Tuesdays 4-5pm


“In a time of turbulence and change, it is more true than ever that knowledge is power.” John F. Kennedy

“History’s like a story in a way, it depends on who’s telling it.” Dorothy SalisburyDavis

“History is the ship carrying living memories to the future.” Stephen Spender

Welcome to eighth grade United States history. In this course students will learn about the history of the United States of America spanning from its beginning as a group of colonial settlements to the end of the Civil War and Reconstruction. Students will learn United States history to understand how the country developed, the meaning the events of the past have on the country today, as well as our individual roles as people living in the United States in the present day.

The information included in this letter is intended to address my expectations, procedures, rules and grading. You will find that there is a high expectation for student responsibility and performance. Please read this letter and contact me if you have any further questions. Also, please fill out the attached form and return it with your student to me at school. Your student should keep this letter in their 3-ring binder as a reference for the remainder of the year.


  • Students will bring their 3-ring binders to all classes. Students will be provided with separate instructions on how this binder should be organized with space for each class. Students will also be provided with a portfolio in the classroom to keep outdated material at the end of each six week period.
  • Planner provided by Humble Middle School.
  • Textbooks will be available in the classroom. Students are encouraged but not required to check out a textbook from Mrs. Guajardo’s office.
  • Notebook paper, blue or black pens, No. 2 pencils, an eraser, highlighter, glue stick and colored pencils (these supplies will need to be replenished throughout the year!)

Daily Procedures:

  • Enter the classroom.
  • Write the agenda for the day in your planner
  • Look to the board for further instructions and warm-up activities.
  • Take out needed materials for the day’s activities.


Your grade in the class will be determined by the work completed. Remember that your grade in the class is not given by Mrs. Jordan but is earned by the student. Grades will be determined in the following manner:

Tests and Projects –60%

Classwork and Homework -40%

Students will be given a grade print out approximately twice during a grading period in addition to progress reports and reports issued by the school. If signed by a parent and returned within a week, students can earn extra credit. Progress reports and report cards should be expected every 3 weeks. You can request a print out of your student’s grade at anytime, or you may use the district online grade viewer to help you follow your student’s grade.

Extra Credit:

There is one regular opportunity to earn extra credit:

  • Returning a grade print out which has been signed by a parent within a week it was given.

Extra credit will be offered periodically throughout the year but not frequently. Students should focus on the quality of assigned coursework and not rely on extra credit to inflate their grades.

Late Work:

Turning in late work is discouraged but will be accepted for a late grade. An assignment will loose 5 points, or half a letter grade, each day it is graded after it has been graded. For example, if the student earns 85% on an assignment but it is 2 days late, their adjusted grade will be 75%. It is the student’s responsibility to collect make-up work, coming to tutorials and to arrange make up tests.

Behavioral Expectations:

“Let your conscience be your guide.” Jiminy Cricket

In order to have a functional classroom environment in which all students feel safe, respected, and understood it is important that these simple rules be followed by everyone:

  1. Be Respectful: Treat others as you wish to be treated. Show respect for others (students, teachers, administrators, volunteers, substitutes, feelings and property etc etc etc) and yourself at all times!
  2. Be Responsible: It is your JOB to learn. Take responsibility for your own learning and your own actions – do not expect others to do your job for you. Make good choices – if you have to think about whether or not it is a good choice it probably isn’t. It is always better to do things right the first time.
  3. Follow Adult Direction the First Time Given
  4. Keep Your Hands and Feet To Self: This includes others and their property.
  5. Be There, Be Ready: Show flexibility, integrity, leadership, good purpose, ownership, and commitment at all times. Be on time with your supplies, homework and positive attitude each day.

Cheating and Plagiarism:

“It is better to deserve honors and not have them to have them and not deserve them”

– Mark Twain

Do NOT cheat or plagiarize!! It is lame and I want to know what YOU know!! Use your better judgment and make a wiser choice. Consequences for cheating and plagiarism are a zero score on the assignment, a phone call home and/or a referral.

Parent/Teacher Communication: I am available by phone at 281-641-4112 or by email at . If your emailaddress is logged into the school’s database you will also receive emails about 2-3 times per grading period informing parents that grade sheets and/or report cards are being sent home. This is meant to help parents help their students remember to bring them home. I will also send periodic emails regarding upcoming tests so that parents can help remind their students to prepare with the appropriate materials. To set up a student/teacher conference please contact the Purple House principal, Mrs. Guajardo at 281-641-4012.

I am very excited to work with you and your student this year. With your help this will be a successful year!

Thank you,

Mrs. Jordan

This is your first assignment! Pick a quote from the top of the first page. Choose from the following prompts:

1)Write 2-3 sentences describing what the quote means to you.

2)Write 2-3 sentences explaining why you think the quote is true.

3)Write 2-3 sentences explaining why you thing the quote is false.

4)Write 2-3 sentences describing what the quote makes you wonder about in terms of what you will be learning in our class this year and how it relates to our world.

Quote (write it out – it will help you think about it) ______Prompt # ______


Dear Parents/Guardians:

Among my priorities as your student’s teacher is to remain in contact with you about your student’s progress. By working together as a team, teachers and parents can profoundly effect a student’s education for the better. In order to work together most effectively it is necessary that I have a few pieces of contact information from you. Please provide the following information. Thank you very much for your cooperation! PLEASE RETURN BY Sept. 3rd!!


Ashley Jordan

STUDENT NAME(please print):______

PARENT NAME(please print):______


Please provide any home, work, cell numbers and/or email addresses that will be helpful in reaching a parent or guardian if necessary. The first contact on the list should be the parent or guardian responsible for the student.


Home Phone:______Work Phone:______

Cell Phone:______Email:______

I speak (circle all that apply): EnglishSpanishOther:______

Preferred Method of communication (circle one): Home Phone/Cell Phone/Work Phone/Email



Home Phone:______Work Phone:______

Cell Phone:______Email:______

I speak (circle all that apply): EnglishSpanishOther:______

Preferred Method of communication (circle one): Home Phone/Cell Phone/Work Phone/Email

Other important information (student should wear glasses etc): ______

Revised 6/10