Responsible for the safe and efficient supervisionof Portland Port Limited Landside Services Department, or its successors in title.


Report to your Line Manager, (Operations Manager (Landside Services) in his absence the Landside Services Manager,Portland Port Limited, or it’s successors in title.

Supervision and performance of all Landside Operational tasks and duties, liaising with relevant Departmental and Line Managers and Staff at all levels.

Liaison withall Commercial customers, Tenants, other Harbour and Port Users and service suppliers; national, regional and local authorities and all other external organisations and individuals in an efficient and pleasant manner at all times.

Work in close co-operation with Portland Port Limited’s parent, subsidiary, or associated companies, or any other Langham Industry Group Company.


1) To provide support services to your Line Manager.

2) Day to Day Supervision of all landsideoperations including (but not exclusively limited to) vessel berth allocation, resource allocation (both manpower and plant), maintenance of operational berths ensuring adequate housekeeping, provision of necessary fendering, maintenance of H.S.E standards and records for both staff, plant and equipment.

3)Normal hours of attendance is 0800 to 1700 Monday to Fridaybut as the Ports operation is on a 24 hour, 7 days a week basis, you will be required to work outside these hours and during weekends if required by your Line Manager (or Landside Services Manager).

4)Provision of training records and advising when renewals are required to all Landside Services staff, both direct and indirect employees.

5) Provide work cover for other Port Operations staff in the event of holidays, sickness, injury etc. at short notice if required by the Company.

6) Enforcing any Company Standing Orders and appropriate Safe Systems of Work.

7) Enforcement of relevant Harbour Bylaws, Acts and Orders applicable to the Harbour Premises.

8)Ensuring that at all times the Company, its staff, assets and sub-contractors comply with all relevant Health and Safety Legislation wherever and whenever appropriate. This to include, but not be limited to, the following legislation in particular:-

  1. The Docks Regulations 1988.
  2. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and its various Amendments.
  3. The Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1962.
  4. C O S H Regulations
  5. The Merchant Shipping Regulations (various).
  6. Legislative/operational requirements of HM Customs and Excise, Port Health Authority, Special Branch, Police and other emergency services.
  7. Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 1989.
  8. All other legislative requirements, relevant to port, shipping, land estate, construction and demolition operations.

9)Discuss with your Line Manager (or Landside Services Manager)problems associated with the running of the Port, Customer or Tenant liaison, working conditions or personal matters.

10) Undertake such duties and act in such capacities as deemed appropriate from time to time by your Line Manager (or Landside Services Manager) of the Company or it’s successors in title, or for any parent subsidiary or associated company to Portland Port Limited.

11)Undertake such training and personal development as deemed appropriate by your Line Manager from time to time.

12) Undertake such duties and act in such capacities as defined in this job

description and Contract of Employment when performing work directly

for, on behalf of, or in association with the work requirements and activities

of the following Portland Port Limited parent, subsidiary or

associated companies:-

i.Portland Harbour Authority Limited

ii.Portland Port Limited

v.Any other Portland Port Limited parent subsidiary or associated company.

13)Provision and operation of appropriate systems for the efficient billing/invoicing of all dues, levies and charges for all Departments; the monitoring, recording and collection of all income due to the Company.

14) Provision and operation of all systems for printed, electronic and other formats in support of all Departments activities of the Company.

15) Prepare and enforce your Line Managers Standing Orders, Operating Procedures and Systems of Work as appropriate.

16)Exercise supervision of, and be responsible for, all expenditure incurred by the Company.

17)Discuss with your Line Manager (or Landside Services Manager) problems associated with the running of the Port, Customer or Tenant liaison, working conditions or personal matters, with particularemphasis on health and safety and training.

18)Provision and operation of appropriate systems for the efficient purchase of all expenditures, equipment and services for all Departments; the monitoring, recording and payment of all expenses incurred by the Company.

19) Provision of all necessary internal Company systems and procedures for the safe and efficient running of the Landside ServicesDepartment of the Company or its successor in title.

20) Landside Services Supervisor is required to wear the appropriate Company Uniform at all times whilst at work.


1)Responsible for day to daySupervisionof the Landside ServicesDepartment, and its equipment, including all ship side water supplies and all lifting equipment, and to ensure that all equipment is regularly inspected, maintained and checked, and to report any defects to your Line Manager.

2)Day to day Supervision of all RFA requirements, including all berth services, skip, crane and plant requirements. To liaise with RFA vessel agents to aidthe fulfilment of any prevailing commercial contract.

3)To act as leading Supervisor for all mooring activities, and to liaise with Portland Harbour Authority's Limited’s Harbourmaster, Pilots and Marine Officers in the berthing and unberthing of all marine craft, including commercial shipping. and to nominate a suitable deputy during periods of absence.

4)Determine and collate suitable written procedures to enable consistently efficient and safe operations.

5)To plan and produce all vessel berthing and gangway plans and other operational requirementsin a safe and efficient manner for the briefing of Port Operators.

6) To be responsible for and to ensure all jetties and kept clean and tidy and risk free in accordance with the Company's H&S policies.

7)To be responsible for, and to ensure that the Sullage holding tanks are emptied regularly and all sullage removal equipment is kept in good working order.

8)Responsible for the recording of the weekly water meter readings, and reporting any defects to the designated department.

9)To carry out and to supervise the maintenance checks of the Dock Estate, including security boundary fences, reporting and supervising repairs as necessary.

10)Maintain strict confidentiality when dealing with commercial enquiries and contractual matters.

11) Where necessary manage various computer records for Berth Allocation once adequate instruction is undertaken

12) Support Operations Controller with relevant paper work to ensure any billing or performance monitoring is correct and issued on time.

13) Operate “Operations Task Board”, use of computer display screens to ensure all tasks are passed onto the relevant supervisor/operator.

14) Maintain “Plant available” board to be located in the Landside Services office to assist supervisors and management when allocating equipment.

15) Maintain “Labour Available” board to be located in the Landside Services office to assist supervisors and management when allocating equipment.