HULON meeting Notes
Notes from HULON meeting
18th August 2015, 1.15pm-4.15pm
Mitchell Room, EII Court, HCC HQ, Winchester SO23 8UJ
Jim Harrison, Ian Loynes, Iain Speed, Roger Fenn, Jennie Musson, Terry Rhodes, Keith Hatter, Rachel Harrison, John Evans, Chris Hall, Gerry Zarb, Suzanne Pepper, Louise, Ed Walton
Session 1
Presentation by Sue Dovey on Trading for Income followed by exercise on how to generate income – this could be goods/services or knowledge. Please see separate Ideas for Trading for Income document.
Session 2
Updates from HULON members:
Rachel (DPVH): still waiting to register as co-op, met with bus company re wheelchair access and now wheelchair users are guaranteed a space on the bus, dealing with issues re ramp positions and non-accessible bathrooms at the Ageas Bowl hotel. This work is ongoing and Rachel is trying to find the right people to talk to.
John Evans: trying to get some progress with the way that Disabled passengers are treated re air travel. There seems to be no proper training for people who lift Disabled People.
Chris Hall (Parability):Parability’s website is still down and he is looking at this. Facebook group pages have been set up for 3 areas: Basingstoke, Winchester and Southampton and it is possible for people to post their own events onto these pages. Parability is exploring the idea of working with somebody to provide gardening/handyman service in the Basingstoke area. The activity/social group is going well and Chris has now been appointed the access advisor to Hampshire Constabulary.
Suzanne Pepper (Gosport Older Person’s Forum):
The info festival event was very hectic. October is Older Person’s month in Gosport and it was thought that it would be good to do a joint event with SPECTRUM around this.
Louise (Chrysalis): Chrysalis have now started advising young people (under18) where they can come and get advisory services with their parents. This service is separate from Chrysalis’ main service.
Jim Harrison (50+ Forum): The Forum was about to close but will now continue. They are about to appoint a new Secretary and are drawing up a new constitution and Terms of Reference and will get these ratified by the group. Havant Borough Council are pleased to help and can do printing for free. It was pointed out that SPECTRUM can also do small print runs for free.
Ian Loynes (SPECTRUM): the Your Way IT suite was launched along with SPECTRUM’s new website at the end of July. SENDPO (South East Network of Disabled People’s Organisations) have a meeting at Woking on 24th September and their conference on 29th October in Winchester. This will be promoted in the HULON newsletter.
Iain Speed (All Inclusive):an Empowerment Fayre will be held on 14th October at Fratton Park and will have a Hate Crime theme. Simon Hayes, the Police Commissioner, will be doing a talk. All Inclusive have also updated their website: and people can sign up to their newsletter.
Terry Rhodes (GAGDF): has given advice on a heritage project “Hear my Story” in Gosport dockyard and have been involved in Heritage Open Days (66 events in 4 days!) in Gosport. GAGDF have helped with accessibility and marketing these events. They are now using Twitter to reach a younger audience.
Keith Hatter (WAAFA):WAAFA are involved with a campaign re parking on pavements and have a meeting with the MP Steve Brine about this. There are issues with accessibility and fire regulations in that Winchester Museum has a new lift but a wheelchair user was refused access as there were insufficient staff to put her in the carrying device.
Future HULON discussions
Next meeting: Session 1: 2 short pieces: Social Enterprise person from Action Hants, piece on organisational development.
- Timebanks – SCOPE, Carers Together could offer this, John Evans has a national contact
Sub-Group for Access Forums
- Funding is available for sub-groups
- Rachel would like to involve the Older People’s Forums too.
- The group could cover the whole county (Keith)
- Chris – SPECTRUM and Parability could work on an app on accessible transport.
Action/Chris to ask Basingstoke College of Technology (BCOT) students if they would work on an accessible transport app.
- Gerry mentioned the Google Innovation Fund and Google are currently looking for projects which use technological innovation to improve Disabled People’s lives – the app would qualify for this. Bids must be submitted by 30th September.
Action/Rachel & Keith to circulate details of access sub-group meeting dates re access sub groups and Roger to circulate these to HULON.
Any Other Business (AOB)
-Adult Social Care Grant Programme - is not open for consultation. Rachel and Suzanne wanted to know when it would open and Suzanne would like someone from HCC to speak about this.
Action/ULO team to contact HCC about the Social Care Grant Programme and a speaker.
- It was pointed out that if people emailed Hampshire County Council via Hotmail then it may not get through HCC’s firewall.
- An LBGT Movie Night was mentioned at the Police Training College in Netley.
Action/Roger F to send round info about LBGT Movie Night to contacts via email.