Health and Physical Education Year 4 Unit 1

Unit Title:

/ Hit it, catch it, field it, throw it (small balls), Can you combine all four?
Achievement Standard / By the end of Year 4, students recognise strategies for managing change. They examine influences that strengthen identities. They investigate how emotional responses vary and understand how to interact positively with others in different situations. Students interpret health messages and discuss the influences on healthy and safe choices. They understand the benefits of being fit and physically active. They describe the connections they have to their community and identify resources available locally to support their health, physical activity and safety.
Students apply strategies for working cooperatively and apply rules fairly. They use decision-making and problem-solving skills to select and demonstrate strategies that help them stay safe, healthy and active. They refine fundamental movement skills and combine movement concepts and strategies in different physical activities and to solve movement challenges. They create and perform movement sequences using fundamental movement skills and the elements of movement.

HPE Strands


Content Descriptions


Assessment (A)

Personal, social and community health
Being healthy, safe and active
Communicating and interacting for health and well being
Contributing to healthy and active communities
Movement and Physical Activity
Moving our body (yellow)
Understanding movement
Learning through movement (red) / Knowledge and Understandings
Moving our body
Practise and refine fundamental movement skills in different movement situations(ACPMP043)
Practise and applymovement concepts and strategies(ACPMP045)
Learning through movement
Adopt inclusive practices when participating in physical activities(ACPMP048)
Apply basic rules and scoring systems, and demonstrate fair play when participating (ACPMP050) / Assessment For Learning
Activity 1: Investigate throwing distances and record how far they can throw underarm and overarm. (Explore)
Activity 2: Students experience using one hand and two hand catching, they will complete as many catches as possible in one minute and record the total number of catches. (Explore)
Activity 3: Explore using different types of striking instruments to hit a stationary ball, moving ball and using one and two hands on the instrument. (Explore)
Assessment As Learning
Adobe Voice Journal- students keep a journal throughout the Hit it, catch it, field it, throw it Unit using the Adobe Voice Journal App, students will voice record and embed action pictures of how they explored and applied the fundamental movements to produce the skills of throwing, hitting and fielding. Students will explain and elaboratemovements sequences/ patterns and evaluate strategies when playing modified throwing, catching, fielding and striking games.
Alternately- students can utilize Health Books as a Journal and use Cameras to capture the movements.
Assessment Of Learning
Students will perform and combine specialised movements skills (throwing, catching, fielding and striking)and apply inclusive practices to implement offensive and defensive strategies in modified 2 Ball T-Ball.
Specialised Movement Skills Criteria:
Controlled throwing and catching on the run: consistent accuracy of throw and hand positioning when catching.
Fielding – ground balls, fly balls, hands ready, body behind the ball
hitting ball of tee – grip, feet position, side on, eyes on the ball, distance from tee.
Striking – bunting, distance, placement

Focus Areas HPE

Alcohol and other drugs (AD)
Food and nutrition (FN)
Health benefits of physical activity (HBPA)
Mental health and wellbeing (MH)
Relationships and sexuality (RS)
Safety (S) / Active play and minor games (AP)
Challenge and adventure activities (CA)
Fundamental movement skills (FMS)
Games and sports (GS)
Lifelong physical activities (LLPA)
Rhythmic and expressive activities (RE)
Learning Framework / Community Contributor
Leader and Collaborator / Active Investigator
Effective Communicator / Designer and Creator
Quality Producer
Cross Curricula Priorities / Catholic Ethos
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures / Social Emotional Learning
Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia / Inclusive Education
Sustainability Education
General Capabilities / Literacy
Critical and Creative Thinking
Intercultural Understanding / Numeracy
Ethical Understanding / ICT
Personal and Social Capability
Links to other LA’s / Links to other Learning Areas: Australian Curriculum: HPE
Select and trial methods for data collection, including survey questions and recording sheets(ACMSP095)
Construct suitable data displays, with and without the use of digital technologies, from given or collected data. Include tables, column graphs and picture graphs where one picture can represent many data values (ACMSP096)
The importance of Country and Place to Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander peoples who belong to a local area (ACHHK060)
Identify sources (ACHHS215)
Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills
Work with others to plan the creation and communication of ideas and information safely, applying agreed ethical and social protocols(ACTDIP013)

