Upper Freehold Township Committee Regular Meeting August 6, 2015
1"The Heartland of New Jersey"
AUGUST 6, 2015
Mayor Moslowski Jr. called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and requested the Clerk to call the roll. The following Committee Members were present: Stephen J. Alexander, Robert Faber, Dr. Robert A. Frascella, LoriSue H. Mount(arrived at 7:20) and Mayor Stanley Moslowski Jr. Also present at the dais: Dana L. Tyler, Municipal Clerk, Dianne Kelly, CFO/Administrator and Dennis A. Collins, Township Attorney, Esq.
Following the Flag Salute, the Clerk announced that the Notice requirements of R.S. 10:4-18 for an "Annual Notice" had been satisfied by the publication of the required advertisement in the Asbury Park Press and the Messenger Press January 15, 2015, posting the notice on the Board in the Upper Freehold Township Municipal Building and filing a copy of said notice with the Municipal Clerk.
PRESENTATION - GIRL SCOUT HOUSE NUMBER PROJECT- Holly Barletta was present to discuss her Award winning project. Holly provided the Township Committee a PowerPoint presentation on the process of how she accomplished her house numbering project. She numbered houses in the Lynwood Development to assist emergency services in making it easier to find the house numbers in the development. The Township Committee has requested that her presentation be put on the Township website to encourage others to properly number their houses.
REPORTS: Committee Liaisons will each provide reports on their respective departments, monthlyreports prepared by Department Heads, listed herein, are on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk.
- Treasurer’s Report – June 30, 2015
- Construction Department – July 2015
CORRESPONDENCE: The following correspondence has been received and is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk. These items will be kept at the counter for review for the next week.
- Monmouth County – CASA for Children/Court Appointed Special Advocates is a non-profit charitable organization with a mission to make a difference in our community.
- PSE&G – Let’s Get Ready: Planning Together for Emergencies, and Here for Each Other; Helping Families After Emergencies
- Plumsted Township adopted a Resolution, Ratifying the filing of Plumsted Township’s motion to participate with the State Board of Public Utilities concerning the Southern Reliability Link.
- Chesterfield Township adopted a Resolution encouraging the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to consider an alternate pipeline route as proposed by the Township of Chesterfield; authorizing the Township solicitor to file motions to intervene in the New Jersey Natural Gas Petitions; and Amending Resolution 2015-4-2 to include New Jersey Natural Gas’ Most recent safety citations.
- State of NJ, State Agriculture Development – NJ Land Link – New Website New Website Makes it Easier for Farmers to Find Land, and Landowners to Find Farmers
- PSE&G – 2015-2016 Annual BGSS Commodity Charge Filing for its Residential Gas Customers under it’s periodic mechanism and for changes in its balancing charge – Public Hearings will be held on August 18, 2015 in Bergen County Administration Building, August 19, 2015 Middlesex County, Administration Building and August 20, 2015, Burlington County Human Services Facility – posted
- Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders – Adoption of Resolution adopting an amended Monmouth County Bicycle Facility Policy and Guidelines
- North Hanover Township – Adopted a Resolution endorsing Assembly Bills Sponsored by the Honorable Ronald S. Dancer, Regarding Certain Utility Company Rights of Way and BPU Procedures
- Township of Woodbridge – Will host the New Jersey Senior Olympic Games on 9/11, 12 & 13.
- State of NJ, Department of Agriculture – Survey of Gypsy Moth Masses
- Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders – 2015 Resurfacing Program Various County Roads – Upper Freehold Roads are Rues Road to Sharon Station Road and Yellow Meeting House Road to Rues Road.
Land Use Notices:
- Freshwater Wetlands General Permit Application – Union Transportation Trail, Along the former Hayti-Wrightstown Railroad Line
- State of NJ, Department of Environmental Protection – Suspected Hazardous Substance Discharge Notficiation NJDEP – 4 Vanker /applying pesticides without holding the proper permits.
