1. Effluent level in tank - is it over the outlet? Are there any visual signs of effluent coming out of the tank at present or in the past?
Is there a scum mark on the tank septic tank wall or lid?
Has the tile bed compromised - at any time of the year?
2. How thick is the scum layer on the primary chamber (solids side)? How thick is the scum layer on the secondary chamber (liquid side)?
3. Pump Septic Tank. What is the condition of the tank?
Observe sludge level (how thick) and composition in bottom portion of tank- is it active?
Have both sides been serviced in the past - how much sludge is in the second compartment?
3a. Pump out Pump Chamber -
Manually trigger floats on pump to ensure in working order.
Is pump sitting on floor of tank or is it on a stand / block.
Is there scum and / or sludge build-up inside pump chamber?
Are there any visual signs that pump chamber has overflowed?
Electrical connections - must be above liquid or snow level and be free of corrosion - preventing electrical shorts.
Is there an alarm on the pump?
a) Pump should come on when float is lifted. Pump should be located on top of a stand or block.
b) If the pump does not come on when float is lifted then the pump needs replacement, or float needs replacement, or there is a wiring issue. Pump needs to be elevated off the floor as to not suck up settled solids and push them into the tile bed.
4. Performance & safety:
Are the baffles (inlet and outlet) intact? Liquid side is most important to check. H2So4
Lids - do they seal? - Sewage leaking out or surface water getting in?
Are there corners missing from the tank lids?
If risers are used are they sealed to the tank? - Lids screwed on?
5. Tile bed:
If any anomaly is observed, including effluent over the outlet or green stripes, lush green areas, uneven growth, spongy soil, wetness, breakout, odours then a tile bed investigation is required.
6. Flush test - observe what occurs when the toilet is flushed if possible.
7. What is the tank made from (concrete, plastic, fiberglass) and is it a two chamber tank?
8. Is there an effluent filter present?
9. Is the use of building seasonal or full time? Or commercial?
10. Look for other water sources:
Eaves discharge and other surface water sources - grading required?
Softeners & Iron filter backwash - should not be in sanitary system
Gas Furnace condensate - very acidic and not to go to septic.
Sump Pumps Discharge - not into septic system.