Sole Source Notification
HRSA New Access Points
High Poverty Counties- Peach and Houston Counties
Response Deadline: March 28, 2007, 5:00 p.m.
Point of Contact: Cordellia Vanover
Georgia Department of Community Health
2 Peachtree Street, NW
Vendor and Grants Management, 35th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303-3159
Tel: 404 651-6917
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES New Access Points in High Poverty Counties
Program Description and Requirements
Background / The Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) was created in 1999 (Senate Bill 241) with the responsibility for insuring over two million people in the State of Georgia to maximize the State’s health care purchasing power, to coordinate health planning for state agencies, and to propose cost-effective solutions to reducing the numbers of uninsured. Within the Department, the State Office of Rural Health works to improve access to health care in rural and underserved areas and to reduce health status disparities. Rural Georgians are more likely to be under-insured or uninsured.
Sole Source Justification / In its response to HRSA grant application 07-069, the Department of Community Health intends to identify the North Central Health District as the intended grantee for the New Access Point Initiative – Peach and Houston Counties.
The purpose of document is to provide the sole source justification naming North Central Health District, demonstrating that there are no other entities in the proximity of Peach and Houston Counties with the ability to offer the grant required services. As a competitive Migrant Health Center grant applicant, North Central Health District will demonstrate how the high poverty county new access point(s) will increase access to comprehensive and preventative health care services and improve the health status of migrant and seasonal farm workers (MSFW) and their families in the areas to be served.
Applicants must also demonstrate that the proposed new access points will address the special needs of MSFWs and their families and will assure the availability and access of essential primary and preventative services, including oral health, and mental health and substance abuse services, to MSFWs. In addition, competitive applicants will address the special environmental health concerns that are associated with MSFWs. Applicants are expected to demonstrate compliance with section 330(e) and 330(g) and all applicable regulations and HRSA guidelines.
Competitive applicants will describe 1) the manner in which comprehensive outreach is to be conducted and integrated into the primary care delivery system, 2) how transportation and other enabling services will be provided, 3) the manner in which case management and eligibility assistance will be made available to MSFWs and 4) how adjustments will be made for service delivery during peak and off season cycles.
Competitive applicants will include information about how the health center governance requirements are being/will be addressed.
Specific Requirements/Expectations / As a Migrant Health Center grant applicant, North Central Health District must demonstrate in a sound proposal its ability to meet the need, demonstrate readiness to rapidly initiate the proposed solutions, display responsiveness to the health care environment of the service area and demonstrate a collaborative and coordinated delivery systems for the provision of health care to the underserved in their community by:
Ø Establishing a full-time, fixed delivery location providing high quality comprehensive primary care services in a high poverty county- Peach and Houston.
Ø Identifying a Federally designated medically underserved population or area within an identified high poverty county to be served, in whole or in part, by the new access point;
Ø Demonstrating that all MSFWs will have ready access to the full range of required primary, preventative, enabling and supplemental health care services, such as oral health care, mental health care and substance abuse services, either directly on-site or through established arrangements without regard to ability to pay;
Ø Demonstrating compliance at the time of application (or a plan for compliance within 120 days of a grant award);
Ø Demonstrating how section 330 funds will expand services and increase the number of people served through the establishment of a new service delivery site(s) and / or at an existing site(s) not currently within a HRSA funded scope of project;
Ø Demonstrating that the site(s) will be operational and services will be initiated within 120 days of grant award;
Ø Demonstrate appropriate collaboration, coordination and integration with the activities of other federally qualified health centers and section 330 grantees, State and local health services delivery projects and programs providing services to the identified underserved population/community; and,
Ø Demonstrate how section 330 funds will augment already available funds and in-kind resources to expand existing primary health care services capacity to currently underserved populations.
Special Conditions / Funding to North Central Health District is contingent upon securing New Access Point Initiative Federal funding for Peach and Houston Counties.
Total Funds
Available / TBD - based on the availability and amount of grant funding
Funding Cycle / September 1, 2007 – August 31, 2008
Response Deadline:
DCH presents this project as a sole source in that DCH has not been able to identify any potential grantees, other than the intended sole source contractor, that meet the minimum qualifications and can provide the specified services.
Any potential grantee that meets the minimum qualifications and can provide the specified services must respond via e-mail (no later than 1:00 pm on March 28, 2007), 5:00 p.m. to the DCH Grant Administrator at and identify its interest in being considered as a potential grantee for New Access Points in High Poverty Counties- Peach and Houston Counties. Please provide specific information related to how it meets all of the minimum qualifications.
If the Department receives one or more viable respondents, other than the intended sole source contractor, that are verified as meeting the minimum qualifications, then a full grant application process will be conducted.