The following Resolution was offered by Mr. Alexander, moved and seconded by Ms. Mount.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the following bills, properly certified be the Chief FinancialOfficer, be paid:
Current Fund / $3,013,217.31
Capital General Fund / 271,943.19
Coah Trust Fund / 7,208.37
Developer Escrow Fund / 3,395.97
Dog Trust Fund / $548.10
Municipal Drug Alliance Trust Fund / $1,350.26
Open Space Trust Fund / $19,524.28
Public Defender Trust Fund / $225.00
Recreation Trust Fund / $32,471.11
Total / $3,349,883.59
This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye; Mrs. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye (exec T&M).
The following Resolution was offered by Dr. Frascella, moved and seconded by Mr. Alexander.
WHEREAS, William Baker was hired on a probationary basis effective November 12, 2014 by Resolution 169-14; and,
WHEREAS, William Baker’s initial probation period ended March 13, 2015, it was extended due to an off the job injury until August 1, 2015; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Baker has performed his duties in a satisfactory manner and the Township Administrator/Chief Financial Officer, Dianne Kelly, and the Department of Public Works Manager, Saverio Fiorenzo, have recommended that he be re-classified as a permanent employee effective August 1, 2015.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Township Committee of Upper Freehold Township does hereby re-classify William Baker from a probationary basis to a permanent employee basis effective August 1, 2015.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Township Administrator/Chief Financial Officer, Dianne Kelly; the Department of Public Works Manager, SalverioFiorenzo; andMr. William Baker.
This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye; Mrs. Mount, nay; and Mayor Moslowski Jr.
The following Resolution was offered by Dr. Frascella, moved and seconded by Mr. Alexander.
WHEREAS, the Upper Freehold Township Committee deems it to be in the best interests of the residents of Upper Freehold Township to hire retired police officer(s) to maintain the safety and security in the Municipal Court room on the days that Municipal Court is in session; and,
WHEREAS, the following candidate submitted an application demonstrating prior experience adequate to perform this function; and,
WHEREAS, the candidate has been interviewed by the Township Administrator; and,
WHEREAS, the Township Committee has authorized the Township Administrator/Chief Financial Officer to present Brian F. McGarry with a salary offer; and,
WHEREAS, the candidate has accepted the salary offer from the Township; and,
WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified that the funds are available in account number 5-01-43-490-010, Municipal Court-Salary and Wages.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED this appointment to the position of Municipal Court Security Officer, at an hourly salary of $15.00, effective August 6, 2015.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Township Administrator/CFO and Brian F. McGarry.
This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye; Mrs. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye.
The following Resolution was offered by Dr. Frascella, moved and seconded by Ms. Mount.
BE IT RESOLVED, that Raffle License #RL 309-15 be granted to the Knights of Columbus Council#7333 for an On-Premises Raffle, to be held at the St. John’s Catholic Church, 1282 Yardville-Allentown Road, Upper Freehold Township on September 18 & 19, 2015.
This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye; Mrs. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye.
The following Resolution was offered by Dr. Frascella, moved and seconded by Ms. Mount.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an subordination agreement to agreement between Upper Freehold Township, Monmouth County and the residence of 2 Quaker Hill Road, Allentown, NJ 08501, for a program lien subordination to do a reverse mortgage.
This Resolution was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye; Mrs. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr., aye.