Situational Context of Unit

/ This unit can be completed in the following ways:
General Classroom Teacher - HPE Combination 2hours
HPE Specialist in addition to Classroom Teacher
PE Component(specialist) 1 hr PE Component (Classroom Teacher)...hrs H Component (specialist/classroom teacher) ...hrs
Additional information: 9 hours

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Cross Curricular Priorities / Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Inclusive Education
General Capabilities / Numeracy Literacy
Critical and Creative Thinking
Intercultural Understanding
Engage ⇒ / Explore ⇒ / Explain ⇒ / Elaborate ⇒ / Evaluate
Engage / Resources
What is throwing? Why do we need the ability throw?
Students will participate in various Games from the Teaching Resource Yulunga: Traditional Indigenous Games presents a selection of games and activities played in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander societies. Traditional pastimes have been included along with some more ‘modern’ activities in throwing, catching, fielding and hitting small balls.
Students will recall prior knowledge of throwing to complete the following activities and will examine how Australian Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders use the following skills to survive and have fun .Making local links (personal interaction) – engage local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (or Indigenous Liaison Officer), to speak with students about how they utlised the fundamental skills of throwing, catching, fielding and striking in their culture.
Activity 1- Boccica (Throwing)
Students are required to throw the ball(s) as close to the target ball as possible or alternately you can use tape or chalk to mark the target. Divide the playing area into quarters and separate the class into four team, allow students to investigate the different types of throws.
Class Discussion-inquiry based questions
What type of throwing did you use during the game of Boccia?
Which throw was more successful?
Why do you think this type of throw was successful?
Can anybody explain how you completed the throw successfully?
Activity 2-Bowitgee (Catching)
The class is divided into groups of 6-8, Players pass the bowitgee (tennis ball or bean bag) among themselves while moving around in the grid area. The group counts the number of passes made in a designated period of time (for example, 60 seconds). The bowitgee must not be handed from player to player (passes must be at least 3 metres).
class Discussion-inquiry based questions
How many hands did you use to catch the ball?
What did your hands look like?
Was it easier to catch/ throw while you were moving or stationary? Why/ why not?
Activity 3-Kalq (Striking)
This is a cooperative team game in which players use a bat or racquet to continuously hit (volley) a ball in the air.• Players stand in a circle.The aim of the game is to attempt to hit (volley) the ball without it hitting the ground. The ball may not bounce on the ground between hits. An underarm hitting action is the most successful and the ball must go above head height and travel at least 2 metres to another player — players will take turns to hit the ball in the air. For younger players two hits — one to control the
ball and a second to pass it — may be used.
Extension- increase the distance of players, only allow students to use a cricket bat and then the racquet
Class Discussion- inquiry based questions
Which piece of equipment do you think was ‘easier’ to hit the ball? Why?
Hold did you hold the striking equipment? Did it vary from one striking equipment to the other?
which striking equipment did you prefer? Why?
Activity 4- Koolchee (Fielding)
Players are in teams at each end of the playing area. Each team rolls their koolchees underarm (roll along the ground) towards the opposing team. The game is a continuous activity. The idea of the game is to hit a koolchee rolled by a player from the other team. Each player has a number of koolchees and each team has a large central supply in a bin/basket. Players may only use one
koolchee at a time. Hits made within 3 metres of the line marked at each end of the playing area do not count.
Class Discussion-inquiry based questions
Recall the type of throwing? How/ why?
How did you stop the balls from rolling away? What did your hands look like?
Did you only use your hands?
When do you use one or two hands to stop the ball?
Allow students to repeat the activities after each discussion, discuss if any improvements were made at the end of the lesson(s). / Teacher Resources
Activity 1

Guest Speaker- Indigenous Liaison Officer
Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4

