Instructions for
How to Prepare Suspension Letters
in Infinite Campus
July 26, 2013
Before doing a Suspension Letter, make sure that the Principal has entered a Behavior Resolution for the student in the student’s Behavior Tab.
Search for the student for which you need to do a Suspension Letter. Once you have selected the student you want, follow the instructions below.
The path you need to use to get to the Suspension Letters is as follows:
Go to Student Information General.
Click on tab entitled Suspension Letters.
Click on New Status.
This will open up a Suspension Letter Box as shown on the next page.
This is what the Suspension Letters Box looks like.
You must fill in all the relevant boxes in this area. You will have to use the scroll bar both on the right hand side of this box and along the bottom to get to all of the information in this box.
Information which goes in the boxes is explained on the next page.
Here is the information which is entered into the Suspension Letters Box. All boxes that require dates have a calendar icon next to the box --you can click on icon and select date instead of typing in the date.
Status Date/Time: Enter the date of the Behavior Event. If this date does not match the date of the Behavior Event Date, your suspension letter(s) will not print out. You can ignore the Status Time.
Date of Letter: Enter the date that you are creating the Suspension Letter.
Reason 1 for Susp – Code: Choose the appropriate suspension code from the drop-down list.
If there are more than one suspension codes, use the additional boxes shown to enter the additional codes (up to 4 suspension codes may be selected).
Conference Date/Time: Enter the date and time of the Re-Admittance Conference.
Return Date/Time: Enter the date and time the student may return to school.
Author – Principal Name and Title: Enter the name and title of the person sending the letter. For example, Richard Rogness, Assistant Principal. (The name of the school and telephone number will automatically print out on the letter.)
Add to Distribution List 1: Enter any other names of people who you would like to receive a copy of this suspension letter, other than those that are automatically printed out at the bottom of the letter. (Up to four names can be added.) The following is automatically printed out at the bottom of the letter:
Distribution: Parent/Guardian, Pupil’s File, Registration and Enrollment Office, and the name of the appropriate Assistant Superintendent (Alex Fralin or Michael Hertting).
Suspension Days – Decimal: Enter the total number of days suspended in decimal format. For example 1-1/2 days of suspension would be entered as 1.5.
Day 1 of Susp: Enter the first day of suspension. There are six fields that you can use to enter the days of suspension. The only time you would need to use the sixth box would be if you were suspending for five days and the first day of suspension was a half day and the last day of suspension was a half day.
Enter other days of suspension as appropriate.
Check if Recommending Expulsion: This box would only be checked if this student was also being Recommended for Expulsion.
Letter Code: Select the appropriate Suspension Letter from the drop-down list. A separate document entitled “Suspension Letter Choices” will help you to choose the appropriate Suspension Letter.
# of 300 and/or 400 Level Incidents: VERY IMPORTANT THIS IS ACCURATE. If you need help in determining the correct number to put here, please call Sherry Barnsley (663-1908).
- Middle/High Schools – You MUST put the accurate number of 300 and/or 400 level incidents in this box. This gets printed out on the suspension letter(s) and is an important warning for the student and his/her parent/guardian(s). DO NOT COUNT VIOLATIONS OF CODES 317 and/or 318. Also if the student was suspended for more than one code violation and they occurred during the same incident, you only count it as 1 incident. REMEMBER TO COUNT CURRENT INCIDENT AS ONE OF THE #’S IF IT IS A VIOLATION OF CODE 300 AND/OR 400.
- Elementary Schools – ALWAYS enter 0 in this box.
PLEASE NOTE: If a letter needs to go out in Hmong or Spanish, the system will automatically print out the letters for you in both English and Hmong or Spanish.
Remember to SAVE your data by clicking on the Save button on the top of the tab.
Click on Index
Click on Student Information
Click on Suspension Letters
This will bring you to the following link:
Note: If you need any additional help, you can
click on the blue links above which will provide you
with a guide to help you make the correct
suspension letter choice and a guide on suspension
letter procedures.
Once you have determined which Suspension
Letter(s) you want to use, click on the
appropriate letter choice. (Please note: Letters
automatically print out in Hmong or Spanish if
Once you click on the appropriate
Suspension Letter choice, a new window will
then open up entitled “Report Viewer”.
See Next Page for continuation of instructions.
There are some specialized letters incorporated in the Suspension Letter Choices link. I suggest that you take a look at that document to familiarize yourself with those letter choices.
One in particular that I would like to bring to your attention is the NS – No Suspension Letter. This letter is for Middle and High School students only.
The purpose of the NS – No Suspension Letter is to give written notice to the family of the EXPULSION WARNING for a 300-level behavior incident when the school has determined there will be no Out-of-School suspension imposed for that incident.
Before you can print out the NS – No Suspension Letter from Infinite Campus, you must have entered the behavior incident into Infinite Campus and entered the Behavior Resolution entitled “No Suspension – Alternative Measures Being Used”.
The information that gets printed out in the letter under “Factual Description” is what is entered in the Resolution Details from the No Suspension – Alternative Measures Being Used Behavior Resolution.
Once you have determined which Suspension Letter(s) you want to use, click on the appropriate letter choice.
A new window will then open up entitled “Report Viewer”.
You then need to enter the Student ID of the student you are doing a suspension letter for and the Date of the Behavior Event (not the Date of Suspension)! If you enter the wrong date here, your letters will not print out!
Click on View Report to see your Suspension Letter(s). You need to export your letters to PDF before you can print them. Please see next page for how to export your letters.
To Export your letter to PDF, click on the Export Symbol below.
Select Acrobat (PDF) file from the “Select a Format”drop-down list. Then click on the Export Button above.
This will open up the picture to the left.
Click on PDF (highlighted).
It will now ask you to enter the name of the file to save. This file should be stored in your school’s Suspension Letter Folder on your Shared Drive which was set-up by Technical Services for each school. If you need help with storing this letter on your school’s Shared Drive, please contact the Technical Services Help Desk at 663-5853.
To Print Out Your Suspension Letter(s)…you will need to open Adobe Reader.
To open Adobe Reader.
Click on your Start Button > Programs > Adobe Reader.
Open the Recent File you just saved. In my example, it is entitled “TEST SUSPENSION LETTER.pdf”.
From here you can Click on File > Print to print out your letter.
Double-check your letters to make sure that they are accurate and include the following.
IF THERE IS A RECOMMENDATION FOR EXPULSION: You will need to print out two separate letters. The Parent/Guardian(s) get their own letter and the Student gets his/her own letter.
Regular Education StudentLetter B is addressed to Parent/Guardian
Letter B1 is addressed to student
Special Education StudentPlease refer to Suspension Letter Choices to determine which letters
to use as it depends upon the number of days of prior removal.
If you need any additional help with creating or printing your Suspension Letter(s), please callSherry Barnsley (663-1908).
I will be happy to help you.