WHEREAS, the following resolutions having heretofore been placed on this agenda require no discussion and same having been previously reviewed by the members of the Township Committee be and are hereby adopted. The following Consent Agenda was offered by Dr. Frascella moved and seconded by Ms. Mount. .
resolution 141-15 a resolution granting a raffle license to the ashley lauren foundation
BE IT RESOLVED, that Raffle License #RL 308-15 be granted to the Ashley Lauren Foundation for an On-Premises Raffle, to be held at the Cream Ridge Golf Course, 181 Route 539, Upper Freehold Township on October 10, 2015, (rain date October 24, 2015)
RESOLUTION 142-15 A RESOLUTION rescinding resolution 133-15 requesting approval of an item revenue and approprition under njs 40a:4-87
WHEREAS, Resolution 133-15 was adopted on July 9, 2015, requesting approval of an item of revenue and appropriation under NJS 40A:4-87 regarding the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016 Municipal Drug Alliance Grant, and;
WHEREAS, a like amount of revenue and offsetting appropriation was already included in the 2015 Municipal Budget, adopted April 2, 2015,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Upper Freehold Township Resolution 133-15 is hereby rescinded. A copy of this resolution will be filed with the Division of Local Government Services, New Jersey Depart of Community Affairs and the Chief Financial Officer of Upper Freehold Township.
resolution 143-15 a resolution entering into an agreement to renew membership in the monmouth municipal joint insurance fund
HEREAS, the Monmouth Municipal Joint InsuranceFund(hereinafter the Fund) is a duly
chartered Municipal Insurance Fund as authorized by NJSA 40A:10-36 et seq., and;
WHEREAS, Upper Freehold Township is currently a member of said Fund, and;
WHEREAS, effective December 31, 2015, said membership will expire unless earlier renewed,
WHEREAS, the Committee of Upper Freehold Township has resolved torenew said membership;
NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows:
1. Upper Freehold Township hereby renews its membership in the Monmouth Municipal
Joint Insurance Fund for a three (3) year period, beginning January 1, 2013 and ending
December 31, 2018.
2. The Township Committee hereby ratifies and reaffirms the Indemnity and Trust
Agreement, Bylaws and other organizational and operational documents of the Monmouth
Municipal Joint Insurance Fund as from time to time amended and altered by the Department of Insurance in accordance with the Applicable Statutes and administrative regulations as if
each and every one of said documents were re-executed contemporaneously herewith.
3. Upper Freehold Township agrees to be a participating member of the Fund for the period
herein provided for and to comply with all of the rules and regulations and obligations
associated with said membership.
4. In consideration of the continuing membership of Upper Freehold Township in the
Monmouth Municipal Joint Insurance Fund agrees, subject to the continuing approval of the
Commissioner of Insurance, to accept the renewal application of Upper Freehold Township.
5. Executed the 6th day of August, 2015 as the lawful and binding act and deed of the
Township of Upper Freehold, which execution has been duly authorized by public vote of the
governing body.
resolution 144-15 a resolution for renewal of membership in the monmouth municipal joint insurance fund
WHEREAS, Upper Freehold Township is a member of the Monmouth Municipal Joint Insurance
Fund; and
WHEREAS, said renewed membership terminates as of December 31, 2015 unless earlier renewedby agreement between the Municipality and the Fund; and
WHEREAS, the Municipality desires to renew said membership;
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows:
1. The Township of Upper Freehold agrees to renew its membership in theMonmouth Municipal
Joint Insurance Fund and to be subject to the Bylaws, Rules andRegulations, coverage’s, and
operating procedures thereof as presently existing or asmodified from time to time by lawful
act of the Fund.
2. The Mayor and Clerk shall be and hereby are authorized to execute the agreement to renew
Membership annexed hereto and made a part hereof and to deliver same to the Monmouth
Municipal Joint Insurance Fund evidencing the Municipality's intention to renew its
This Consent Agenda was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye; Ms. Mount, aye and Mayor Moslowski Jr. aye.
The following Ordinance was offered by Dr. Frascella moved and seconded by Mr. Alexander.
WHEREAS, Ordinance 264-14 setting salary ranges for certain employees and officials was adopted on June 5, 2014; and,
WHEREAS, the need has arisen for the creation of the positions of Fire Superintendent and Fire Official; and,
WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interests of the residents of Upper Freehold Township to create these positions;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Township Committee of the Township of Upper Freehold, County of Monmouth, State of New Jersey, that the positions of Fire Superintendent and Fire Official be created and paid in accordance with the salary range listed below:
Fire Superintendent $25,000.00 $60,000.00 per year
Fire Official $5,000.00 $15,000.00 per year
SECTION 2Applicants may be appointed by resolution of the Township Committee at the salary indicated herein.
