Provider’s Name Here:
Course Name(s) Here:
Course Number Here:
Date Here:
Secondary Provider
Recertification Application
Revised June 2005
ARELLO REVIEWER’S COMMENTSReviewer’s Notes for Evaluation Summary(ies):
Other Notes:
How To Submit The Certification Application
Providers should do the following:
1.These forms are intended to guide you through the recertification application process. Any supplemental information that pertains to this recertification application must be sent with this report. Please complete and report on each section as it applies to your course(s). If there are sections that you believe do not apply to your application please enter NA (not applicable).
2.Complete the application below.
3.Submit an electronic version of this application (in an editable format like Microsoft Word™ or Corel WordPerfect™) and one copy of your courseware if applicable via ARELLO’s online course management system (CMS). To access the CMS, go to WWW.ARELLO.NET and click “Log In”. Choose the name of your organization and enter the password. Once you have logged in and you have your documentation ready to send, create a “New Submission” and navigate appropriately through the course submission wizard.
Application for Recertification
This section applies to ARELLO recertification requests for a SINGLE or MULTIPLE courses. If you use this form for multiple courses, note that each question pertains to all courses. If answers differ from question to question for different courses, please clearly specify the differences by course name and number. Please ANSWER each question as completely as possible. Answer NA (not applicable) in any question that does not apply to your course. Answer the questions on each form provided. Attach additional information to the corresponding page(s). Applications must be completed electronically in a standard word processor like Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect. No manually typed or written applications will be accepted. Applications must also be submitted through the ARELLO Online Course Management System.
Checklist of Documentation that Must be Included with Application
Course syllabi and/or manual distributed to students.
All applicable courses must be completely functional and free access to the site must be provided including any passwords needed for ARELLO reviewers. Access must remain open to reviewers during the entire review process until recertification is granted. It is preferable that the course structure be that reviewers can audit various segments in any order they so choose.
The URL of your web site for the recertification process for providers who have an Internet site regardless of your distance delivery method.
Electronic documents related to this application such as brochures, manuals and handouts. Include sample of affidavit that is signed by students to verify student identity. If you are a course developer and other providers will offer your course, provide a copy of your handbook for them.
Instructor credentials and technical credentials for all new personnel since the original certification. An Instructor’s Qualification Form must be completed for any new instructors. This form is available in the Downloads Area of WWW.ARELLO.NET
Credentials and contact information including email addresses and URL’s if applicable for any other persons mentioned in this recertification application.
A quantitative summary of evaluation items for each courseoffered over this past three-year period.
1.ARELLO Course Certification Number:
2.Provider’s (School) name:
3.Number of Course Hours:
4.Course access instructions:
(Submit sample of courseware. If Internet, provide URL and free access. Include passwords, URLs here.)
5.Total number of students that this provider enrolled in the course(s) during the past three years (please provide an answer for each course):
6.Number of instructional staff who were involved in distance delivery of this course? Full time?______Part-Time? ______
7.How many students were assigned to an instructor at any given time? Answer should be on a per instructor basis.
8.How many instructors were involved in the teaching of this course at any one time?
9.What was the average number of students enrolled in and taking the course at anyone time? Answer should be on a per instructor basis:
Instructor:______Average # of students:______
Instructor:______Average # of students:______
Instructor:______Average # of students:______
10.What overall percentage of students completed the course(s)?
11.List the current instructors who are teaching this course and provide an Instructor Qualifications Form for each.
Instructor Name:
Instructor Name:
Instructor Name:
12.What was the average length of time between the time a student enrolled in the course and the time the student officially completed the course?
13.If this course is delivered in several locations (cities, states or jurisdictions) please list all sites; (indicate if other providers under your auspices at different locations offer this course):
14.If this is a state or province specific course, has the course been reviewed on an
annual basis and any statute or rule changes reported to the course developer?
Yes_____ No____N/A _____
Provide dates and who was involved in the reviews. What jurisdictions are you offering the course(s) in? Please provide an answer for each course.
