Comparing Human and Plant Organ Systems: Name: ______

Basic Functions of Living ThingsDate:______Period:____

Question: How are human and plant organ systems similar

Procedure: By comparing the functions of both human and plant organ systems we will build a list of functions that they have in common.

Structure: / Function:
Basic Functions of Living Things
Levels of Organization


  1. Why are cells considered the basic units of life?
  1. Can an organ system function correctly when one of its organs does not? Explain.
  1. Can an organism function correctly when one of its organ systems does not? Explain.

Name: ______Date:______Period:______

Systems Comparisons

Needs and Functions / Human Organ System / Plant Organ System / Cell Organelle
Support the body / Skeletal system / Stem system
Transport nutrients / Circulatory system / Stem system (vascular)
Reproduce / Reproductive System / Flower system (sexual)
Remove wastes / Excretory system / Root and Leaf systems
Use or make energy / All systems / All systems
Provide a barrier to the outside environment / Skin system / Epidermal system
Takes in water and nutrients / Digestive system / Root and Leaf systems

Write two more comparison statements (#1 and #2 are examples):

1. The cell membrane, cell wall, and cytoplasm all help to support the body of the cell like the skeletal system supports in humans.

2. The cell membrane is similar to the skin system in humans because they both provide a barrier to the outside environment.



Comparing Human and Plant Organ Systems: Name: KEY

Basic Functions of Living ThingsDate:______Period:____

Question: How are human and plant organ systems similar

Procedure: By comparing the functions of both human and plant organ systems we will build a list of functions that they have in common.

Structure:how something is built, parts / Function:how something works, what it does
Types of Organisms: / Unicellular
1-celled / Multicellular
Many cells / Basic Functions of Living Things:
  • Support the body
  • Transport nutrients
  • Reproduce
  • Remove wastes
  • Use energy
  • Provide a barrier to the outside environment
  • Takes in water and nutrients

Levels of Organization / Cell = Organism / Organism
Organ Systems


  1. Why are cells considered the basic units of life?

Cells are considered the basic units of life because they are the smallest structures that can perform all the functions necessary for life: support, transport nutrients, reproduce, remove wastes, and use energy.

  1. Can an organ system function correctly when one of its organs does not? Explain.

No, if an organ system does not function correctly then one of the functions necessary for life does not get completed and the organ system would not work, this in turn will affect the survival of the organism as a whole.

  1. Can an organism function correctly when one of its organ systems does not? Explain.

No, multicellular organisms split up the necessary functions of life into the organ systems: therefore, when one doesn’t function correctly the organism can die.

Name: ______KEYDate:______Period:______

Systems Comparisons

Needs and Functions / Human Organ System / Plant Organ System / Cell Organelle
Support the body / Skeletal system / Stem system / Cell membrane, cell wall, and cytoplasm
Transport nutrients / Circulatory system / Stem system (vascular) / Endoplasmic reticulum
Reproduce / Reproductive System / Flower system (sexual) / Centrioles
Remove wastes / Excretory system / Root and Leaf systems / Golgi complex
Use or make energy / All systems / All systems / Mitochondria, chloroplasts
Provide a barrier to the outside environment / Skin system / Epidermal system / Cell membrane
Takes in water and nutrients / Digestive system / Root and Leaf systems / Cell membrane

Write two more comparison statements (#1 and #2 are examples):

1. The cell membrane, cell wall, and cytoplasm all help to support the body of the cell like the skeletal system supports in humans.

2. The cell membrane is similar to the skin system in humans because they both provide a barrier to the outside environment.

