Powerful Leaders Project


A handful of men and women are important enough that they are remembered for decades, even centuries, after their deaths. This lesson links geography with world issues of the 20th and 21st centuries by identifying cultural leaders or icons from around the world who have impacted the social, political, or environmental views of their countries. Students will explore the definition of "cultural icon" and study at least one cultural leader and his or her part of the world in detail.

Grade (Worth 6 grades)

  1. Portfolio (2 Grades)
  2. Presentation (3 Grades)
  3. Organization & Production (1 Grade)

Portfolio: (13 PAGES) Each Page needs to have a TITLE and placed in a folder in the following order.

  1. Cover Sheet (Your name, Teacher’s Name, Period, Name of Leader, Picture of Leader)
  2. Questionnaire
  3. Vital Information:
  4. Name of Person
  5. Leadership Title:
  6. Years they Lived:
  7. Years they were in Power:
  8. Where they were born? (City & County)
  9. Country they are associated with:
  10. Married to:
  11. How many kids do they have?
  12. Schooling: Where did they go to School?
  13. Their Life’s Story:
  14. Describe their life in your own words. Must have, at least, 3 paragraphs: (Must be in your own words.)
  15. Childhood
  16. Adult 1  How did he get to be in charge
  17. Adult 2  Once in charge, what did they do
  18. 3 Things they are known for: Make a list
  19. Interesting Information (6 Interesting facts) (Basically anything that you find interesting.)
  20. Suggestions/Examples (No Repetitive Information)
  21. Places they conquered?
  22. Trivial Fact
  23. Song
  24. Beliefs
  25. 5 Questions you would ask the leader if you would meet them.
  26. My Opinion
  27. Write the questions.
  28. Answer each question in your own words in one paragraph.
  29. Why did you choose this person?
  30. How is your leader viewed by others? Do you view your leader the same or differently? Explain your answer.
  31. Why do you think this person is important or not important in history?
  32. Is your leader famous or infamous? Justify your answer.
  33. Why do you think your leader is considered “powerful”? Describe the qualities your leader has/had.
  34. Timeline
  35. Create a timeline of your leader. (Must be handwritten and colorful)
  36. Must have a minimum of 15 dates (Month, Day, Year)
  37. Each date must have a title and description of the event.
  38. Quote
  39. Write a quote that describes the leader. The quote can be from your leader or any other person
  40. Write a paragraph explaining why you chose the quote and why it describes your leader.
  41. Map
  42. Draw and color a map that describes your person.
  43. Must have a legend.
  44. Must have a paragraph description of the map and why you chose it.
  45. Pictures (Five pictures, each picture on a separate page)
  46. Each picture must have a caption and a description of why you chose the picture.
  47. Symbol(can be drawn/colored or printed)
  48. Choose a symbol that is associated with your leader.
  49. Write a paragraph description about the symbol and why it symbolizesyour leader.
  50. Bibliography(where you found the information)
  51. list a minimum of six references
  52. No Wikipedia

Presentation (Minimum 15 Minutes)

  1. PowerPoint (Must include all the information in the portfolio and you can add extra if you’d like)
  2. Audio (What you say)
  3. Visual (Present all pictures to the class, videos)
  4. No reading from paper or ppt (you should know the person)
  5. Notspeaking fast
  6. Looking at the audience while presenting


  1. Must be placed in a folder
  2. Pages must be in order
  3. Turn in work on time
  4. Must be Typed
  5. Work must be neat and organized.


  2. ONE PARAGRAPH is at least 5 SENTENCES.