Apologies were received from Beth Williams, Derry Hodgkins, Sarah Simpson, Becky Hegarty, Ruth Argyle, Rachel Wright, Debbie Stirland, Jacqui Lloyd.
Minutes of last meeting
No issues were raised regarding the minutes of the last meeting.
Action: HT to organise for all meeting minutes to be uploaded onto the PSFA section of the website so that they can easily be accessed and viewed.
New committee
Fiona Durrant and AleidaRichens were voted in as Treasurers.
It was agreed that Emma Lear would be secretary and Lara Whitney Vice Chair with BronwenGleave as Chair.
The incumbent committee re-iterated that they would still be there to support the school and those new to post. Other PSFA members were keen to offer support as and where appropriate to ensure that the PSFA continues to grow and thrive.
Bags 2 school
This has been scheduled for November 16th 2017 (Thursday)
This will be the last Bags2School event as we will be trialling working with Mr and Mrs Billington who will come and collect any type of clothing, bric a brac (books, toys etc)
Action: Mrs Billington to create a flyer. BG to put on the newsletter about the first collection on December 11th 2017.
Gift stalls
The dates are scheduled for 13th and 14th November. Caroline Hegarty said that all was in hand with no additional help needed ahead of the event but that volunteers to man the stall would be needed.
Wednesday support: Jo Gwilt & Fiona El (9:30 – 12:00)
Thursday support: Fiona D & Tracy Billington (9:30 – 12:00)
Funded by the PSFA, Magic Chris has been booked for EYFS and an in-school pantomime for KS1 and KS2. There will also be a donation of £20 to each class for their party (Friday 15th December)
Books for EYFS children have been purchased as Santa gifts and KS1 and 2 children will be gifted selection boxes (to be given out by Santa on the last day of term)
Future events
Non-uniform day in exchange for Christmas themed chocolate items (gold coins, selection boxes, chocolate Santasetc) – Friday 1st December
Action: take photo of examples to put on FB page
Jingle Balls Bingo – Tuesday 5th December
- Check what bingo books are in school.
- BG to write letters to companies asking for donations. Lisa Clark to distribute
- volunteers have come forward. Follow up meeting needed to properly allocate roles including hot drinks, checking Bingo lines, giving out prizes, 3 on the door needed(Lara W, Caroling H, Lisa C, Anj Sharma-Jinman, Emma Lear, Haley Parkes, Lisa Downes, Fiona D, Aleida R, Sophie L, Fiona El)
- BG to ask Richard Hodgkins and/or John Brown if they will Bingo call on the night.
Make Way for Santa – bric a brac drop off at school – Monday 11th December
Action: issue information on school newsletter with a description of what can be brought in
Mrs Gleave wish list
BG explained that there was nothing to add to the wish list. The aim is to raise as much money as possible towards the technology fund.
Date of next meeting
Due to the Jingle Balls Bingo event on December 5th, it was decided that there should be a meeting ahead of this.
The meeting has been scheduled for 9:15am on 22nd November as the travelling book fair is open on that day to parents. Following the meeting, there will be a PSFA social where presents will be wrapped.
Action: Caroline Hegarty to purchase wrapping paper at the same time as gift stall wrapping paper.
BG thanked everyone for attending. There was a really good turn out with lots of thoughts and ideas and going forward, there was a sense that the PSFA can continue to grow and thrive.