Council Meeting Minutes/June 11, 2013

The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council was held in Council Chambers and called to order at 8:48 p.m. by Mayor Quattrocchi. She asked all present to participate in a moment of silence, followed by a salute to the flag.

Adequate notice of this meeting was provided to the Westfield Leader, advertised on January 3, 2013, and prominently posted on the municipal public bulletin board and filed in the office of the municipal clerk informing the Public of the time and place according to the Provisions of the Open Public Meeting Law (Chapter 231, P.L. 1975).

Mayor Quattrocchi asks at this time please turn your cell phones to off or vibrate.


Municipal Clerk Christina Ariemma administered Roll Call. The Members Present were:

Mayor Quattrocchi

Council President Todisco Councilman Nierstedt

Councilman Blaufeder Councilwoman Palmer

Councilman Mathieu Councilman Petruzzelli

Also Present: Borough Administrator/Clerk Christina Ariemma and Attorney Catherine DeAppolonio of Palumbo & Renaud.

Mayor Quattrocchi mentioned the passing of Frank Lautenberg.


Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council held on May 28, 2013.

Workshop Session of the Mayor and Council held on May 28, 2013.

The foregoing minutes were approved as submitted by motion of Council President Todisco, seconded by Councilwoman Palmer. All Ayes.



a.  Mayor’s Fax Advisory –

i. 05/23/13, RE: I. Change in Workers’ Compensation ‘Burden of Proof” Would Add Local Costs S-1778 Awaits Governor’s Action II. The Mini One Day Conference

ii.  05/23/13, RE: National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program Funding Available

iii.  05/28/13, RE: 2013 National Hurricane Preparedness Week: Pledge to Prepare

iv.  05/28/13, RE: New Jersey Property Tax Conference

v.  05/28/13, RE: NJLM Educational Foundation, Inc. HOW TO RESTORE CIVILITY IN PUBLIC DISCOURSE

vi.  05/30/13, RE: New Content on DLGS Web Site

vii.  05/30/13, RE: : NJLM Daily Advisory - May 29, 2013

viii.  06/04/13, RE: Deadline for 2012 Senior Freeze Program Extended

ix.  06/04/13, RE: Update on Affordable Housing Trust Funds

x.  06/04/13, RE: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Northeast Diesel Collaborative Webinars

xi.  06/04/13, RE: An NJ Spotlight Conference: Building a Sustainable Infrastructure After Sandy

xii.  06/04/13, RE: Urge Your Congressman to Support Effort to Protect Tax Exempt Municipal Bonds

xiii.  06/04/13, RE: Affordable Housing, COAH, Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Funds

xiv.  06/04/13, RE: NJLM Daily Advisory - June 3, 2013

xv.  06/06/13, RE: Property Tax Conference Reminder All Are Invited

xvi.  06/06/13, RE: Affordable Care Act Update

xvii.  06/06/13, RE: Sustainable Jersey: Announcement today of $380,000 for Municipal Sustainability Projects

xviii.  06/06/13, RE: Upcoming (non-League) Program


2)  FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL THARALDSEN – 06/06/13, RE Request to amend Chapter 27, Section 14A of the Code of the Borough of Garwood.


3)  COUNTY OF UNION, BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS – 05/22/13, RE: Resolution 2013-356


4)  TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD – 05/28/13, RE: Ordinance 2013-13





POLICE: Councilman Petruzzelli, Chr.

Since our last council meeting Police have been monitoring the area of Anchor Place, and on Thursday, May 30, no violations were observed, however on Friday two violations were observed and addressed. Midco Waste was contacted and they will advise their drivers. Police will continue to monitor all of our streets for overweight violations. Also on Monday, June 10th, no flooding issues were reported to the desk, minor street flooding in the normal low areas drained quickly.

Report received and spread across the minutes by motion of Council President Todisco, seconded by Councilman Nierstedt.

PUBLIC HEALTH: Council President Todisco NO REPORT

STREETS AND ROADS/ECOLOGY: Councilman Nierstedt, Chr.

