Hand write on your own paper. Each word needs to be numbered and on it’s on line. Do not write two or more words per line. Write neatly. Make sure your name is written in PEN on the top. Make sure you number. I do count off points if I have to count them. Each of these counts as a separate 40% grade.
Lesson 1-Pages 203-217
Hand write on your own paper. Each word needs to be numbered and on it’s on line. Do not write two or more words per line. Write neatly. Make sure your name is written in PEN on the top. Make sure you number. I do count off points if I have to count them. Each of these counts as a separate 40% grade.
- Button
- Cell
- Cell reference
- Command
- Dialog box
- Folder
- Formula
- Formula bar
- Group
- Quick Access Toolbar
- Ribbon
- ScreenTip
- Sheet Tab
- Spreadsheet
- Tab
- Title bar
- Workbook
- Worksheet
Hand write on your own paper. Each word needs to be numbered and on it’s on line. Do not write two or more words per line. Write neatly. Make sure your name is written in PEN on the top. Make sure you number. I do count off points if I have to count them. Each of these counts as a separate 40% grade.
Lesson 2-Pages 227-240
Hand write on your own paper. Each word needs to be numbered and on it’s on line. Do not write two or more words per line. Write neatly. Make sure your name is written in PEN on the top. Make sure you number. I do count off points if I have to count them. Each of these counts as a separate 40% grade.
- AutoSum
- Budget
- Cell content
- Clear
- Clipboard
- Copy
- Cut
- Edit
- Fill handle
- Function
- Hyperlink
- Paste
Lesson 3-Pages 250-273
- Background
- Border
- Cell style
- Delimiter
- Font
- Font style
- Graphical list
- Horizontal alignment
- SmartArt
- Table style
- Theme
- Vertical alignment
Hand write on your own paper. Each word needs to be numbered and on it’s on line. Do not write two or more words per line. Write neatly. Make sure your name is written in PEN on the top. Make sure you number. I do count off points if I have to count them. Each of these counts as a separate 40% grade.
Lesson 4-pg 283-304
- Absolute reference
- Chart
- Condition
- Filter
- Function
- IF
- Mixed Reference
- Operator
- Range
- Relative reference
- Sort
Lesson 5 pg 314-333
- Footer
- Freeze
- Header
- Landscape
- Margin
- Page break
- page orientation
- Portrait
- Print area
- Split
- Template