State of Connecticut

Core-CT Project


Module:Human Resources

Business Process:Manage Job Classifications and Positions

Requirement Number:HR006

Requirement Title:Ability to provide Monthly Position Vacancy report

Module Leads: Lina Simonu, Lisa Lagus

  1. Requirement Description

Describe the requirement (gap). Include a description of the delivered PeopleSoft functionality.

The Office of Policy and Management requires the Monthly Position Vacancy report from each agency. The Monthly Position Vacancy report identifies vacancies within an agency by Job Code, Full or Part time, last incumbent, when vacated and COA. PeopleSoft, as delivered does not provide vacancies based on specified criteria by OPM or by agencies.

  1. Business Need

Provide a justification for the requirement. Include information about frequency, volume, number of users impacted, etc.

The monthly vacancy report is used by the Central OPM office and the Agency Budget Specialists to manage positions, budgets, and FTEs throughout all 118 state agencies. This report is generated from the legacy systems or manually prepared by the HR staff, the State needs to provide accurate information to Budget staff as part of the position approval process. Currently, there is no future PeopleSoft release that would provide this information or functionality.

  1. Required By: (Y/N)

Federal ____Agency _ ___Bargaining Unit _ ___

State Statutory _Y___State Regulatory _Y___State Procedural ____

  1. Requirement Priority

Medium(High, Medium, Low – please see “Requirements Prioritization Criteria”)

  1. Recommended Solution

Enter an “X” next to the appropriate category

______Process Solution

__Option Number

____X__Application Modification

__1_Option Number

  1. Explanation for Recommendation

Provide reasons for recommendation. Please do not re-state the description of the solution itself.

PeopleSoft does not deliver the Monthly Position Vacancy report by agency or with the fields required by OPM. This report is extremely time consuming and if developed, OPM and Agency Budget staff could produce the report on demand. If the report is produced by the system there will be no errors in the report. A system generated report would minimize discrepancies that may occur when manually compiling information.

  1. Organizational Impact of Recommendation

Describe the changes to the organization that result from the recommended solution. Include a description of any role, process, statute, or bargaining unit agreement affected.

Central and Agency HR Staff and OPM Budget staff will need to be trained on how to produce the report. This tool will assist in meeting the State Statutes for FTE count.

Currently, each agency submits a version of this report, going forward only this one recommended report will be used statewide.

  1. Process Solutions

Describe the possible Process Solutions. Include a description of impacts and benefits of each solution.

Option 1. Use the delivered Peoplesoft vacant position report. This report runs vacancy listings for the entire state. Therefore agencies would need to read through the report to identify their vacant positions. Also, this report does not supply the chart of accounts information.

  1. Application Modifications

Describe the possible Application Modifications. Include a description of impacts and benefits of each solution.

Option 1.

Modification Type (On-line, Batch, Interface, Report, Workflow): Report

Complexity (Easy, Medium, Difficult): Medium

Description: Create a vacant position report that includes Job Code, Full or Part time, last incumbent, when vacated and chart of accounts associated with the position. This report should be run by agency and also be able to run statewide. This assumes that only one report will be used statewide.

1 of 110/06/18