How to Enter Requisition in Web Advisor

All requisitions in Colleague must be entered in Proper Case. For example, “ Blue ribbons with white dots” or “Warehouse Direct”.

Punctuation is not used. For example, useN S E W.

No abbreviations should be used; the system will abbreviate what is allowable automatically.

Up to 12 line items per requisition can be entered.

Tab to get to the next field.

Enter full name of vendor for quicker search results.

From the Main Menu, select “Financial Information.”

This will take you to another menu where you will see a link that states “Enter a Requisition…”. Click this link to begin entering a requisition.

Enter Vendor Name or Vendor ID Number and click “Submit. “

Vendor LookUp Results will appear with a list of vendors for you to select. In this example, Warehouse Direct is the vendor chosen.

Select desired vendor from list and click “Submit”. This will then take you to “Enter a Requisition for Goods and Services”.

View Budget

Before a requisition is entered, it is important to “View Budget”. This link will appear on the main requisition screen. Viewing the budget for the accounts used on the requisition will inform you if there are sufficient funds available to complete the requisition. If there are sufficient funds, then click “ok” at the bottom of the screen and the requisition form will appear. If you begin the requisition and find that the object code you are using has insufficient funds, any data that would be entered on the requisition will not be saved. A new requisition will need to be started. If you find that your object code is insufficient, please contact your supervisor for a budget transfer request.

Requisition Date: Date the requisition is entered. This field automatically populates.

Initiator: Person entering requisition. This field automatically populates your name and then automatically populates into your initials.

Confirmation E-Mail Address: Email address where “requisition complete” and copy of requisition are sent. Additional e-mailaddresses, if needed, up to 65 characters can be entered (separate by commas or semicolons).

Ship to:Defaults to main campus or use drop down for BI (Blue Island) or SWEC (Southwest Education Center).

Desired Date:If desired, you can enter the date when requisition needs to be fulfilled.

Vendor ID or Name: Populates with the vendor number from the vendor selection on the previous screen.

Person Vendor: Check boxonly if it is a person vendor. For example, an independent consultant.

AP Type:Defaults to AP (Regular Accounts Payable) or use drop down for CA (College Activities) if you are utilizing a CA account.

Item Description: Enter description of the item. This field allows up to 25 characters.

Vendor Item: P/N of item from vendor should always be as listed. For example, if vendor states ABC124, then it should be ABC124. If vendor states AbcD then it should be AbcD.

Quantity: Numeric amount to be ordered. For example, 1, 45, 10.

Unit of Issue: This is the unit of measure. Click on drop down arrow and choose from populated list. For example, EA-each, BX-Box, CS-Case.

Price: Enter vendor’s price for that item. For example, if price is $12.99, enter 12.99.

Cost Center:This is where the account number is selected. Click on drop down arrow to select the GL account number to charge line item. You can enter a different GL Account for each line item that you have been assigned access.

Object Code: Click on drop down arrow to select the appropriate object code to charge the item.

Project ID: N/A

Tax Codes: N/A

Printed Comments: These are comments that will appear on the printed purchase order. Quote numbers, fax instructions, as well as vendor attention can be entered in this space. This is for any information required to be seen by Purchasing or by the vendor. You can enter an unlimited amount of text.

Comments: These are comments that will not print on purchase order. PLEASE NOTE: This field will primarily be used for room# andcontact name for delivery for Shipping and Receiving. For example, “L 187/Malliaras”. This can also be for internal comments such as “Academic Affairs Capital line item #4”, or “Quotes sent to Purchasing”, etc. You can enter an unlimited amount of text.

Next Approver: An ordered listing of approvers for the requisition.

To submit requisition for approval & completion, click “Submit” and requisition will begin the approval process.

The screen shot will appear as such listing that the requisition was successfully created.

It is from this point that you can select “Create another requisition”, if you so wish.

Once the requisition is complete, an email of the requisition will be sent: