Patricia A. Gabow, M.D.

Chief Executive Officer and Medical Director

Denver Health

777 Bannock Street

Denver, Colorado 80204-4507

303-436-6611- Fax 303-436-5131

Brief Biography

Dr. Gabow received her undergraduate degree from SetonHillCollege, and her M.D. Degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. She trained in Internal Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and HarborGeneralHospital in Torrance, California. She received further training in Nephrology at San Francisco GeneralHospital and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Gabow joined the staff of Denver Health and Hospitals in 1973 as Chief of the Renal Division. In 1981 she became Director of the Medical Service. She became Deputy Manager of Medical Affairs in 1989 and Manager (CEO) of DHH in 1992. Currently, she is CEO and Medical Director of Denver Health. Denver Health is a highly integrated public health care system, which is the principal safety-net institution for Denver and Colorado.

She is also a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Renal Disease at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Her major clinical research area has been in polycystic kidney disease. Dr. Gabow was principal investigator of a National Institute of Health Program Project Grant in polycystic kidney disease for 15 years. She has authored 150 articles and book chapters. Dr. Gabow is a member of numerous professional societies including the Association of American Physicians and the American Federation of Clinical Research. She is the recipient of numerous awards and professional distinctions including the American Medical Association’s Nathan Davis Award for an Outstanding Public Servant and the University of Colorado’s Florence Rena Sabin Award. She holds the Temple Hoyne Buell and National Kidney Foundation Endowed Chair for Kidney Research. She has been honored by Denver Health with the Patricia A. Gabow Endowment for Vulnerable Populations. She is a recipient of the 2002 Good Housekeeping Award for Women in Government. She received the 2004 Ohtli Award from Mexican Government for service to Mexican Citizens Living Abroad.

Dr. Gabow has been actively involved in issues and organizations related to health care delivery. Dr. Gabow has served as Chair of the National Association of Public Hospitals, as Chair of the Board of the National Public Health and Hospital Institute and as Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of Polycystic Kidney Research Foundation. She has served on the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on the Future Viability of Safety-Net Providers. Dr. Gabow began the Denver Health Community Voices Project, a $5 million initiative funded by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation and the Colorado Trust, which focused on improving the health of the underserved population.

Dr. Gabow is married to Harold Gabow, a professor of computer science at the University of Colorado at Boulder. They have two children. Dr. Gabow enjoys biking and cooking.
