Title I
Parent and Family Engagement
Polk County Public Schools / 2016-2017Polk County PublicTITLE I Schools /

Dixieland Elementary
School Compactfor Learning
District and School-based Title I Parent and Family Engagement Programs in Polk County Public Schools willstrive to BUILD RELATIONSHIPS in order to create real family engagementforevery child, everyfamily, every teacher, every day.
This compact outlines how the parents/family, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement.
By linking learning, the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help our students achieve the state’s high standards for the school year.
We will support learning in the following ways; / Staff
Responsibilities / Parent/Family
Responsibilities / Student
High Academics / Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables children to meet the State Standards, as well as district and school goals in reading and math. / Participate in making decisions about the school’s high academics and your child’s education by being actively involved in Parent Teacher Association (PTA), School Advisory Council (SAC), District Parent Advisory Team (DPAT), and other activities offered by the school. / Improve the skills and concepts that you have learned in the classroom by completing all assignments and homework given for the day. Set personal learning goals for reading and math.
Student Progress / Report on student progress frequently to show what students are learning/doing in class through agendas, phone calls, parent teacher conferences, emails, interims, report cards, and yearly state assessment results. / Support the learning that takes place in your child’s class and monitorbehavioral and academic progress through agendas, phone calls, parent teacher conferences, emails, interims, report cards, and yearly state assessment results. / Track your reading fluency and your SMAD results each week. Set your AR goal and track your points.
Partnership -
Be Involved / Promoteactivities to enable parents to assist their child with the high quality curriculum and instruction including but not limited to Parent Resource Center, Parent University, grade level curriculum/standards nights, PTA events, portfolio nights, and parent/teacher conferences. (All parents will receive a survey and invitation to provide input on the revision of this compact every April.) / Support your child’s learning by participating in county and school related activities; such as Parent Resource Center, Parent University, at least 1 face to face parent teacher conference, volunteering in classroom or school related activities, grade level curriculum/standards nights, portfolio nights, PTA meetings, Open House, Title 1 Annual Parent Meeting, etc… / Participate in classroom learning goals independently and cooperatively with your classmates by putting maximum effort academically and behaviorally at all times.
Stay Informed / Planschool wide and/or grade level activities tied to the School Improvement Plan at flexible timesand provide communication with advanced notice in a timely manner through the use of a yearly calendar, daily agendas, monthly school newsletters, school website, flyers, etc… / Exchange phone numbers and emails with your child’s teacher and stay informed of county and school wide events, grade level expectations, classroom activities, and special activities as announced in daily agendas, monthly school newsletters, school website, flyers, etc… / Deliver agenda, all notes, and other information you receive at school to an adult in your home daily to provide information and actions specific to your grade level.
Environment / Create an environment of respect and rapport, establish a culture for learning, implement classroom procedures, and promote positive behaviors in a safe and orderly climate. / Establish routines at home for students to attend school every day on time, establish homework procedures without distractions, limit television watching, and cultivate a learning environment at home that strengthens the learning process achieved at school. / Enter school on time everyday ready to learn. Follow school wide expectations:
  • Act Responsibly
  • Be Respectful
  • Care for Self and Others

Please visit our school’s website for additional information, including curriculum and instruction; test dates; staff contact information; Title 1 resources; and other important dates.
dixieland.polk-fl.net If you do not have access to our website please visit the front office for printed information or call the front office at 863-499-2930 / Visit thewebsite for important information. (Type in the keyword in the search box.) Parent Portal, Volunteering,
Parent Center or Parent University,
Florida Standards, Testing, etc… / Signatures:
Parent/Guardian ______
This compact was discussed on______.