How to Do a Roost Count
1)Arrive at your allocated roost site at least 30 minutes before sunset so you are in position & ready to record birds as they arrive (in Perth, arrive before 5.30pm on Sunday 6 April 2014).
2)Count all white-tailed black-cockatoos that roost at the site for at least 30 minutes before and at least 30 minutes after sunset (in Perth, count between 5.30pm and 6.30pm).
- Only count flying cockatoos as they approach and land at the roost site (counting cockatoos already in trees is generally not accurate).
- Draw an imaginary line across the sky and count the number of cockatoos as they cross the line. Roads or powerlines work well.
- When possible, record the count of cockatoos in each group as they cross the count line (e.g. 4, 1, 3, 10 3, 2, 6, 1, 3).
- For large flocks, work out how big a group of 10 cockatoos is and use this to decide the size of the whole flock, e.g. if the group of 10 cockatoos fits into the flock four times, there are 40 cockatoos in the flock.
- Do not count cockatoos that fly over the top of your roost site and do not stop there – these birds may be going to another person’s survey site.
- If you see red-tailed black-cockatoos, note how many you count on your survey form, but do not include them in your count for white-tailed black-cockatoos.
- If don’t see any cockatoos, don’t despair – it is just as important to record that no cockatoos were present at that roost site. Records of presence and absence help us determine patterns of roost occupancy across the GCC survey area.
3)Sendcompleted forms to or the mailing address below.
Equipment to bring:survey form, clipboard, pen/pencil, tally/click counter, torch, binoculars, GPS (if you have one), compass, watch, map, chair/blanket, water/snacks, insect repellent.
Name of lead observer(s): / Telephone: / Email:Name of additional observer(s): / Telephone: / Email:
Site code: eg SOUCOMR001 / Address/Location (describe site location):
GPS location in either UTM (Universal Transverse Metric) or Latitude/Longitude:
UTM Easting
7 digits - e.g. 0384667 / UTM Northing
7 digits - e.g. 0384667 / Latitude e.g. 32° 26’ 52’’
Deg Min Sec / Longitude e.g. 115° 46’ 10’’
Deg Min Sec / Accuracy (meters)
What is the main type of tree that the cockatoos are roosting in: (tick box)
□Pine □Eucalypt □Marri □Jarrah □Tuart Other: ______□Not Known
Date: / Time start: / Time finish: / Site code:
You may wish to tally cockatoos as they fly across an imaginary line in the sky:
(for example: 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 17, 2, 24, 2, 3, 3, 1, ...) / Sub-totals
Total Number of White-Tailed Cockatoos at the Roost
Total Number of Red-Tailed Cockatoos at the Roost
Direction from which cockatoos arrived
□North □South □East □West □Other (e.g. SW): ______
Please send completed forms to:
Hugh Finn,Great Cocky Count Coordinator, BirdLife Australia
Peregrine House, 167 Perry Lakes Drive, Floreat, WA 6014
T 9287 2251 or 0400 177 615
Please note our safety advice for volunteers taking part in the survey:
- We wish to remind you that you are responsible for your own safety while taking part inroost counts. In addition, you must complete our volunteer registration process before undertaking roost counts.
- Always let someone know when you are going and when you expect to return.
- Wear sturdy, enclosed shoes or walking boots, protective clothing and be prepared for adverse conditions. Carry sufficient food and water.
- You must be fully capable of physical mobility & moderately physically fit to participate in the survey.
- If children are present, they must be supervised by an adult.
- Avoid working under the tree canopy where you are at risk of falling branches and pine cones.
- Survey in groups of at least two people to maximise safety & improve the reliability of survey results.
- If surveying a site close to a road, beware of traffic.