Student Resources
Health and Physical Education Metalanguage / Assessment Opportunities
Modified Games, Resilient, Hand-eye Coordination,Underarm throw- peace fingers on ball, ball to pocket, opposite footward, hitting- v grips on striking equipment (thumb and fingers make the ‘v’), overarm throw- peace fingers, elbow above shoulder, opposite foot forward, take aim with non-dominant hand
Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Cross Curricular Priorities / Social Emotional Learning Inclusive Education
General Capabilities / Literacy Critical and Creative Thinking Numeracy ICT
Engage ⇒ / Explore ⇒ / Explain ⇒ / Elaborate ⇒ / Evaluate
Explore / Resources
Comparing Catching, Hitting and Throwing
Throughout the following activities the teacher will facilitate the closed environment learning, through modelling and demonstrating Overarm Throwing, Underarm Throwing, Catching with baskets (fingers down), catching with windows (fingers up), hand positioning when striking (‘V’ grip). Students will practice in a controlled environment, where peer tutoring and self reflection will occur when completing throwing, striking and catching tasks.
Students (small groups)
Activity 5: Investigate throwing distances and record how far students can throw underarm and overarm (complete Hit it, Field it & Catch it Worksheet)
Activity- Bombard (explore the power and accuracy of throwing)
Two or more teams working in parallel throw tennis balls at a large target ball and try to move the target ball over a goal line. (4 or more players per teams
Activity 6: students experience using one hand and two hand catching, they will complete as many catches as possible in one minute, by tossing the ball against the wall (or to a partner) and record the total number of catches (complete Hit it, Field it & Catch it Worksheet).
Activity- Catching Challenge (explore the different types of catching)
Players try progressively harder catching challenges and tricks on their own, in pairs and in groups of 3. Many variations are possible. Extension- Wall Tennis
Activity 7: Explore using different types of striking instruments to hit a stationary ball of a tee, a moving ball and using one and two hands on the instrument.
Activity- Six or safe (explore using different types of striking instruments to hit a stationary ball)
Reflection: students access the Ipads and in pairs commence their Journey for Hit it, Catch it, Field it and Throw it (Adobe Voice App). Students voice record and embed action pictures of what they learnt from Activity 5 - how they adapted throwing skills in the concrete activity of Bombard, Activity 6- how they used their catching skills in Challenge Catching or Wall Tennis and Activity 7- striking and fielding movements in Six and Safe. / Teacher Resources
Tennis balls, measuring tapes, stop watches
Catching Challenge

Wall Tennis

Six and safe

Student Resources
Health and Physical Education Metalanguage / Assessment Opportunities
Ground balls, fly balls, forehand, backhand, front drive
Underarm throw- peace fingers on ball, ball to pocket, opposite foot forward, hitting- v grips on striking equipment (thumb and fingers make the ‘v’), overarm throw- peace fingers, elbow above shoulder, opposite foot forward, take aim with non-dominant hand
Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Cross Curricular Priorities / Social Emotional Learning Inclusive Education Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
General Capabilities / Literacy Critical and Creative Thinking Numeracy ICT
Engage ⇒ / Explore ⇒ / Explain ⇒ / Elaborate ⇒ / Evaluate
Explain / Resources
Throwing Stations
The Explain Phase will be 2 weeks in duration, students will be able to identify and demonstrate the coaching cues behind the movements of ‘throwing, catching, hitting and fielding.’ Students will continue their Progressive Journal via the explanation of the specified movements and demonstrations of the coaching cues through voice recording and action shots on the Adobe Voice App.
Students will participate in rotations, three large groups and time will be given for journal entries between the rotations.
Throwing & Catching
DiyariKoolchee-Players place a skittle 1–3 metres from a wall. From a line 5–10 metres in front of the wall players roll up to five tennis balls in a turn to rebound off the wall and attempt to knock over the skittle. The fewer the number of balls used to
knock over the skittle the better.
Koolchees (Variation)-Place a line of five bowling pins or skittles about 3 metres in front of each team. Each team attempts to roll their koolchees past these to knock over the pins at the other end of the court before the pins at their end are knocked down by their opponents. Players may ‘defend’ their own pins by rolling koolchees to hit other koolchees that might knock over one of their pins.
Wulijini (Variation)- Cooperative team game: Divide the players into two teams facing each other 3–5 metres apart and with a line in the middle to separate the teams. Players of both teams attempt to throw the ball into open space, in order to score points (Newcombe Ball). First team to ten points is the winner, throws must go about shoulder height.
Hitting and Fielding
Over the Pit- Batters hit a pitched ball from a team-mate and try to direct the ball over a marked area called the ‘pit’. Fielders try to catch the ball. Batters score a point if the ball goes over the pit and into the playing area without being caught, however the batter must hit the ball within the perimeters.
Hit and Catch- Form pairs. One partner hits a ball so the other one can catch it without moving from a spot.
Engage All- A batting team and a fielding team. A ball is hit into the field, the batter runs around teammates, until all the fielders have touched the ball. It is the fielders responsibility to call out ‘stop’, and the batters must calculate the total number of runs. / Teacher Resources
Tennis balls, hula hoops, striking equipment, markers
Indigenous Games