SECTION 3All ordinances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with or in conflict with this Ordinance or any part hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of said inconsistency.
SECTION 4If the provisions of any section, subsection, paragraph, subdivision or clause of this Ordinance shall be adjudged invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such Ordinance or Judgment shall not affect or invalidate the remainder of any Section, subsection, paragraph, subdivision or clause of this Ordinance, or any other Ordinance which is referred to herein be reference and to this end the provisions of this Section, subsection, paragraph, subdivision or clause of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. Should any clause, sentence or other part of this Ordinance be adjudged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such Judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of this Ordinance.
SECTION 5Upon adoption and publication in accordance with law this Ordinance shall be effective upon the adoption date.
This Ordinance was approved by the following vote: Mr. Alexander, aye; Mr. Faber, aye; Dr. Frascella, aye; Ms. Mount, aye; and Mayor Moslowski Jr, aye.
The Clerk announced that the Public Hearing will be held on September 3, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
The following Ordinance was offered by Dr. Frascella moved and seconded by Mr. Faber.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and committee of the Township of Upper Freehold, County of Monmouth and the State of New Jersey, as follows:
The position of Fire Superintendent is hereby established, under the direction of the Township Administrator. The Fire Superintendent shall have full supervision of the Township of Upper Freehold Career firefighters. The Fire Superintendent shall manage all career fire department operations to ensure their timely, thorough, and cost-effective completion, and shall perform the following job tasks in the operation of this position:
The duties of the Fire Superintendent shall include:
1Directs the daily work assignments of the Township fire department personnel and ensures the satisfactory completion thereof.
2Writes memos and Standard Operation Guidelines (SOGs) with the assistance of the Hope Fire Company Chief to inform, instruct, or direct fire department activities.
3Ensures all departmental, county, state, and federal rules and regulations are followed at the fire scene.
4Reviews department training programs to ensure compliance with applicable regulations, and may assist in training of the fire personnel.
5Responds to alarms as determined by need. May establish command of incident or assist in extinguishment, e.g., indicated in NJIMS system or upon request for incident commander.
6Reviews and approves the final written form of Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) and departmental regulations with the assistance of the Hope Fire Company Chief.
7Authorizes training courses for department staff.
8Authority to relieve or recommend disciplinary actions of Township career firefighters for violations of departmental, county, state, or federal regulations.
9Maintains work schedule, including the recommendation of overtime, for Township career firefighters. Approves time off requests and provides for per diem firefighter shift coverage.
10Maintains inventory control of Township fire department assets.
11Reviews all monthly reports (apparatus, drills, fuel, and equipment requests) to initiate appropriate follow-up.
12Provides information on equipment that requires capital expenditures for budget consideration.
13Ensures that all staff violations of Fire Department rules regulations are documented.
14Assists the Township Administrator in the development of the Township fire department budget and in formulating the Township’s position in negotiating applicable collective bargaining negotiations agreements.
15Provides equipment replacement recommendations and schedule for budget consideration.
16Approves expenditures for both budgeted and non-budgeted items.
17Revises and approves specification for new equipment working in conjunction with the Hope Fire Company Chief.
18Reviews bid returns from potential vendors for compliance with specifications, and makes recommendations to the Township Administrator with the assistance of the Hope Fire Company Chief.
19Ensures that discrepancies in background checks for prospective new fire firefighters are investigated.
20With input from the Hope Fire Company Chief, ensures that all required PEOS/NFPA standard tests are completed, i.e. Hose, Ladder, Pump SCBA and Fire Extinguishers testing are completed and any discrepancies noted are repaired and reports filed.