Principal’s Weekly Message

November 3rd, 2017


It has been a slow start to the Thanksgiving Basket food drive. Not all of the families get to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner, some may not even get dinner at all.Let’s join together to help 20 of our very own Cascade families get to enjoy the holiday. The following item are being collected to fill the Thanksgiving Baskets:

Canned green beans

Canned corn

Cream of mushroom soup

Cranberry sauce

Fried onions

Mac and cheese

Mashed potatoes

Stuffing mix

Gravy packets

Sweet potatoes (canned or whole)

Sparkling cider

Aluminum pans

Pumpkin pies

Cash to buy the turkeys

Bring any donations to room 318 (Mrs. Fonda's room).


Thunderbirds hockey tickets are for sale in the ASB office! Buy tickets for the December 8th Thunderbirds hockey game and help the Mad Scientists Club reach outer space! Tickets are only $28! See Ms. Rivera in the main office.

11/05 – Daylight Saving Time ends. Move clocks BACK one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night.
11/06 – PLC late start
11/10 – NO SCHOOL (Veterans Day)
11/15 – Parent conferences 7:30am to 10am
11/16 – Parent conferences 7:30am to 10am
11/16 – Parent conferences 4pm to 7pm
11/17 – Parent conferences 7:30am to 10am
11/22 – Early release (12:15pm) for Thanksgiving
11/23 – NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving
11/24 – NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving
11/27 – PLC late start
Season 2 begins on Nov. 6 and will include the following sports:
6th/7th/8th Girls Gymnastics
7th/8th Boys Basketball
7th/8th Girls Soccer
Information for all those season 2 sports teams are now available for students at the attendance office. If your child is interested in any, please have them read and fill out the appropriate information packets.

The Cascade Staff Would Like to Invite You To

Parent Conferences


November 15, 16 and 17, 2017

Student attendance hours will be 10:45 to 2:15 onWednesday, Thursday, & Friday

Cascade Middle School conferences are scheduled for November 15th, 16th and 17th.

As in previous years, buses will pick students up three hours later than normal.

Classes will begin at 10:45.

In order to estimate when your child’s bus will arrive, take the normal pick-up time add 3 hours.

Breakfast will not be served but lunches will be served on schedule.

Wednesday Conferences

Teachers will be available in their classrooms on a first come-first served basis from 7:30 - 10:00.

The last conference will begin at 9:50.

Thursday Conferences

Teachers will be available in their classrooms on a first come-first served basis from 7:30 - 10:00 or from 4:00 - 7:00.

The last morning conference will begin at 9:50. The last evening conference will begin at 6:50.


Friday Conferences

Teachers will be available in their classrooms on a first come-first served basis from 8:00 - 10:00.

The last conference will begin at 9:50.

Please enter through the gates near the Main Office or the entrance near the cafeteria, (back of school nearest Brannan Park), and head to the Student Store where you will pick up your child’s report card and a map to locate their teacher’s classrooms.

You will be able to visit with every teacher for approximately five minutes.

Conferences willend promptly at 10:00because teachers will need to prepare for school to begin.

Students should not arrive before 10:15 during conferences.

There will be no after school athletic events or club meetings on Thursday, November 16th

because teachers will be preparing for and participating in afternoon conferences.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Students, please let your parents know that we will have Interpreters available for Spanish, Ukraine, and Russian during evening conferences.

Thank you.