How Should We Respond to Osama bin Laden’s Death?

Inductive Bible Study for Students


  1. Do you think violence is ever justified? YES NO I DON’T KNOW
  2. Do you think God is happy that Osama bin Laden is dead? YES NO I DON’T KNOW
  3. Should Christians be happy that Osama bin Laden is dead? YES NO I DON’T KNOW


EZEKIEL 18:23, 18:32

  1. Does God take pleasure in the death of anyone?
  1. What would He rather the wicked do?

2 PETER 3:9

  1. Who does God want to perish?
  1. What does God want everyone to do?


  1. What does this verse command us to do?
  1. What do you think “justice” is?
  1. We are called to “defend the oppressed”. If the oppressor is violent, how do we defend against their attack?


  1. Fill in the blank from verse 6: “God is ______.” What does that mean?
  1. What happens to those who “do not know God” and who “do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus”?

LUKE 23:33-34

  1. What did Jesus ask God the Father to do to those who were killing Him?
  1. Why do you think Jesus asked God to forgive them?

MATTHEW 5:38-48

  1. What does Jesus say we should do if someone wants to harm us (physically, financially, etc.)?
  1. What kinds of people would you consider your “enemies”?
  1. What does Jesus say we should do for those who persecute us? Why should we do that?
  1. Is it easier to love someone who loves you back or someone who hates you?
  1. What is our natural response to people who hate us?

MATTHEW 26:51-52

  1. What is Jesus’ warning to those who “draw the sword”?
  1. Obviously not everyone who engages in violence (soldiers for example) dies a violent death. What do you think Jesus’ real message is here?
  1. Can you think of a place in the Bible where Jesus Himself “draws a sword”?


  1. Who is the Rider on the White Horse?
  1. What is coming out of Jesus’ mouth here? What is it used for?
  1. Although Revelation contains lots of non-literal imagery, there is a picture painted here of a very violent end to God’s enemies. Why do you think Jesus is “going to war” with the armies of Heaven behind Him here?
  1. We know that God experiences emotions like love, joy, sorrow, anger, etc. What emotions do you think Jesus feels as He is riding to battle against His enemies?

EXODUS 34:6-7

  1. How is God described here?
  1. What does He do to “wickedness”?
  1. BUT, what are the consequences for “the guilty”?
  1. Is it possible for God to be loving, compassionate, and forgiving, and still punish those who are guilty?

PROVERBS 24:17-18

  1. What shouldn’t we do when our enemies fall?
  1. What might happen if we do those things?
  1. Why would God do this?

ROMANS 3:23, 6:23

  1. What is sin?
  1. What is the penalty for sin?
  1. Who has sinned?
  1. What is “the gift of God”?


  1. Who will God bring into judgment?
  1. Which of our deeds will be judged?