The Streets and Roads Committee met last night and we reiterate our support for the ordinance adopted two weeks ago requiring residents to bag or containerize leaves. I recognize that there were many questions that I was unable to answer at that time, so I offer the following:

This will be the first year for this process; as with all first years, there will be issues. We believe, however, that bagging leaves should reduce the workload of the Borough's fall leaf collection program. It should also save money by reducing necessary overtime. The D.P.W. has had to work the Saturday –on paid overtime - after Thanksgiving collecting leaves to try and stay on schedule due to the shortened workweek. There have also been many years when an additional Saturday has been required to finish the leaf pick-up due to inclement weather during other weeks. This had also prevented the use of the leaf vacuum due to wet leaves that clogged the machine and added additional down time needed to dry out the vacuum before vacuuming was possible again. The DPW is advocating selling the vacuum at auction and using the money towards a new chipper, which they need. The current chipper is 25 years old and needs to be replaced. The committee has not yet decided to advance that request.

The committee has agreed to continue to offer leaf bags free of charge to Borough residents. We will review the process that was in place in the past to determine if it should continue or be changed. One Saturday's overtime this year alone would cost $2,398.50 for labor. Add about $220.00 in fuel costs for two garbage trucks and the loader. Additional bags will have to be ordered this year at a cost of approximately 10,000 bags for $3,000.00. We will break even by not having one Saturday overtime day. The committee urges residents to use a mulching lawn mower, thereby eliminating any need to put out leaves for pick-up, starting a compost pile in your back yard to create natural fertilizer for the garden, or using 32 gallon garbage cans to reduce any need to use bags.

We look forward to improving the system of connecting volunteer persons to rake leaves for seniors and those unable to rake leaves. We will advise landscapers that they either have to place leaves in bags, or take them away with them. As mentioned two weeks ago, we will work with the Boro Clerk to place leaf collection information in the fall newsletter along with the leaf pick-up schedule. We know there will be some hurdles, but we hope to address them early in the process.

My understanding is that over 100 residents have requested bulk permits. The Boro Clerk is now working with the vendor to coordinate pick-up date. We anticipate that all bulk will be picked up during the week of June 24-28 between the town wide garage sale and the July 4 week. We will be placing information on the back of each permit advising residents how they can reduce their bulk tonnage by reducing, reusing and recycling their bulk waste.

Report received and spread across the minutes by motion of Council President Todisco, seconded by Councilwoman Palmer.

COMMENT: Council President Todisco asked about the vacuum and if the committee is discussing this. She asked about how many leaf bags per resident will be given. Council President Todisco suggested the committee visit enforcement.

FIRE: Councilman Mathieu, Chr.

Fire Activities: 20 Incidents/ 3 Alarm Activations, 1 CO Alarm, 2 MVA’s, 1 Fire, 1 Suspicious Package, 1 Transformer, 1 Odor of Smoke, 1 Car Fire, 1 Odor of Gas, 1 Assist PD, 1 Investigation, 1 Propane leak. Five Mutual Aid Calls to Plainfield, Hillside, Roselle and Linden. Total Man Hours=211. Meeting: 23 men-35 hours. Drill/Pumper Operations at Washington School, Engines 3 & 5 with 20 men-40 hours

Report received and spread across the minutes by motion of Council President Todisco, seconded by Councilman Nierstedt.

FINANCE: Council President Todisco, Chr. NO REPORT


LAWS AND LICENSES: Councilwoman Palmer, Chr. NO REPORT

RECREATION: Councilman Petruzzelli, Chr.

Coming up this month Summer Recreation begins June 24th at Lincoln School from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Open to children from 1st thru 8th grade.

Report received and spread across the minutes by motion of Council President Todisco, seconded by Councilwoman Palmer.

COMMENT: Council President Todisco mentioned that summer Rec. has been moved because of the AFC Project and that the school is accommodating at no cost to the borough.

COMMITTEE ON AGING: Councilwoman Palmer

June 27th The Seniors are having what was the annual picnic but due to the fact that the little league field has construction going on, they will be having a luncheon at the Westwood with entertainment and prizes for best hat, best dressed and most outrageous outfit. An Ice Cream Sundae party is being planned for August 22nd. Activities in the summer have been scaled back but they still have bowling every Tuesday. They will also have Zumba and a craft class in July.

Report received and spread across the minutes by motion of Council President Todisco, seconded by Councilman Petruzzelli.


