There are still opportunities to raise your grade! We will be having 1-2 more small quizzes before the final and you will also receive credit for memorizing the song on p. 11.

The final for the semester is heavily based on health (illness/getting hurt). It will also recycle target structures from pages 5-10. If you have been keeping up with daily studying throughout the semester, you only need to focus on the current vocabulary (p. 10-11 and the picture flashcards)

The final has four parts (reading, writing, listening, speaking). The written part will be given on Tuesday the 24th. The other parts will be given the day of the final. Each section of the final is worth about the same amount as a normal quiz but since there are four of them that will be entered at the same time, you will see an impact on your grade if you score lower or higher than the grade you currently have.

Writing(on 1/24 for all classes): Describe what happened in a picture sequence of someone who was injured.

Speaking: describe what happened in a picture sequence of someone who got sick.

Reading section: one multiple choice reading selection

Listening: one multiple choice listening selection


These are the existing quizletsthat you should be using to review for the final. Each of them gives you information that will be helpful. When you use the quizlets make sure that you are doing the exercises that include writing and spelling the target structures.

  • p. 11 Hubo un accidente
  • p. 11: song “Me lastimé”– This can help you tell about what happened to YOU the last time you got hurt. Verbs can be easily modified to talk about what happened to someone else when they got hurt. It’s also useful for writing dialogue.
  • p. 11- picture flashcards. It actually has the phrases from the flashcards with the English translation. These phrases can help you tell about someone who got hurt
  • p. 10 –song “canción de los enfermos – estoy resfriado”. This song has basic expressions for you to use to say how YOU are sick. It can be easily modified to talk about the last time you got sick or when someone else got sick. It’s also useful for writing dialogue.
  • P. 10 –“la siguió” vocabulary
  • “mi diccionario” from posters taken down (make sure you can recognize these!)
  1. RE-READ CLASS READINGS. Re-reading any class readings will help you, but the more recent ones will probably be the most beneficial. This activity gets you used to seeing the target strucutres in context and the types of things Profe writes about.

You will be given a few picture sequences to practice with. On the final you need to be able to look at the pictures sequences and answer the following questions:

Who got hurt/sick? / Había(un chico/a, una mujer, un hombre, un gato etc)
What happened beforehand / what caused the injury/illness
  • Where they were
  • who they were with
  • what they were doing
  • what did they say?
/ Estaba en (la playa, la casa, la cocina, el gimnasio, etc)
Estaba con(sus amigo, su perro) OR Estaba solo.
Estaba ____+ndo(estaba jugando, estaba corriendo, etc)
Dijo/gritó“Qué asco” “Guácala” “me duele el/la ______” “me siento fatal”
Other possible info: hubo un accidente, se tropezó, empujó, no se dio cuenta, etc
What injuries did they have?(writing part of final)
What symptoms did they have? (speaking part of final) / Injuries: broke a bone, sprained ____, got cut, got burned, had an allergic reaction, had an asthma attack, a lot of blood
Symptoms: had a cold, the flu, cough, runny nose, a fever, sore throat, pain (“it hurt”), was feeling bad/awful, stomach ache, diarrhea, vomiting, was sick.
Getting treated
  • At doctor’s office
  • At hospital
  • Getting help from mom/dad
/ Where they went:
Fue (al hospital, al consultorio del médico) OR se quedó en casa
What happened there:
Got a cast, stitches, a shot, cleaned wound, put on a Band-Aid, took a pill, had an operation
Conversation/ DIALOGUE with the doctor/mom/dad.
“Gave advice”
“you should = “debes ____-r (stay in bed, take an antibiotic, rest, drink a lot of liquids, etc
Immediately afterwards
When they were better / Rested, didn’t play sports, drank a lot of fluids, took medicine/a pill
Played, went to school, had a scar, was feeling fine, etc
Grade for writing section based on / Grade for speaking section based on:
  • Comprehensibility
  • Use of target structures (p. 11, flashcards)
  • Word choice/vocabulary
  • Sentence Fluency/ Voice/ Risk Taking
(make sure to include dialogue)
  • Correctness of language
  • Comprehensibility
  • Word choice / vocabulary
  • Fluency
  • Accuracy (correctness of language)
  • Risk taking/ creativity (ability to add details beyond the expected, dialogue, etc)