How to beat procrastination – ever time.

Hi, I’m Annemarie Cross - Small Business Marketing & Mindset Coach, helping coaches and women in business get noticed, hired and paid what they’re worth so they can double, or even triple their business results. I have another audio biz tip for you this week.

I need to confess something.

Over the last few week’s there have been a few days where I’ve been flitting about doing EVERYTHING other than what I should have been working on.

So-much-so, that I ended up having to complete some very important tasks on the weekend – something I try to avoid.

Argh - P-R-O-C-R-A-S-T-I-N-A-T-I-O-N.

Something I can well and truly relate to.

Whether I need to create powerpoints for an upcoming project; draft out content for a new product; send off a proposal; write an article; get my newsletter drafted and sent to my assistant; map out content for my podcasts; and on the list goes.

You name it – I’ve procrastinated about it.

What about you?

Is this something you’ve struggled with too?

Here’s a list of what I did to get my butt into gear, so I could finally get that task completed and crossed off my list.

I’m sure they’ll help you too.

1.  Set an intention that this WAS going to get completed and wrote it down

2.  Turned off all distractions including my phone, social media and email

3.  Cleared my desk and had everything I needed in arms reach

4.  Broke the task down into steps

5.  Wrote each step on my to-do list

6.  Set 45-minute timers

7.  Crossed off each task as I completed it

8.  Kept lots of water nearby to keep me hydrated

9.  Played relaxing music in the background

10.  Told my accountability partner of my intention (and emailed her when I was finished)

Following these steps I had the presentation, the powerpoint slides, the workbook and templates created and emailed within a few hours.

And, so will you!

Is now the time for you to get into action?

Let me know what you are committing to complete so you can finally get that task crossed off your to-do list!

If you liked this audio tip, why not go and listen to more over at

This is Annemarie

Annemarie Cross (c) 2014 |