SCHOOL BOARD LIAISON: Councilwoman Palmer

As some of you may know, Mrs. Marguerite Modero is retiring after 35 years of service as Lincoln School's Music Teacher. Last night an event was held at the school entitled "Mrs. Modero's Opus." Current students, Garwood residents, and alumni of the school came out to honor her in stories and song. Alumni from the school dating back to the 80's with representation from every decade since came out to share these memories and songs with the younger and current generations. It was a beautiful night to celebrate the service of a woman so involved with the students and families of Garwood.

Report received and spread across the minutes by motion of Council President Todisco, seconded by Councilman Nierstedt.

COMMENT: Councilman Mathieu asked the date of the 8th grade graduation. Mayor Quattrocchi responded June 19th.


Council President Todisco NO REPORT

Mayor Quattrocchi said the Memorial Day event was well attended and represented.


Councilman Mathieu NO REPORT


Councilman Petruzzelli

Since the last report, some soil has been removed from the site and construction on the foundation for the new building has begun.

Report received and spread across the minutes by motion of Council President Todisco, seconded by Councilwoman Palmer.

Mayor Quattrocchi asked where the wood chips are located. Councilman Petruzzelli responded. Councilman Nierstedt asked about falling trees. Councilman Petruzzelli responded.


Chief of Police Bruce Underhill: Monthly reports for May 2013

The foregoing reports were adopted as submitted by motion of Council President Todisco, seconded by Councilwoman Palmer. All Ayes.





(Adoption upon Roll Call)


BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Garwood, County of Union, State of New Jersey, hereby approve the CFO/Treasurer to issue separate checks for the redemption of Lien Certificate #2011-01 for the following property.



0205 0009 HMLS, LLC Lien Redemption $17,059.53

225 Third Avenue Premium HI Trust $17,000.00

Garwood, NJ 07027

REFUND TO: Mr. Fred W. Lackland

FWDSL & Assoc.

5 Cold Hill Road, Suite 11C

Mendham, New Jersey 07945

EXPLANATION: Tax Sale Certificate redeemed by owner, HMLS, LLC


WHEREAS, a proposal has been received from Dell Marketing LP, One Dell Way, Round Rock, TX, 78682, for the purchase of two (2) Dell Latitude E6430 Laptop Computers, for use by the Garwood Recreation Commission and the Garwood Police Department and in accordance with the specifications attached hereto and made part hereof; and

WHEREAS, said supplier represents to the Borough of Garwood that it is under contract with the State of New Jersey, Division of Purchase and Property in the Department of the Treasury, #M-0483, State Contract #A70256 for the supplying of said equipment at the price offered to the Borough of Garwood, to wit; $2,387.94 total; and

WHEREAS, the clerk of the Borough of Garwood has received the Notice of Award concerning the supplier for contract period of 10/17/07 to 08/31/14, which states the supplier is under contract for such material and supplies with the Division of Purchase and Property, State of New Jersey and she has researched whether said supplier is under contract for such material and supplies with the Division of Purchase and Property and her inquiry has resulted in verification.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Garwood hereby authorize the purchase of the aforementioned two (2) Dell Latitude E6430 Laptop Computers, for use by the Garwood Recreation Commission and the Garwood Police Department from Dell Marketing LP, in accordance with the quote for $2,387.94, attached hereto and that the Clerk be and she is hereby authorized to enter such order on behalf of this Borough and to sign such documents as may be required to consummate this transaction.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the award of this quote be subject to the Borough Treasurer executing the appropriate Certification of Funds.


WHEREAS, a proposal has been received from SBP Industries, 1301 New Market Avenue, South Plainfield, NJ 07080, for the purchase of one (1) G50, 42KW trailer mounted diesel generator Wacker Neuson with single axle electric brake trailer Tier 4 John Deer engine and other related accessories for use borough wide in accordance with the sales quote attached hereto and made part hereof; and

WHEREAS, said supplier represents to the Borough of Garwood that it is under contract with the State of New Jersey, Division of Purchase and Property in the Department of the Treasury, #T-2871, State Contract #A82154 for the supplying of said equipment at the price offered to the Borough of Garwood, to wit; $28,619.14 total; and

WHEREAS, the clerk of the Borough of Garwood has received the Notice of Award concerning the supplier for contract period of 07/01/12 to 06/30/15, which states the supplier is under contract for such material and supplies with the Division of Purchase and Property, State of New Jersey and she has researched whether said supplier is under contract for such material and supplies with the Division of Purchase and Property and her inquiry has resulted in verification.