Birmingham and Solihull Cluster Chlamydia Stakeholder Meeting

Thursday 24th May 2012

Actions points

In attendance:

Ian Mather (IM) Solihull NHS Care Trust, Consultant in Public Health - (CHAIR)

Emily Godfrey (EG) Sexual Health Service Manager, HEFT

Claire Robertson (CR) Consultant in Sexual Health and HIV Medicine, HEFT

Christine Hardwick (CH) GU Consultant, UHB

David Walker (DW) Pan Birmingham Sexual Health Commissioner

Penny Barber (PB) Chief Executive BROOK, Birmingham

Carol Fernie (CF) BPAS

Judith Mullineux (JM) SHIP co-ordinator

Charlotte Zoltonos (CZ) GP

JaskiernKaur (JK) Attending for Jas Sangha

Prudence Shangwa (PS) Chlamydia Screening Nurse

David Jones (DJ) Chlamydia Screening Nurse

Jan Deeming (JD) NCSP

Kate Martin (KM) HPA

Judith Workman (JW) HPA

Gail Clarke (GC) Attending for Sharon Myring

Shirley McQuaid (SMc) PA, Emily Godfrey


Jas Sangha (JS) Chlamydia Screening Programme Manager, HEFT

Sharon Myring (SM) Head of Sexual Health, UHB

Kate Himsley (KH) Business Development Manager, Calthorpe clinic

Roger Gajraj (RG) HPA

/ Item / Action / Whom / Date /
1. / 11/12 Activity Plan:
JK reported on the activity for 11/12 explaining that overall the CSP just under achieved the agreed level of for the year. There is a recurring trend each year with the GP sector decreasing the number of screens performed. The reason was explained by CZ and relates to other activities that GPs undertake in the last quarter of the year – therefore chlamydia screening numbers fall.
A discussion was had around the new ‘blast screening’ contract that the chlamydia screening now have with Moo Moo Youth Marketing (the outreach service went out to tender at the beginning of the year). PB reported that she had spent some time with Moo Moo Youth Marketing (MMYM) on outreach and raised her concerns regarding the process for completing client forms by MMYM staff. JK assured the board that she would be following this matter up with MMYM. Meanwhile CSP continue training MMYM on risk assessment, language and noise barriers.
A number of new clinical staff has been recruited by CSP which will enable more focussed testing in hard to reach and high risk areas.
·  CSP work with primary care to ensure screening numbers are consistent all year round. This will be facilitated by the Band 6 nurse allocated to a quadrant of the city.
·  JK to speak to MMYM in relation to the process for completing the form and will feedback at the next board meeting. / JK / By next meeting
2. / SHIP training proposal:
JM presented a proposal around the use of pH paper within primary care in order to reduce the amount of inappropriate STI testing. This will form part of SHIP training.
Incentives in primary care need to be linked to positive screens. ACTION; primary care sub group to work up some options / JM
3 / Partner notification:
·  Partner notification protocol form will be available in 2-3 weeks / PS
4 / Regional overview and future direction:
JD had prepared a presentation looking at the regional overview and future direction of the chlamydia screening programme. Unfortunately the overhead projector was not working therefore JD talked through the slides on paper.
·  JD to send further information for SMc to distribute regarding positivity rates and coverage.
·  JD and JS will meet to look at high prevalence areas to ensure the correct wards are being targeted.
·  DW requested baseline data from the HPA. / JD
KM / 09/08/12
5 / Update on CSP structure:
In line with the direction of travel nationally, CSP has restructured the team and now has a more clinically focussed team. 4 Band 6 nurses have been employed to lead screening in each quadrant of the city and Solihull. The nurses will be supported by Health Care Assistants. CSP (in collaboration with the Safe Project) have invested in a van which has been converted into clinical space internally (mobile clinic). The van will be used to increase access to screening in high risk areas and where sexual health services are not easily available.
6 / Move to dual testing:
The move to dual testing has been delayed from 31/05/12 to 22/06/12; this is due to the packs and forms not being available. Dual testing will only be undertaken in core services, not outreach. A treatment pathway has been developed and shared with the treatment sites.
There were concerns amongst stakeholders present that communication on the move to dual testing had been poor. It was agreed that ‘concise communication’ was needed as a matter of urgency.
·  DW has requested a copy of the new SLA detailing the move to dual testing
·  Clear pathway indicators of where to be treated needs to be made available to all stakeholders.
·  Draft letter to be sent to CR for signing off with a clear start date for dual testing. / JS
7 / Proposed change in programme name:
CSP looked at changing the name to ‘BeSure Sexual Health service’. The group agreed that CSP were providing dual testing but not a full screen so the new name could be misleading. The name BeSure is a recognised brand and the board agreed this is what the programme should be called.
·  BeSure brand name to be sent on all literature by all organisations. / JS
8 / Working plan and Q1 plan:
The mobile clinic is still not in use, this will reflect on the Q1 target. CSP are on target with pharmacies and G.P.s. An activity plan for 12/13 needs to be developed with support from the HPA. The programme will also need accurate and up to date activity / positivity data from all GU and integrated services on a monthly basis.
·  Targeted screening will require input from public health
·  Primary care sub-group continues to meet (next meeting is in July) / JS / DW
Data collection
There were concerns that not all data on chlamydia screening is collated. CR said that this was particularly the case for Telecare data; New Attitudes which has a Lilly system provides more accurate data.
·  Re-establish data group and invite Iris Fermin (who has been doing some work on chlamydia prevalence across the cluster) to the next meeting
·  KM to send 11/12 coverage and positivity data to DW for Birmingham and Solihull
·  CH will look at obtaining data from WSC (what’s this?)
·  EG to meet with the labs to discuss what data can be provided
·  GC to look at obtaining data from the Brash patient administration system / IM/JS
Date of next meeting – 9th August 2012 @ 1.30-3.30
DAAT Conference Room
Gee Business Centre
Holborn Hill
B7 5JR