How Should We Respond to Osama bin Laden’s Death?
Inductive Bible Study for Students
- Do you think violence is ever justified? YES NO I DON’T KNOW
- Do you think God is happy that Osama bin Laden is dead? YES NO I DON’T KNOW
- Should Christians be happy that Osama bin Laden is dead? YES NO I DON’T KNOW
EZEKIEL 18:23, 18:32
- Does God take pleasure in the death of anyone?
- What would He rather the wicked do?
2 PETER 3:9
- Who does God want to perish?
- What does God want everyone to do?
- What does this verse command us to do?
- What do you think “justice” is?
- We are called to “defend the oppressed”. If the oppressor is violent, how do we defend against their attack?
- Fill in the blank from verse 6: “God is ______.” What does that mean?
- What happens to those who “do not know God” and who “do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus”?
LUKE 23:33-34
- What did Jesus ask God the Father to do to those who were killing Him?
- Why do you think Jesus asked God to forgive them?
MATTHEW 5:38-48
- What does Jesus say we should do if someone wants to harm us (physically, financially, etc.)?
- What kinds of people would you consider your “enemies”?
- What does Jesus say we should do for those who persecute us? Why should we do that?
- Is it easier to love someone who loves you back or someone who hates you?
- What is our natural response to people who hate us?
MATTHEW 26:51-52
- What is Jesus’ warning to those who “draw the sword”?
- Obviously not everyone who engages in violence (soldiers for example) dies a violent death. What do you think Jesus’ real message is here?
- Can you think of a place in the Bible where Jesus Himself “draws a sword”?
- Who is the Rider on the White Horse?
- What is coming out of Jesus’ mouth here? What is it used for?
- Although Revelation contains lots of non-literal imagery, there is a picture painted here of a very violent end to God’s enemies. Why do you think Jesus is “going to war” with the armies of Heaven behind Him here?
- We know that God experiences emotions like love, joy, sorrow, anger, etc. What emotions do you think Jesus feels as He is riding to battle against His enemies?
EXODUS 34:6-7
- How is God described here?
- What does He do to “wickedness”?
- BUT, what are the consequences for “the guilty”?
- Is it possible for God to be loving, compassionate, and forgiving, and still punish those who are guilty?
PROVERBS 24:17-18
- What shouldn’t we do when our enemies fall?
- What might happen if we do those things?
- Why would God do this?
ROMANS 3:23, 6:23
- What is sin?
- What is the penalty for sin?
- Who has sinned?
- What is “the gift of God”?
- Who will God bring into judgment?
- Which of our deeds will be judged?