15.Has the monitoring of student progress changed in any way?
Yes___ No___
Explain how you monitor student progress and provide DETAILED explanation of the changes since your original submission.
16.How do you verify student identity?
17.How has orientation been accomplished in this course?
Other: Please list:
18.Provide DETAILED explanation of the changes. Provide documentation and URL information where applicable.
19.The course(s) should have been consistently evaluated by the students.
Attach tabulations for each question on your evaluation instrument. This means the average score on the question for all students who answered it on the evaluation form. This should be done for each course.
How many evaluations are included in the tabulations?
Who conducted the tabulation of the course evaluations? What is their relationship to your organization and what are their qualifications for this function?
20.What training and professional development have you conducted or provided during the past three years for instructors or technical personnel associated with the delivery of this course?
Explain the professional development and training:
21.Have you reported any and all required changes and required information related to this course to any regulatory agency that has required such information?
Yes:_____ No:____
If no, explain your answer:
Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of yourcourse at this point in time. This will be a summary. (You should point out where this course is strong and where improvement is needed.)
B.Areas of weakness and/or needing improvement:
By submitting this application, I hereby attest that all information contained in this form is true and correct and that I have read and am familiar with the ARELLO Distance Education Standards. I also attest that the instructors designated for this course have reviewed the course and are familiar with its instructional design and content. I understand that providing any inaccurate information on this form will disqualify me from having any courses certified by ARELLO or from being an instructor for any ARELLO certified course. ARELLO reserves the right to make contacts as necessary to verify the integrity of any of the information provided in this application.I understand that ARELLO jurisdictions will be notified should there be a change in the certification status or if it is discontinued for any reason.
Important Points to Remember about the ARELLO Certification Program
1.In your orientation session make sure you include ARELLO’s email address and encourage students to give ARELLO feedback about their learning experience with your distance education course. A form is provided for them at
2.Providers are encouraged to give ARELLO feedback and offer input about the certification process.
3.Providers must use the ARELLO required “Distance Education Evaluation form” as a framework for their own evaluations. A copy is enclosed in this document. Providers must keep these evaluations on file and have them tabulated, preferably by an independent source, and provide them to ARELLO at recertification.
4.Remember that instructors/course providers must secure a signed affidavit or digital signature from students in which they attest that they did the course work themselves. These affidavits must be kept on file for a minimum of three years.
5.Once the provider receives the first review of the recertification from ARELLO, the provider must respond and participate in the review process within 45 days or the file will be closed. After that time a new submission complete with fee must then be submitted and the review process will begin again.
6.If you have questions about the Standards or requirements for recertification or about fees, how to submit the files or use the online course management system, email ARELLO at or call 334-260-2928.
Distance Education Course Evaluation Form
This form can be used as a guide for creating your own evaluation form. Please note that ALL the items on this form will be considered at recertification. This evaluation form is meant to represent the minimum requirements for what needs to be on your organization’s course evaluation form.
Name: ______Phone number:______Email______
Course:______Completion Date: ______
School: ______Delivery Method: ______
Instructor: ______
Instructor:low high
Orientation was thorough and clear12345
Demonstrated knowledge of course content12345
Encouraged feedback and questions12345
Responded to my questions quickly12345
Instructor’s support of student12345
Instructor/student interaction12345
Organization of content12345
Course objectives clearly stated12345
Content was what I expected12345
Value of resource materials12345
Ease of use of software if CBT12345n/a
Delivery Method:
Satisfied with my learning experience12345
Course provided interactivity with instructor12345
Course provided interactivity with other students12345
Program met my needs12345
Degree of problems with self paced instruction12345
If this course utilized any technologies, such as 12345n/a
the Internet or TV, please rate your satisfaction
with the technologies.
How was the orientation session accomplished?
If this was a pre or post license course, were you given either state exam information or original licensing information in the orientation session?
Who answered your questions regarding course content?
Were they able to sufficiently help you? If not, please explain.
What suggestions do you have to improve this program?