Over the Pit

Hit and Catch

Engage All

Student Resources
Health and Physical Education Metalanguage / Assessment Opportunities
Controlled throwing and catching on the run: consistent accuracy of throw and hand positioning when catching.
Fielding – ground balls, fly balls, hands ready, body behind the ball
hitting ball off tee – grip, feet position, side on, eyes on the ball, distance from tee.
Striking – bunting, distance, placement / Formative Assessment; Progressive Journal, peer tutoring, rotations
Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Cross Curricular Priorities / Social Emotional Learning Inclusive Education
General Capabilities / Literacy Critical and Creative Thinking Numeracy ICT
Engage ⇒ / Explore ⇒ / Explain ⇒ / Elaborate ⇒ / Evaluate
Elaborate / Resources
Communicate Strategies Behind Games, Demonstrating Awareness of Others and Ability Work Cooperatively
Students will complete this element by partaking in a series of modified team games, that will challenge students to combine specialised movements (throw, catch, hit and field) and apply concepts of space and cooperative strategies.
Games for Understanding
Game 1: Find the Goal Line
Game: D1 & D2
Game 2: Continues Cricket
A ball is bowled underarm to a batter who hits the ball and runs between 2 wickets. The bowler can bowl at any time and the next batter must be ready to face the bowler.
Students will elaborate through their Progressive Journal how they executed combined movements and strategies within each of the modified games. A class discussion will take place about the different combined movements and strategies that were involved in each game and students will be given time for reflection to occur after each game. / Teacher Resources
Find the Goal Line

D1 & D2

Continuous Cricket

Aussie T-Ball Manual

Student Resources
Health and Physical Education Metalanguage / Assessment Opportunities
Underarm throw- peace fingers on ball, ball to pocket, opposite footward, hitting- v grips on striking equipment (thumb and fingers make the ‘v’), follow through, overarm throw- peace fingers, elbow above shoulder, opposite foot forward, take aim with non-dominant hand / Progressive Journal
Sliding the cricket bat, safe fielding positions- 10m away from the batter, 3 feet rules when defending, leading, ‘V’ grip hands,
Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Cross Curricular Priorities
General Capabilities
Engage ⇒ / Explore ⇒ / Explain ⇒ / Elaborate ⇒ / Evaluate
Evaluate / Resources
Summative Assessment Task
Students will be asked to perform and combine specialised movement skills (throw, catch, field and hit) and apply concepts of space and cooperative strategies in a modified game of Two Ball T-Ball. Two Ball T-Ball operates under the following rules; each batter will hit two balls and only has one opportunity to score 5 points for a home run (If the batter runs to 1st base- I pt, 2nd base- 2pts and 3rd base- 3pts), fielders are ‘stuck in mud’ on the first ball that is hit and when the second ball is hit, all fielders are able to move towards the balls and return both balls to the home base. Batters are encouraged to find space and use strategies to hit the ball away from the fielders. Fielders are encouraged to use offensive and defensive strategies when moving to field positions or making decisions to field with one/ two hands or use an overarm/ underarm throw. Students will need to be aware of other team members and game rules (home run, boundaries, running to bases) to demonstrate fair play and provide an inclusive environment for all team members. / Teacher Resources
Aussie T-Ball Manual

Student Resources
Health and Physical Education Metalanguage / Assessment Opportunities
1st Base, 2nd Base, 3rd Base & Home Base, Hitting in the ‘V’ (Between 1st Base & 2nd Base)

Planning for Differently Abled Students

Student/s / Different Ability / Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions being addressed / Learning and Teaching Strategies / Assessment Strategies

Hit it, Throw it, Field it & Catch it