South Lakeland Orchard Group – DRAFT Show Exhibition Risk Assessment
The table below outlines SLOG’s approach, after ascertaining that show organisers have carried out their risk assessment properly
Responsible PersonDate Assessment undertaken
Location of stand (if known)
Products to be exhibited / Apple pressing equipment, leaflets, apple saplings
Public Liabilility Insurance / Insurance company: Zurich Insurnace Co / Policy no: XAO 122026 3329
Sum insured: £5m / Expiry Date: May 31st 2010
Hazard / Persons at risk / Likelyhood/Probability* / Severity** / Means of risk reduction
Manual handling / SLOG members putting up stand / 2 / 1 / No control needed
Strong wind lifts gazebo / Slog volunteers
Show attendees / 2 / 1 / Ensure gazebo securely erected
Moving parts of machinery / SLOG volunteers / 1 / 4 / Machinery has guards in place. Machinery only to be handled by authorised personnel
Electricity (if using large apple press) / SLOG volunteers / 1 / 2 / Machinery only to be handled by authorised personnel
Slipping/tripping / SLOG volunteers
Show attendees / 3 / 1 / Ensure pitch is safe before erecting stand
If ground conditions deteriorate, advise people coming to the stand of any slip/trip hazards.
Seek assistance of show organisers
Allergy (if serving tastings of apple juice cider) / Show attendees / 2 / 1 / Wash fruit beforehand. Offer the taster, noting what it is (especially those under 5 years of age)
*Hazard Severity Ratings: 1 = Negligible (remote possibility of harm), 2 = Marginal (slight injury, minor first aid), 3 = Slightly dangerous (some injury, not too serious), 4 = Dangerous (serious injury or damage) 5 = Very dangerous could cause death or widespread injuries)
** Hazard Probability Ratings: 1 = Improbable (unlikely to happen), 2 = Remote (may occur at some time), 3 = Possible (likely to occur at some time), 4 = Probable (very likely to occur) 5 = Very probable (very likely to occur soon
Hazard / Who might be harmed / Likelyhood / Severity / Means of risk reductionStrong wind lifting show stand/gazebo that then lands on people / Show attendees, SLOG volunteers / Likely / Moderate / Ensure gazebo properly erected and secured with guy lines and pegs
Moving parts of machinery / As above / Not very likely (there is a guard in the machine / Great / Ensure stand staffed at all times.
Advise parents of potential danger to children, including via a sign.
Erect cordon and control access to equipment to approved operators.
Broken glass (if bottling juice) / As above / Likely / Moderate / Designated glass pick up person to remove the glass immediately using gloves and a ‘sharps’ box
Tips of young fruit trees / As above / Not very likely / Moderate / Ensure stand staffed at all times.
Ensure no tree tips overly stick out into public space
Trip/slip hazards – uneven surfaces, stones, twigs, mud etc / As above / Likely / Moderate / Ensure pitch is safe before erecting stand
Assess ground condition regularly.
If ground conditions deteriorate, advise people coming to the stand of any slip/trip hazards.
Seek assistance of show organisers
Electrocution / As above / Likely – very likely (wet weather) / Great / Use electrical connectors rated for outdoor use.
Keep electrical wiring away from the public part of the stand
Allergy (if serving tastings of apple juice cider) / As above / Possible / Great / Offer the taster noting what it is.
Physical injury from manual handling / SLOG volunteers / Likely / Moderate / Ensure volunteers are aware that they should only lift/move something if they are confident they can do it.
Share information about good lifting practice with volunteers.
Heat exhaustion or hypothermia / As above / Possible / Moderate / Advice volunteers to dress appropriately.
Ensure breaks are taken.